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PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2024 1:48 pm 

Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2024 12:46 pm
Posts: 25
Location: Ohio (originally from Washington the State)
krmiller_usa wrote:
OK to make it easy I loaded updated zipfiles with the 3 sets of Gettysburg large map scenarios I have to the Engineering page.

Getty_TSS_Blitz - this is the original version I downloaded from the Blitz several years ago.
The only thing I changed in the scenario was I fixed a missing release time for one fixed brigade.
It has the 2024 version 4.05 copies of the map and pdt files. ...

This is Tom Porto's 1A update from28 Aug 2019.
The only thing new here is the 2024 version of the map, this still has the original pdt file. ...

This one may be the one that everyone is complaining about not working, it used a map called !!GB
Once I changed that to GB it opens fine, the zipfile also contains the 2024 4.05 pdt file ... y_4_05.ZIP

Sir <salute>!

Thank you very much, I installed these using JSGME and so far they work great!

Captain Don Lazov
3rd Brigade, 4th Division, 1st Corps, of the Army of Northern Virginia

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2024 1:58 pm 

Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2024 12:46 pm
Posts: 25
Location: Ohio (originally from Washington the State)
Okay so I made all three files into JSGME (Jones Soft Game Mod Enabler) files so I could test things out (I use JSGME for all my game mods to make sure the original files stay healthy, let me know if you want more info on what that is and how to use it).

So for this newbie I needed to understand what all these monster scenarios were (I still own the SPI versions of TSS and the GBACW series of games) so this is what I came up with, hope it helps.

NOTE: I renamed my mods locally as the bold and underlined text and then I bolded the name of the scenario, and then for ease of reference here I italicize the title of the scenario in question.

Title: Terrible Swift Sword July 1st - July 4th 1863
Turns: 213
Designer: not listed/empty
Description: not listed/empty

!!Gettysburg Campaign 1-4 July (H)Rev 1A.scn
Title: The Gettysburg Campaign July 1 - July 4, 1863 (Historical)
Turns: 212
Designer: Tom Porto
This is a historical setup where units are deployed on map in their actual starting locations, or enter as reinforcements at the proper times and location. Use of a larger map allows both sides the opportunity to try different strategies, and perhaps not have the climactic battle at Gettysburg. The only constraints are fixed units, their release times, and entry locations of off map forces. Scenario length is 212 20 min turns, starting at 6am July 1, 1863 and ending at sundown (8pm) July 4, 1863. The extra day (July 4) has been added in order to give players the opportunity to maneuver, and fully develop their strategies. Historically, both Armies were still in position at Gettysburg until late in the day on July 4, when Lee began his withdrawal. Version 1.3 Beta March, 2019. Playtesters/consultants: Mike Hicks and John Ferry.

!!Gettysburg Campaign 1-4 July Variant-All In.scn
Title: The Gettysburg Campaign July 1 - July 4, 1863 All In!
Turns: 212
Designer: Tom Porto
Almost the same starting setup as Gettysburg Historical Campaign but with the following exceptions: JEB Stuart "stays home" and is present at Cashtown with 2 of his brigades. John Buford has his entire division available and deployed outside of Gettysburg. The AoP can expect reinforcements coming from the Middle Department and the 22nd Corps. Finally the big "What If". A 4th Confederate Corps under D.H. Hill is arriving from the direction of Greencastle, along with the remainder of the cavalry. Boths sides are fully committed and "all in" for this variant.

