Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC)

Computer off life support
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Author:  Mike Cox [ Mon May 23, 2005 4:18 am ]
Post subject:  Computer off life support

What I thought was an ISP problem has tourned out to be the symptom of a much deeper problem. I have a computer on the brink of collapse. I am trying to clean out viruses/spyware, making sure everything important is saved, etc. However I have no home internet access. I will only be in contact M-F. Also, if you sent anything over the weekend, please resend. <i>(Bardon, Walter, Corbin, Hall, Wakeman?)</i>

Thanks in advance,

<b>Général de Division Michael Cox</b>
<font size="4"><i>Principe <font size="1">della </font id="size1">Toscana</i></font id="size4">
Comte de Moselle
<i><font size="4">Armée du Rhin</font id="size4">
<font size="2">2e battallion, 1er Regiment de Chasseurs a Pied, Inf. de l'V. Gde.</i></font id="size2">

<font size="1"><u>In Regards to Skirmisher Flop by Melee Losers:</u>
<ul><li>Make it an optional rather than fixed rule (at the very least). </li>
<li>Skirmisher stack size relative to retreating formed unit should be a factor (whether in clear or covered terrain). </li>
<li>For skirmishers, (not leaders or wagons) covered terrain (swamp, building, city, town, forest, marsh, and perhaps orchard) should negate the overrun result.</li></font id="size1"> </ul>

Author:  Mike Cox [ Wed Jun 01, 2005 4:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have started from scratch with Windows etc and have the basic system back and running. As of this morning I resolved the last (?!?) of my email problems, although my address book is being uhhh - feisty. I did not lose data (had good back ups).

I am working back through the pile of messages. If you sent something of note, I would resend.

The new system has protection that Vauban would have wept a tear in jealousy for.[;)]

<b>Général de Division Michael Cox</b>
<font size="4"><i>Principe <font size="1">della </font id="size1">Toscana</i></font id="size4">
Comte de Moselle
<i><font size="4">Armée du Rhin</font id="size4">
<font size="2">2e battallion, 1er Regiment de Chasseurs a Pied, Inf. de l'V. Gde.</i></font id="size2">

<font size="1"><u>In Regards to Skirmisher Flop by Melee Losers:</u>
<ul><li>Make it an optional rather than fixed rule (at the very least). </li>
<li>Skirmisher stack size relative to retreating formed unit should be a factor (whether in clear or covered terrain). </li>
<li>For skirmishers, (not leaders or wagons) covered terrain (swamp, building, city, town, forest, marsh, and perhaps orchard) should negate the overrun result.</li></font id="size1"> </ul>

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