American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

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Author:  G. Giorgi [ Tue May 11, 2021 6:10 am ]
Post subject:  Overland

Buongiorno a tutti. Sto iniziando il grande scenario di questa campagna, senza pretese e senza preoccupazioni di quanto si potrà andare avanti. Purtroppo mi trovo in difficoltà gia al primo turno con le truppe dell'unione. La mia cavalleria davanti al quinto corpo non attraversa il fiume a Germanna ford. Non riesco a capire se sia un bug oppure un problema mio. In pratica dice che c'è l'acqua anche se invece c'è il ponte. Mi scuso fin da subito se era un argomento gia trattato, ma ho problemi di lingua e non mi era sembrato di trovare la domanda gia trattata. questo mi fa supporre che il problema sia mio.
Altra domanda, vedo che ci sono piu versioni dello stesso scenario, non capisco quali possano essere le differenze tra uno e l'altro, tranne un paio che hanno una diversa grafica per le unità. Qualcuno mi puo illuminare?

Goodmorning everyone. I am starting the grand scenario of this campaign, with no pretensions and no worries about how far it will go. Unfortunately I find myself in trouble already in the first round with the Union troops. My cavalry in front of the fifth corps does not cross the river at Germanna ford. I can't figure out if it's a bug or my problem. Basically it says that there is water even if there is a bridge. I apologize immediately if it was a topic already dealt with, but I have language problems and I did not seem to find the question already dealt with. this makes me assume that the problem is mine.
Another question, I see that there are multiple versions of the same scenario, I don't understand what the differences may be between one and the other, except a couple that have different graphics for the units. Can anyone enlighten me?

Author:  Quaama [ Tue May 11, 2021 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Overland

The bridge at Germanna Ford {408,238} is damaged as it only has a value of 40. It appears that you would need to repair the bridge before you can cross there even though it is called Germanna Ford and the hex terrain looks like a ford.

Repairing the bridge will take a long time even if you have the maximum number working at it [although with 1390 turns in the battle you have plenty of time overall]. You may be best to cross at Skinker's Ford {426,226} if you are in a hurry to get some cavalry across. You can leave some men behind to repair Germanna Ford if you want that crossing available for later.

I do not know the difference between the scenarios as they look similar to me from the descriptions of them. I suspect they have minimal differences but I see that it is mentioned in the descriptions that they have not been fully tested ("been tested to a length of "only" about 300 turns") so possibly they are different tests of the same scenario. I note that one description did mention it had different graphics.

Author:  krmiller_usa [ Tue May 11, 2021 4:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Overland

The reason he can't cross the bridge is it is only at 40 strength, you would need 100 to cross cavalry, 150 to cross artillery and wagons with the Bridge Limit and Repair option on you have to meet these conditions.
If you don't use that rule you can cross the bridge but you won't be able to build or repair bridges, however you or your opponent can destroy them.

The reason that Germanna Ford doesn't work is it is not really a ford in this scenario.
If you click on Germanna Ford and hold your right mouse button you will see there is a trail on the down right hexside but none on the up left hexside. For a Ford to work it requires a trail, road or pike on a hexside on either side of the water hex, this is what makes it a ford. See Skinker's or Hall's Ford to see what I mean. This is done in the map editor, you can't fix it. So I'm guessing the designer set it up this way as there are other fords that work and have trails on both sides of the water and others that are set up like Germanna so bridges can be built since there are no pontoon bridges in the game.

Using the right click and hold to see hexside terrain is noted in the manuals although the note about fords is not.
This will be added in the next update of the manuals.

Author:  G. Giorgi [ Wed May 12, 2021 4:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Overland

Grazie mille, in accordo con il mio avversario abbiamo spuntato "ripara ponti" e abbiamo guado.
Thank you very much, in agreement with my opponent we have checked 'repair bridges' and we have bypassed ... the ford.

Author:  G. Giorgi [ Sat May 15, 2021 4:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Overland

Avrei un altra questione da sottoporvi. Io posseggo un pc discreto, che non mi da problemi con nessun tipo di gioco attuale (non ricordo ora le specifiche), ma vedo un rallentamento fastidioso nell'esecuzione del replay, e soprattutto nell'esecuzione del mio turno. Capisco che la mappa di quelle dimensioni possa creare rallentamenti, ma esiste un modo per velocizzare i tempi? Capita anche ad altri?

I have another question to submit to you. I have a decent PC, which does not give me problems with any type of current game (I do not remember the specifics now), but I see an annoying slowdown in the execution of the replay, and especially in the execution of my shift. I understand that the map of that size can create slowdowns, but is there a way to speed up the times? Does it happen to others too?

Author:  Berto [ Sat May 15, 2021 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Overland

Are map labels toggled ON? By toggling map labels OFF, you might be able to speed up the replays (and map scrolling in general).