!!Terrible Swift Sword July 1 - 5, 1863 - More Troops.scn
Title: Terrible Swift Sword Variant 1
Turns: 266
Designer: Tom Porto
THE SOUTH: On July 1st, as the Army of Northern Virginia concentrates north of Gettysburg, elements of 3rd Corps get permission to advance on the town. The advance aims to both to feel out the Union presence detected there on June 30th, and to search for shoes rumored to be stored there - an item sorely needed by the rebel foot soldiers. As the lead elements near the vicinity of Gettysburg they encounter strong resistance from Union cavalry and soon the fight escalates. 2nd Corps is to move to Cashtown and link up with 3rd Corps. While Rodes' division is in transit pursuant to these orders word arrives of the fight brewing at Gettysburg and the division is turned south at Middletown. Early's division, originally ordered to move to Cashtown via Hunterstown and Mummasburg, had, due to the state of that road, already detoured to Heidlersburg, intending to move from there to Mummasburg. It was at Heidlersburg that the word to move south reached the division. Pender's division moves out after Heth's, accompanied by a battalion of the corps reserve artillery. Anderson's division, camped up the road at Fayetteville, moves out early in the morning, but is halted near Cashtown in the early afternoon, awaiting orders. It arrives later in the afternoon. Johnson's division, after a march of some 25 miles along a road crowded with troops of 1st Corps, arrives near Cashtown at 4 p.m. The exhausted troops push on, followed by those of 1st Corps. Pickett's division, which had been left at Chambersburg guarding the army's rear, doesn't arrive till mid-afternoon on July 2nd. THE NORTH: The Army of the Potomac is concentrated in northern Maryland. Elements of Buford's cavalry division screen to the north of the main body. On June 30th this force makes contact with Confederate infantry. Word goes back to bring up infantry support, setting the stage for a confrontation around the town of Gettysburg. Dawn on July 1st finds the Left Wing of the Union army in position to respond to the call. 1st Corps is camped at Marsh Creek, 3rd Corps at Bridgeport, and 11th Corps at Emmitsburg. 12th Corps, which is not part of the Left Wing, is at Littlestown. Elements of Stannard's brigade, newly transferred to 1st Corps, arrive during the day. Likewise, Lockwood's brigade, scraped together from troops in the east, arrives to bolster 12th Corps. While 1st and 11th Corps move out in a timely fashion, 3rd Corps is inexplicably delayed in moving to Gettysburg. Over the course of the next two days most of the Army of the Potomac concentrates on Gettysburg. Kilpatrick's and Gregg's divisions arrive on July 2nd from their task of screening the Union right and right-rear, and Merritt's brigade arrives on the 3rd after screening the left. 2nd Corps moves from the vicinity of Uniontown, camping near Gettysburg late on the night of July 1st, and arriving on the field in the early morning of the 2nd. 5th Corps, after marching to Hanover, reverses its course and arrives in the area of Gettysburg in the early morning hours of July 2nd. 6th Corps, after initially being ordered to Taneytown, reverses its course and, after a march of some 35 miles arrives near Gettysburg in the mid-afternoon of July 2nd. NOTE: This is a revision to the basic Scenario 007 found in the stock game. Unit strengths have in some cases been altered based on information found in "Eichler's Ultimate Gettysburg OOB". The scenario length is now extended to sundown on July 5 1863, and artillery along with small arms ammunition levels adjusted to support this. A larger map is employed (almost doubling the size) and Players will find that they have the time and space to explore different strategies. This scenario also includes units for both sides that could have but never did participate in the historical battle. For the South these include a 4th Corps under D.H. Hill, Pickett's 2 missing brigades, and all of the cavalry. For the North the Harper's Ferry Garrison, and troops from the Military District of Washington are present.

