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PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 9:08 pm 
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The following dispatch was sent this morning from the Commander of the ACWGC Union Army Military Group, General Derald Riggs, to General Ken Miller, Chief of Staff, Union Army of the Potomac.

"General Miller,

"Upon receipt of this dispatch you are officially informed that your name has been retroactively removed from the active roster of the Union Army to date from January 15, 2018, and that you are relieved from further combat and administrative duties as per your personal request and wishes".

Ken Miller graduated from the Union Military Academy on January 15th, 2000. His retirement, which we celebrate today, marks the passage of an 18-year career as an officer of the ACWGC UA, making him one of the earliest members of the club. Ken's club ID number is 158, out of 1,477. Only some 28 out of those 158 still remain active. But few of them can claim the tremendous and sustained personal contributions made to the ACWGC and the Union Military Group than General Miller.

Ken was originally assigned to the 1st Brigade, Second Division, XIX Corps, Army of the Shenandoah, personally identifying his command as "The Allegheny Blues." He threw himself quickly into the club's digital battlefields, earning a promotion to colonel in August of his first year and the assignment as commander of the Third Division, XIX Corps. In October he undertook additional duties at the UMA as an Instructor. By the 1st of November he had gained his first star as a brigadier general.

In February of 2001 Ken was given a brevet promotion as a major general and the command of the VIII Corps, AotS. He continued to regularly collect battle awards and was promoted to Lieutenant General in early September. Throughout all of 2002 Ken remained a challenger upon the battlefield and commanded his corps consistently and dependably. He stepped down from VIII Corps command on January 15th, 2003 and resumed command of his old brigade.

Throughout 2003 and 2004 Ken pursued his gaming with gusto and was then assigned to command what was known as the Veteran's Division, VIII Corps. On December 26th, 2005, Ken received his 4th star as a full General and was placed in command of the Union Army of the Shenandoah. By that time he had also been instrumental in the training and graduation of 23 cadets at the UMA! He was also centrally involved with the integration of the officers of the old XXV Corps from the deactivated Army of the James into the AotS's VI Corps. From his installation as the AotS AC until January 1st, 2008, when he returned to his old brigade again, General Miller rigorously placed himself in combat while directing the fortunes of the AotS.

In October of 2009 he once again stepped back into admin duty as the 3/VIII DC. But that assignment was short-lived when he was called upon to take command of the Union Army of the Potomac in mid-December! He quickly provided and installed the multi-page website for the AotP, so familiar to club members today. In mid-August Ken's tenure as the AotP AC came to a close, but his association with the AotP continued for the rest of his career as that field army's Chief of Staff. For the next six years General Miller became a fixture in the AotP, expertly assisting 5 different and successive AC's. General Miller undertook to provide the necessary data and facts for the AC to fashion the regular, monthly reports. He did this all with his usual attention to detail and fine eye for organization. Nor did he cease his constant presence upon the battlefield during this time.

General Miller leaves the ACWGC with a 97-27-49-16-43 combat record, one of the most prodigious and successful endeavors ever turned in by any club member! He has amassed 3,893 OBD Points. His service and combat awards list reads like a dictionary. He has been awarded the Union Army's prestigious Defender of the Union Medal, two Outstanding Service Medals, three Exemplary Service Medals, the Honorable Service Medal and three Good Conduct Medals. He also holds the rare Bureau of Military Information Sharpe Medal with oak leaves, and the Union Academy Instructor's Medal (40 Cadets)! Of his combat attainments General Miller was awarded the Kearny Cross, the Sheridan Combat Medal and the Union Army Combat Badge Medal. He is the recipient of 10 Campaign Medals, over 150 Battleground Battle Stars, 4 JTS/HPS FMV's, 51 separate Battlefield Ribbons, 12 individual tournament ribbons and 10 appearances in the Red Badge of Courage Tournament with 6 Major Victories.

Yet all of that still does not compare to the tremendous volume of investigative and supportive engineering work that Ken accomplished for the club throughout his career. He fashioned and put together a number of detailed websites that served as informative foundation sites for the club members. Among these is/was his famous ACWGC/ACWCO Engineering site (temporarily unavailable), his ground-breaking Corinth Files site, and his two (Hooker's Gamble and Stone's River) Tessier MP System sites. In this respect, Ken gave more of himself and his passion for the club in a way that no one else has approached. These particular works stand as pillars of his commitment and energies. One cannot read and investigate them without understanding the keen mind and questioning character behind them.

It is no exaggeration to state that General Ken Miller is an acknowledged master of the game, and that without him these past 18 years the ACWGC would be something far less that what it is today. And while it is somehow and somewhat inadequate for the club and the Union Military Group to attempt a suitable recognition for this officer upon the occasion of his elective retirement, it is nonetheless proper that we at least try.



The ACWGC Cabinet awards General Ken Miller


The Union Army Military Group awards General Ken Miller
The Defender of the Union Medal (2nd), The Outstanding Service Medal (3rd), The Exemplary Service Medal (4th), The Honorable Service Medal (2nd) and the Good Conduct Medal (4th)


All officers and dignitaries are kindly invited to repair to the Mason Dixon Tavern's bar to help celebrate the retirement of General Ken Miller.

General Jos. C. Meyer, ACWGC
Union Army Chief of Staff
Commander, Army of the Shenandoah
Commander, Army of the Tennessee
(2011-2014 UA CoA/GinC)


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 11:27 pm 

Joined: Tue Nov 11, 2003 9:52 am
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We'll miss you, Ken!


MG Mike Mihalik
Forrest's Cavalry Corps

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 11:38 pm 
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An superb example of an OFFICER and GENTLEMAN.