Author:  nsimms [ Sun May 16, 2021 12:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Overland

In the 1390 turn campaign scenario, I have found that when opponents use the Alt key to move large amounts of units together then the replay is usually 6-12 minutes, but if my opponent moves each unit individually then the replay can last more than 45 minutes. That makes a huge difference during the first days of the campaign as a lot of marching is in order. I assume the replay slowdown is more impactful in this scenario because of the vast number of units involved.

Author:  G. Giorgi [ Tue May 18, 2021 4:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Overland


Buongiorno ufficiali. Questa è una bozza della situazione alle 11,00 del 4 maggio 1864. Il secondo Corps ha attraversato il Rapidan, il quinto per metà è passato, e gli altri due corps sono ancora distanti. Ho avuto qualche contatto con la cavalleria nemica, e non so ancora bene le intenzioni del gen. Lee. La mia idea a questo punto è di raggiungere Fredericksburg con il primo Corps, mentre con il quinto agevolo l'attraversamento del resto dell'esercito. I miei obbiettivi attuali sono: Fredericksburg, Spotsilvanya, e Chancellorsville (che ho gia occupato).
(il mio avversario non è del club)
Good morning officers. This is a draft of the situation at 11.00 on May 4, 1864. The second Corps has crossed Rapidan, the fifth half has passed, and the other two corps are still far apart. I have had some contact with the enemy cavalry, and I still don't know what Gen. Lee. My idea at this point is to reach Fredericksburg with the first Corps, while with the fifth I facilitate the crossing of the rest of the army. My current targets are: Fredericksburg, Spotsilvanya, and Chancellorsville (which I have already occupied).
(my opponent is not from the club)

Author:  William Stewart [ Tue May 18, 2021 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Overland

Sir!! i have never played overland....Pls keep us informed of your progress!! Fascinating

Author:  G. Giorgi [ Thu May 20, 2021 6:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Overland

Buongiorno signori. Alle 14 del 4 maggio i primi due Corps, il secondo e il quinto hanno attraversato completamente il Rapidan. Oltre a qualche piccola scaramuccia con la cavalleria nemica, e piccoli avamposti di fanteria, non si sa ancora bene dove si trovi il gen. Lee con il grosso delle truppe. Da notare la cattura del gen. Gordon in un piccolo scontro, e la morte del valoroso gen. Gibbon in un agguato teso alla cavalleria nemica del gen.Fitz Lee.

Good morning gentlemen. At 2 pm on May 4, two Corps, the second and the fifth completely crossed Rapidan. In addition to some small skirmishes with the enemy cavalry, and small infantry outposts, it is not yet known where gen. Lee with the bulk of the troops. Note the capture of gen. Gordon in a small fight, and the death of the brave gen. Gibbon in an ambush aimed at the enemy cavalry of Gen. Fitz Lee.

Author:  ken jones [ Fri Jun 18, 2021 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Overland

Any updates?

Author:  G. Giorgi [ Fri Jun 18, 2021 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Overland

5 maggio ore 11 del mattino. Il secondo e il quinto corps hanno raggiunto Fredericsburg, e si stanno schierando a protezione della città. Anche il sesto corps ha attraversato agevolmente il Rapidan, e ora a Chancellorsville sta raggiungendo i compagni. Il nono corps con il quartier generale è ancora a nord e sta facendo un giro largo per raggiungere Fredericksburg alle spalle. Mi sembra un percorso piu sicuro. A parte qualche scaramuccia di cavalleria non ci sono stati ancora scontri notevoli. Il nemico è stato avvistato in forze a Spotsilvanya, e lungo la orange in località Parker tavern. La mia intenzione è di attestarmi attorno a Fredericksburg fino all'arrivo del nono corps, in modo da avere tutto il mio esercito pronto e solido. Probabilmente ci sarà battaglia a sudovest di Fredericksburg, credo che il nemico voglia ingaggiare e abbia rifiutato la ritirata verso Richmond...I miei uomini sono quasi pronti.

May 5 at 11 am. The second and fifth corps have reached Fredericsburg, and are lining up to protect the city. The sixth corps also crossed Rapidan with ease, and now in Chancellorsville it is catching up with its comrades. The 9th corps with headquarters is still north and making a wide loop to reach Fredericksburg behind. It seems to me a safer path. Apart from a few cavalry skirmishes, there have not yet been any notable clashes. The enemy was spotted in force in Spotsilvanya, and along the orange in Parker tavern. My intention is to dock around Fredericksburg until the ninth corps arrives, so that I can have my entire army ready and solid. There will probably be battle southwest of Fredericksburg, I believe the enemy wants to engage and has refused retreat to Richmond ... My men are almost ready.

Author:  G. Giorgi [ Fri Jun 18, 2021 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Overland


Author:  G. Giorgi [ Fri Jun 18, 2021 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Overland


Author:  G. Giorgi [ Fri Jun 18, 2021 10:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Overland


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