!!Terrible Swift Sword July 1 - 5, 1863 No Fixed Units.scn
Title: Terrible Swift Sword - No Fixed Units
Turns: 266
Designer: Tom Porto
THE SOUTH: On July 1st, as the Army of Northern Virginia concentrates north of Gettysburg, elements of 3rd Corps get permission to advance on the town. The advance aims to both to feel out the Union presence detected there on June 30th, and to search for shoes rumored to be stored there - an item sorely needed by the rebel foot soldiers. As the lead elements near the vicinity of Gettysburg they encounter strong resistance from Union cavalry and soon the fight escalates. 2nd Corps is to move to Cashtown and link up with 3rd Corps. While Rodes' division is in transit pursuant to these orders word arrives of the fight brewing at Gettysburg and the division is turned south at Middletown. Early's division, originally ordered to move to Cashtown via Hunterstown and Mummasburg, had, due to the state of that road, already detoured to Heidlersburg, intending to move from there to Mummasburg. It was at Heidlersburg that the word to move south reached the division. Pender's division moves out after Heth's, accompanied by a battalion of the corps reserve artillery. Anderson's division, camped up the road at Fayetteville, moves out early in the morning, but is halted near Cashtown in the early afternoon, awaiting orders. It arrives later in the afternoon. Johnson's division, after a march of some 25 miles along a road crowded with troops of 1st Corps, arrives near Cashtown at 4 p.m. The exhausted troops push on, followed by those of 1st Corps. Pickett's division, which had been left at Chambersburg guarding the army's rear, doesn't arrive till mid-afternoon on July 2nd. THE NORTH: The Army of the Potomac is concentrated in northern Maryland. Elements of Buford's cavalry division screen to the north of the main body. On June 30th this force makes contact with Confederate infantry. Word goes back to bring up infantry support, setting the stage for a confrontation around the town of Gettysburg. Dawn on July 1st finds the Left Wing of the Union army in position to respond to the call. 1st Corps is camped at Marsh Creek, 3rd Corps at Bridgeport, and 11th Corps at Emmitsburg. 12th Corps, which is not part of the Left Wing, is at Littlestown. Elements of Stannard's brigade, newly transferred to 1st Corps, arrive during the day. Likewise, Lockwood's brigade, scraped together from troops in the east, arrives to bolster 12th Corps. While 1st and 11th Corps move out in a timely fashion, 3rd Corps is inexplicably delayed in moving to Gettysburg. Over the course of the next two days most of the Army of the Potomac concentrates on Gettysburg. Kilpatrick's and Gregg's divisions arrive on July 2nd from their task of screening the Union right and right-rear, and Merritt's brigade arrives on the 3rd after screening the left. 2nd Corps moves from the vicinity of Uniontown, camping near Gettysburg late on the night of July 1st, and arriving on the field in the early morning of the 2nd. 5th Corps, after marching to Hanover, reverses its course and arrives in the area of Gettysburg in the early morning hours of July 2nd. 6th Corps, after initially being ordered to Taneytown, reverses its course and, after a march of some 35 miles arrives near Gettysburg in the mid-afternoon of July 2nd. NOTE: This is a revision to the basic Scenario 007 found in the stock game. Unit strengths have in some cases been altered based on information found in "Eichler's Ultimate Gettysburg OOB". The scenario length is now extended to sundown on July 5 1863, and artillery along with small arms ammunition levels adjusted to support this. A larger map is employed (almost doubling the size) and Players will find that they have the time and space to explore different strategies. This is the "NF" Variant, NO units are fixed at scenario start on either side.

!!Terrible Swift Sword July 1 - 5, 1863.scn
Title: Terrible Swift Sword
Turns: 266
Designer: Tom Porto
THE SOUTH: On July 1st, as the Army of Northern Virginia concentrates north of Gettysburg, elements of 3rd Corps get permission to advance on the town. The advance aims to both to feel out the Union presence detected there on June 30th, and to search for shoes rumored to be stored there - an item sorely needed by the rebel foot soldiers. As the lead elements near the vicinity of Gettysburg they encounter strong resistance from Union cavalry and soon the fight escalates. 2nd Corps is to move to Cashtown and link up with 3rd Corps. While Rodes' division is in transit pursuant to these orders word arrives of the fight brewing at Gettysburg and the division is turned south at Middletown. Early's division, originally ordered to move to Cashtown via Hunterstown and Mummasburg, had, due to the state of that road, already detoured to Heidlersburg, intending to move from there to Mummasburg. It was at Heidlersburg that the word to move south reached the division. Pender's division moves out after Heth's, accompanied by a battalion of the corps reserve artillery. Anderson's division, camped up the road at Fayetteville, moves out early in the morning, but is halted near Cashtown in the early afternoon, awaiting orders. It arrives later in the afternoon. Johnson's division, after a march of some 25 miles along a road crowded with troops of 1st Corps, arrives near Cashtown at 4 p.m. The exhausted troops push on, followed by those of 1st Corps. Pickett's division, which had been left at Chambersburg guarding the army's rear, doesn't arrive till mid-afternoon on July 2nd. THE NORTH: The Army of the Potomac is concentrated in northern Maryland. Elements of Buford's cavalry division screen to the north of the main body. On June 30th this force makes contact with Confederate infantry. Word goes back to bring up infantry support, setting the stage for a confrontation around the town of Gettysburg. Dawn on July 1st finds the Left Wing of the Union army in position to respond to the call. 1st Corps is camped at Marsh Creek, 3rd Corps at Bridgeport, and 11th Corps at Emmitsburg. 12th Corps, which is not part of the Left Wing, is at Littlestown. Elements of Stannard's brigade, newly transferred to 1st Corps, arrive during the day. Likewise, Lockwood's brigade, scraped together from troops in the east, arrives to bolster 12th Corps. While 1st and 11th Corps move out in a timely fashion, 3rd Corps is inexplicably delayed in moving to Gettysburg. Over the course of the next two days most of the Army of the Potomac concentrates on Gettysburg. Kilpatrick's and Gregg's divisions arrive on July 2nd from their task of screening the Union right and right-rear, and Merritt's brigade arrives on the 3rd after screening the left. 2nd Corps moves from the vicinity of Uniontown, camping near Gettysburg late on the night of July 1st, and arriving on the field in the early morning of the 2nd. 5th Corps, after marching to Hanover, reverses its course and arrives in the area of Gettysburg in the early morning hours of July 2nd. 6th Corps, after initially being ordered to Taneytown, reverses its course and, after a march of some 35 miles arrives near Gettysburg in the mid-afternoon of July 2nd. NOTE: This is a revision to the basic Scenario 007 found in the stock game. Unit strengths have in some cases been altered based on information found in "Eichler's Ultimate Gettysburg OOB". The scenario length is now extended to sundown on July 5 1863, and artillery along with small arms ammunition levels adjusted to support this. A larger map is employed (almost doubling the size) and Players will find that they have the time and space to explore different strategies.