General Ernie Sands
President ACWGC -Sept 2015- Dec 2020
7th Brigade, 1st Division, XVI Corps, AoT
ACWGC Records Site Admin

"If you do not know where you are going, any road will take you there."

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 2:16 am 
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Ken you will certainly be missed and I for one have made much use of your websites and you have also personally assisted me in getting a new scenario up and running. Thank you Suh! <SALUTE>

PS: if you feel the urge to come back I know some people that could get you into a nice grey dress uniform

General Cam McOmish

Brigade Commander
Alabama State Volunteers
Cleburne's Division
Hardee's Corps
Army of Tennessee

Confederate States of America

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 8:36 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 07, 2008 11:45 am
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Well done General Miller.

Gen. Derald Riggs
Army of the Cumberland
Union Army

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 3:07 pm 
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General Miller:

Sir, what a elegant resume. I salute you.

Dave Danner
Commanding Cumberland Rifles, II Division, XV Corps
Army of the Tennessee
S = √ 30 x d x f + - e

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 9:37 am 
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General Miller,

You have left your mark and an outstanding legacy.

Thank you!


Yr. Obdt. Srvt.
Lt. Gen. R. Sickbert
First Division, Fifth Corps
Army of the Potomac


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 1:14 pm 
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It is without a doubt a heavy loss to our club seeing such a dedicated member, who served in many aspects of the club, retire.
But after 18 years there is also no doubt that General Miller deserves a break.
The club and the Union own General Miller a lot and I think I can speak for all if I say that we will make sure to do our best to keep the club & the Union in a fine shape so that General Miller can hopefully return one day.


Lieutenant General Christian Hecht
Commander I Corps, Army of the Potomac
"Where to stop? I don't know. At Hell, I expect."

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 6:58 pm 

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Good Luck, Ken. I have been glad to work with you over the years in game aspects such as the PDT. Our 2-year endeavor as Confederates in an Overland game suspended in April 2017 was also a fun experience. Your presence in the Club will surely be missed.

MG Robert Frost

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 11:11 pm 
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When you were an Army Commander, I served under you as a Corps Commander. You were outstanding. Everything that you did in this club was outstanding. You are a man of stable emotions and intelligent decisions and your value to the club has been unmeasurable. You are like an artist, your work and legacy will live on long after you are gone. But we aren't burying you yet - come back anytime that you want.

Gen Ned Simms
2/XVI Corps/AotT
Blood 'n Guts hisself, a land lovin' pirate. Show me some arty tubes and we'll charge 'em.
VMI Class of '00

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 10:07 am 
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I wish to thank you for the kind words but mostly I want to thank those who came before me and helped found the ACWGC.
I discovered the club in November 1999 and quickly went through the Academy and started enjoying all it had to offer.
Have had the pleasure of meeting many fine people who share my interests in the ACW and wargaming.
Had the opportunity to work with the Tiller group as a playtester and see what goes into making the games.
I was able to attend the Tiller Cons and several of the ACWGC get togethers and meet some of the people
I knew by email in person .
The names are too numerous to mention and once I started I would feel bad if I forgot anyone.
So to all my friends, opponents and partners here at the ACWGC I will just say thanks.

I'll still check in the forums from time to time, just to keep up and I may decide after some time
away from the club that I want to get back to it, but for now I have plenty to keep me
busy and decided I needed to take a break.

Gen. Ken Miller


The McKeesport Union Guard


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PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 12:07 am 

Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2017 3:52 pm
Posts: 170
Going to miss ya, Ken. Will always remember seeing you at the Tiller Cons and enjoying a game with you too.

Thanks for all of your hard work! Lots of us have pitched in too but you really went beyond the extra mile!

Glad you are going to stay in touch via the forum. Dont be a stranger. Always good to see your posts on the forum. You will be sorely missed! Good luck in life's endeavoers! :)


Optional Rules I Use in WDS ACW Games:
(by column from left to right)
Column 1: All ON except for Man. Def. Fire; Column 2: All ON except for Alt Fixed Unit Rel.; Column 3: All ON except for Art.Capt. & Prop.Op.Fire

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 7:01 pm 

Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 9:52 am
Posts: 2509

"Sheridan's Ride" by Thure de Thulstrup

General Miller <Salute>!


The whole Club is greatly indebted to your years of outstanding service! Both sides too. The CSA benefited too, not only from your great sites, wonderful analysis, fun scenarios and accumulation of so many useful tools, but the way you managed your commands in the Club created a great atmosphere and also garnered endless opponents for CSA officers for almost two decades! For that alone, the CSA and the Club is forever indebted to the example of service you have given for all!

(Plus I have always liked your websites! :D )


Officers of the Confederate States of America (CSA) Armies, form Brigades! Parade and Honorary Salute Before General Miller and The Allegheny Blues!

Please join me in celebrating, the tab is being paid by myself (from stolen Yankee Greenbacks) and the bar is open all night. I wasn't able to convince Drinkin' & Fightin' General Cam McOmish & his String Band to play for us, on the account that they couldn't actually see the sheet music nor could they stop saluting a tree they claimed was General Meyer! :P But they did agree to pay (again from stolen Greenbacks) to have the Soldier's Aid Society of Pittsburgh provide a wonderful Spring Hunt and Roast Dinner as well as have the Army of the Shenandoah (AotS) Fife and Drum Corps and the Choir of Saint Paul Cathedral perform the "Battle Cry Of Freedom":

Have fun in your new adventures and don't be a stranger, I am sure many would agree, you're always welcome here!

General Scott Ludwig


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