Colonial Campaigns Club (CCC)

Colonial Campaigns Club (CCC) Logo

Bounty Awards

Updated on March 30, 2023


Nathan Hale - September 22, 1776 - by Don Troiani



One of the best ways to defeat our enemies is to make them leaderless.

To that end, the Colonial Campaigns Club is offering a Bounty to those officers who kill, capture or wound the highest ranking enemy leaders.

There will be two, and only two Bounties paid club wide per period.

The Bounties are (4) points for the highest ranking Kill and (2) points for the highest ranking Capture or Wounded.



Bounties will be paid for the highest leader capture or wounded (VP) and leader kill (VP) in each Bounty period. Each bounty period lasts one month.

Entries for each period must be received by the 25th of the month to be counted. Any entries received after that will count towards the next period. Kills and Captures/Woundings must occur in the period of entry.

You may submit multiple entries. The highest ranking entry will count. You do not need to wait until the end of the period as it will not insure that you have the highest ranking Bounty. To ensure fairness and encourage participation, the current high scores will not be made public until the bounty period has expired.

Ties will be awarded to the officer whose last win was furthest in the past. If no officer has a previous win, then the award will go to the officer with the least CCC points.

Any entry may be verified with your opponent so please inform them that you are submitting a Bounty.

The submission form must be filled out completely for an entry to count.


Participation in the Bounty is Voluntary and by Choice, Not Required. But it is Highly Encourgaed!


Bounty Master - Scott Ludwig


Submission Form

Bounties Awarded


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