!!Weather Terrible Swift Sword July 1 - 5, 1863 - More Troops.scn
Title: Terrible Swift Sword Variant 1 (Weather)
Turns: 266
Designer: Tom Porto
THE SOUTH: On July 1st, as the Army of Northern Virginia concentrates north of Gettysburg, elements of 3rd Corps get permission to advance on the town. The advance aims to both to feel out the Union presence detected there on June 30th, and to search for shoes rumored to be stored there - an item sorely needed by the rebel foot soldiers. As the lead elements near the vicinity of Gettysburg they encounter strong resistance from Union cavalry and soon the fight escalates. 2nd Corps is to move to Cashtown and link up with 3rd Corps. While Rodes' division is in transit pursuant to these orders word arrives of the fight brewing at Gettysburg and the division is turned south at Middletown. Early's division, originally ordered to move to Cashtown via Hunterstown and Mummasburg, had, due to the state of that road, already detoured to Heidlersburg, intending to move from there to Mummasburg. It was at Heidlersburg that the word to move south reached the division. Pender's division moves out after Heth's, accompanied by a battalion of the corps reserve artillery. Anderson's division, camped up the road at Fayetteville, moves out early in the morning, but is halted near Cashtown in the early afternoon, awaiting orders. It arrives later in the afternoon. Johnson's division, after a march of some 25 miles along a road crowded with troops of 1st Corps, arrives near Cashtown at 4 p.m. The exhausted troops push on, followed by those of 1st Corps. Pickett's division, which had been left at Chambersburg guarding the army's rear, doesn't arrive till mid-afternoon on July 2nd. THE NORTH: The Army of the Potomac is concentrated in northern Maryland. Elements of Buford's cavalry division screen to the north of the main body. On June 30th this force makes contact with Confederate infantry. Word goes back to bring up infantry support, setting the stage for a confrontation around the town of Gettysburg. Dawn on July 1st finds the Left Wing of the Union army in position to respond to the call. 1st Corps is camped at Marsh Creek, 3rd Corps at Bridgeport, and 11th Corps at Emmitsburg. 12th Corps, which is not part of the Left Wing, is at Littlestown. Elements of Stannard's brigade, newly transferred to 1st Corps, arrive during the day. Likewise, Lockwood's brigade, scraped together from troops in the east, arrives to bolster 12th Corps. While 1st and 11th Corps move out in a timely fashion, 3rd Corps is inexplicably delayed in moving to Gettysburg. Over the course of the next two days most of the Army of the Potomac concentrates on Gettysburg. Kilpatrick's and Gregg's divisions arrive on July 2nd from their task of screening the Union right and right-rear, and Merritt's brigade arrives on the 3rd after screening the left. 2nd Corps moves from the vicinity of Uniontown, camping near Gettysburg late on the night of July 1st, and arriving on the field in the early morning of the 2nd. 5th Corps, after marching to Hanover, reverses its course and arrives in the area of Gettysburg in the early morning hours of July 2nd. 6th Corps, after initially being ordered to Taneytown, reverses its course and, after a march of some 35 miles arrives near Gettysburg in the mid-afternoon of July 2nd. NOTE: This is a revision to the basic Scenario 007 found in the stock game. Unit strengths have in some cases been altered based on information found in "Eichler's Ultimate Gettysburg OOB". The scenario length is now extended to sundown on July 5 1863, and artillery along with small arms ammunition levels adjusted to support this. A larger map is employed (almost doubling the size) and Players will find that they have the time and space to explore different strategies. This scenario also includes units for both sides that could have but never did participate in the historical battle. For the South these include a 4th Corps under D.H. Hill, Pickett's 2 missing brigades, and all of the cavalry. For the North the Harper's Ferry Garrison, and troops from the Military District of Washington are present.

