Colonial Campaigns Club (CCC)

Alternative history
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Author:  Thomas Wieck [ Mon Jun 11, 2001 4:36 am ]
Post subject:  Alternative history


Consider the lobsterbacks had won the Revolutionary War. How do you think history had evolved diffently. Would there been a second war against the crown? What about the Civil War and the World Wars? Or would the Americans be still under the crown in 2K? (No voting problems in Florida!)


Gen. di Brig. Wieck / CiC <a href="">Regio Esercito</a>
Ens. Wieck / CiC <a href="">French Dept. </a>
Lt.Col. Wieck / 4/2/XXV/AoJ
Lt. Wieck / Pz Regt 130
SousLt. Wieck / Westf. Gr. Garde

Edited by - Thomas Wieck on 06/11/2001 23:55:54

Author:  19 [ Mon Jun 11, 2001 5:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Most probably a second war and bad food..

<img src="" border=0>

Maj Gen Scott Reed Res. Div AoC ACWGC
Lt. Scott Reed Dunmore's Ethiopians British army CCC
Ens. Scott Reed 1/42nd BW British Army NWC

Author:  136 [ Tue Jun 12, 2001 4:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

...or a truely huge Pax Britanica? The colonies wiuld have seethed with desire to extend west but what would be the policy? Mexico might still well stretch from Califorina - Texas south. perhaps a war for hegemomy over the americas between a republican mexico and GB? Methinks the French would have lost the Louisiana Territory and perhaps some the Carib island to GB.

Thomas, once more all of my emails bounce when I send to any all @gmx addresses. Perhaps ICQ?

Jeffro McEvilly

Author:  Al Amos [ Tue Jun 12, 2001 7:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well know why pick that event to change? How about we stop the French and Indian war in 1758? The British by then had suffered several defeats, with some very big morale impacts. Let's say the new English Government says the game is not worth the candle.

The French win an are able to establish a colony that strecthes from Louisborg down the St. Lawrence Seaway to the Great Lakes to the Ohio River vally, to the Missisippi River valley all the way to New Orleans on the gulf.

How would the British colonial development run, if they were locked in along the Atlantic Seaboard?

<b>ACWGC </b>MajGen Ambushed - USA
<b>CCC </b> Sgt Amos - 1st US Dragoons, 1812
<b>FL </b> Cpt Amos (ret)
<b>NWC </b> Colonel Amos - 1er Dragoons, AdN

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