!!Weather Terrible Swift Sword July 1 - 5, 1863 No Fixed Units.scn
Title: Terrible Swift Sword - No Fixed Units (Weather)
Turns: 266
Designer: Tom Porto
THE SOUTH: On July 1st, as the Army of Northern Virginia concentrates north of Gettysburg, elements of 3rd Corps get permission to advance on the town. The advance aims to both to feel out the Union presence detected there on June 30th, and to search for shoes rumored to be stored there - an item sorely needed by the rebel foot soldiers. As the lead elements near the vicinity of Gettysburg they encounter strong resistance from Union cavalry and soon the fight escalates. 2nd Corps is to move to Cashtown and link up with 3rd Corps. While Rodes' division is in transit pursuant to these orders word arrives of the fight brewing at Gettysburg and the division is turned south at Middletown. Early's division, originally ordered to move to Cashtown via Hunterstown and Mummasburg, had, due to the state of that road, already detoured to Heidlersburg, intending to move from there to Mummasburg. It was at Heidlersburg that the word to move south reached the division. Pender's division moves out after Heth's, accompanied by a battalion of the corps reserve artillery. Anderson's division, camped up the road at Fayetteville, moves out early in the morning, but is halted near Cashtown in the early afternoon, awaiting orders. It arrives later in the afternoon. Johnson's division, after a march of some 25 miles along a road crowded with troops of 1st Corps, arrives near Cashtown at 4 p.m. The exhausted troops push on, followed by those of 1st Corps. Pickett's division, which had been left at Chambersburg guarding the army's rear, doesn't arrive till mid-afternoon on July 2nd. THE NORTH: The Army of the Potomac is concentrated in northern Maryland. Elements of Buford's cavalry division screen to the north of the main body. On June 30th this force makes contact with Confederate infantry. Word goes back to bring up infantry support, setting the stage for a confrontation around the town of Gettysburg. Dawn on July 1st finds the Left Wing of the Union army in position to respond to the call. 1st Corps is camped at Marsh Creek, 3rd Corps at Bridgeport, and 11th Corps at Emmitsburg. 12th Corps, which is not part of the Left Wing, is at Littlestown. Elements of Stannard's brigade, newly transferred to 1st Corps, arrive during the day. Likewise, Lockwood's brigade, scraped together from troops in the east, arrives to bolster 12th Corps. While 1st and 11th Corps move out in a timely fashion, 3rd Corps is inexplicably delayed in moving to Gettysburg. Over the course of the next two days most of the Army of the Potomac concentrates on Gettysburg. Kilpatrick's and Gregg's divisions arrive on July 2nd from their task of screening the Union right and right-rear, and Merritt's brigade arrives on the 3rd after screening the left. 2nd Corps moves from the vicinity of Uniontown, camping near Gettysburg late on the night of July 1st, and arriving on the field in the early morning of the 2nd. 5th Corps, after marching to Hanover, reverses its course and arrives in the area of Gettysburg in the early morning hours of July 2nd. 6th Corps, after initially being ordered to Taneytown, reverses its course and, after a march of some 35 miles arrives near Gettysburg in the mid-afternoon of July 2nd. NOTE: This is a revision to the basic Scenario 007 found in the stock game. Unit strengths have in some cases been altered based on information found in "Eichler's Ultimate Gettysburg OOB". The scenario length is now extended to sundown on July 5 1863, and artillery along with small arms ammunition levels adjusted to support this. A larger map is employed (almost doubling the size) and Players will find that they have the time and space to explore different strategies. This is the "NF" Variant, NO units are fixed at scenario start on either side.

!!Weather Terrible Swift Sword July 1 - 5, 1863.scn
Title: Terrible Swift Sword (Weather)
Turns: 266
Designer: Tom Porto
THE SOUTH: On July 1st, as the Army of Northern Virginia concentrates north of Gettysburg, elements of 3rd Corps get permission to advance on the town. The advance aims to both to feel out the Union presence detected there on June 30th, and to search for shoes rumored to be stored there - an item sorely needed by the rebel foot soldiers. As the lead elements near the vicinity of Gettysburg they encounter strong resistance from Union cavalry and soon the fight escalates. 2nd Corps is to move to Cashtown and link up with 3rd Corps. While Rodes' division is in transit pursuant to these orders word arrives of the fight brewing at Gettysburg and the division is turned south at Middletown. Early's division, originally ordered to move to Cashtown via Hunterstown and Mummasburg, had, due to the state of that road, already detoured to Heidlersburg, intending to move from there to Mummasburg. It was at Heidlersburg that the word to move south reached the division. Pender's division moves out after Heth's, accompanied by a battalion of the corps reserve artillery. Anderson's division, camped up the road at Fayetteville, moves out early in the morning, but is halted near Cashtown in the early afternoon, awaiting orders. It arrives later in the afternoon. Johnson's division, after a march of some 25 miles along a road crowded with troops of 1st Corps, arrives near Cashtown at 4 p.m. The exhausted troops push on, followed by those of 1st Corps. Pickett's division, which had been left at Chambersburg guarding the army's rear, doesn't arrive till mid-afternoon on July 2nd. THE NORTH: The Army of the Potomac is concentrated in northern Maryland. Elements of Buford's cavalry division screen to the north of the main body. On June 30th this force makes contact with Confederate infantry. Word goes back to bring up infantry support, setting the stage for a confrontation around the town of Gettysburg. Dawn on July 1st finds the Left Wing of the Union army in position to respond to the call. 1st Corps is camped at Marsh Creek, 3rd Corps at Bridgeport, and 11th Corps at Emmitsburg. 12th Corps, which is not part of the Left Wing, is at Littlestown. Elements of Stannard's brigade, newly transferred to 1st Corps, arrive during the day. Likewise, Lockwood's brigade, scraped together from troops in the east, arrives to bolster 12th Corps. While 1st and 11th Corps move out in a timely fashion, 3rd Corps is inexplicably delayed in moving to Gettysburg. Over the course of the next two days most of the Army of the Potomac concentrates on Gettysburg. Kilpatrick's and Gregg's divisions arrive on July 2nd from their task of screening the Union right and right-rear, and Merritt's brigade arrives on the 3rd after screening the left. 2nd Corps moves from the vicinity of Uniontown, camping near Gettysburg late on the night of July 1st, and arriving on the field in the early morning of the 2nd. 5th Corps, after marching to Hanover, reverses its course and arrives in the area of Gettysburg in the early morning hours of July 2nd. 6th Corps, after initially being ordered to Taneytown, reverses its course and, after a march of some 35 miles arrives near Gettysburg in the mid-afternoon of July 2nd. NOTE: This is a revision to the basic Scenario 007 found in the stock game. Unit strengths have in some cases been altered based on information found in "Eichler's Ultimate Gettysburg OOB". The scenario length is now extended to sundown on July 5 1863, and artillery along with small arms ammunition levels adjusted to support this. A larger map is employed (almost doubling the size) and Players will find that they have the time and space to explore different strategies.

Again, sorry for the wall of text especially on the descriptions but I wanted to be complete and hope this helps someone.

Edit: Added a link to the zip file with the three zip files for JSGME compatibility. ... ubz6f&dl=0

Captain Don Lazov
3rd Brigade, 4th Division, 1st Corps, of the Army of Northern Virginia

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