Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC)

Sir Muddy Stands Down to Begin Memoirs
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Author:  Sir Muddy [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 5:35 am ]
Post subject:  Sir Muddy Stands Down to Begin Memoirs

The bugle sounded the charge and the regiment spurred to the front with a great shout. Swords glinted in the sun and the chargers snorted with lust for battle. Sir Muddy looked on... from behind. He looked down at his trusted steed that had carried into so many battles. Their eyes met and they knew... it was time to rest. After years of war and hundreds of battles, both of them felt it -- FATIGUE! It was in their bones, but more importantly it infiltrated their spirit. They were not defeated but they knew they needed to retire to the Welsh estates. Hopefully, some time on the lush meadows and fields of their home and a quiet life would replenish their souls. Napoleon was still at large, their work was not yet done, but a rest was needed.

After 6 long years of war, I have decided to step back and reflect. For the foreseeable future, I will remain in the shadows of the NWC. Hence, I need to resign all my administrative positions, including <font color="red">Allied Commander-in-Chief</font id="red"> and <font color="red">Commander of the Anglo-Allied Cavalry Corps</font id="red">. I will continue gaming but in a more limited capacity. I want to finish the Master of Europe Tournament and I hope to help Bill Peterson with the Newsletter.

Before I stand down, however, there are some people I would like to thank. First, I would like to thank my French opponents over the years. In no particular order, they are:

Rodrigo Leon (my trainer at the RMA), Jeff Bardon (my first French opponent), Stuart Wilson, Thomas Quinn, Ian Weightman, Jose Bonaque, Richard Barrett, Tomasz Nowacki, Juan Rios, Barry Maunsell, Einar Einransonn, Jean Denis-Martin, Francisco Palomo, Rene Forster, Tom Simmons, Tony Bovo, Hector Lopez, Mark Eason, Leigh Monk, Joseph Spinali, Mike Purcell, Jon Steadman, Michell Patuelli, Peter Robinson, John Coburn, Louie Lebeau, Theron Lambert, Tony Malone, Jon Thayer, Dean Beacham, Mike Cox, Bill Peterson, Ghislain Khrygier, Teo Papatheodorou, Pierre Desruisseaux, Chuck Jensen, Yves Michel, D.S. Walter, David Guegan, Neville Worland, Mario Ostojic, Rich Hamilton, and Gabriel Rodriguez. I am sure that I have missed a few and I would ask that you stand up and be recognized.

I would also like to thank those Allied players that have ridden along with me in multi-player contests or in maneuvers or tournaments. This list includes:

Rodrigo Leon, Mike Gjerde, Vaughn Bramley Neil Henderson, Rob Thoyts, Paul Harris, Andy Smith, Rob Hamper, Rich Holland, Stefan Reuter, Adam Vakiener, Jane Weightman, Jack Cameron, Elric Willians, Bill Peters, Greg Oleander, Atle Jennsen, Jim Hall, Anton Kosyenenko, and Scott Ludwig. Again, I am sure that I have missed a few so please stand to the bar and be recognized (and fill my mug with ale).

Anyway, thanks to all for the good times and hard fought battles. This hobby has been a passion but my horse and I need a change of pace.

Best Regards,

FM Sir 'Muddy' Jones, KG
2nd Life Guards, Household Cavalry
CO, Cavalry Corps
Allied CiC

Author:  John Corbin [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:04 am ]
Post subject: 


Say it aint so... ???

Is it something I said [:D]

Will miss you on the field Ken and in the club...

Monsieur le Marechal John Corbin
Chief of Staff
La Grande Armee

Author:  Gabriel Rodriguez [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:40 am ]
Post subject: 

This is true or a trick?
Sounds like a farewell.
Would be that you are think in you retirement with a high pension???Thanks for you lessons of war...

Author:  David Guegan [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:59 am ]
Post subject: 

Sad to see you step down... [V]
But still happy to see that you will remain in the club and continue to play (a limited number of games) But please don't disappear completely or you would be missed by all of us [;)]

<font color="green"> <b>Général de Division David Guégan Comte de Toulon, Duc de Nimes</b>
Co 11eme division
III Corps, AdN
Co Division d'Infanterie de la Jeune Garde, Garde Impériale Image

Image</font id="green">

Author:  Stefan Reuter [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:05 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm sad to see you going Ken. I'm hoping to see you here from time to time.

<font color="gold">Feldmarshall
Stefan Ritter von Reuter
Großfürst von Wahlstadt
CoA Armee des Niederrhein</font id="gold">

Author:  Jim Hall [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:14 am ]
Post subject: 

I am speechless, a first time [;)]
The greatest honour I can pay any officer is "respect" and you have that from me in spades.
Let you sword not rust

Field Marshal Sir "Lucky" Jim (K.G.)
Divisie Nederlandsche Kavallerie, 1st. Corps
Allied/Dutch Army
"And let my sword not sleep in my hand"

Author:  Tim Cavallin [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:29 am ]
Post subject: 

Ken, best of luck in your future endeavours! I particularly appreciated all the work & effort you put into the MOE tournaments... thanks again for that.

Lt. Tim Cavallin, AdR

Author:  Antony Barlow [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 9:10 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for all you've done for us all. You are an example to us all. Please don't disappear completely, the club needs people like you around.

<center>Major Antony Barlow
~ 2nd British (Union) Brigade, Anglo-Allied Cavalry Corps ~
~ 4th (Royal Irish) Dragoon Guards ~

Author:  D.S. Walter [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 9:40 am ]
Post subject: 

You *will* be missed.

- salute -

D.S. "Green Horse" Walter, Maréchal d'Empire
Baron d'Empire, Duc des Pyramides
Commandant de la [url=""]3ème Division[/url], VIème Corps Bavarois, L'Armée du Rhin
Commandant [url=""]L'Ecole de Mars[/url], L'Armée du Rhin
Commandant de la Brigade de Tirailleurs de la Jeune Garde

Author:  SLudwig [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:05 am ]
Post subject: 

This is rather sudden but a well deserved retirement for someone who has put a lot into this club. [:D]

[url=""]<b>General der Infanterie Scott Ludwig</b>[/url]

3. Infanterie-Brigade and Aide-du-Camp
I. Armee Korps
Heer am Niederrhein
[url=""]Preußische Armee[/url]

[url=""]Preußische Armee Garde-Brigade[/url]


Prinz von Saxe-Weimar
(Prince of Saxe-Weimar)

Author:  SansSouci [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:24 am ]
Post subject: 

Muddy, you were my first opponent when I joined this club as a naive young French leiutenant. 'Beware Muddy's cavalry' the grognards told me. I did; but still lost the entire grand battery in the second turn. Looking back, I realise you were going easy on me as you could have done it in the first turn.

Anyway, I appreciated your enthusiastic response to a new recruit's request for tips, as have I appreciated your hardwork for the club.


Right, enough of that. Where's the booze?

<font color="orange">Majoor Peter Robinson
Commander I Corps
[url=""]Koninklijke Militaire Academie[/url] Adjutant
3rd (Prince of Wales's) Dragoon Guards</font id="orange">

Author:  Mike Cox [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Well Ken we all need a break now and then, but thanks for help making the club what it is today.

Hopefully you will keep the odd game or two going. I mean truly one can never <i>completely</i> retire. Bad for the back and bad for developing a paunch. You'll need a clydsdale if you stay away too long.

I have enjoyed our club interactions, my regret being that I was not able to best you in MOE. Glad to have met you face to face too!

Sending a barrel or two from my Tuscan estates out to your English country retreat for the retirement fete that I am sure is to ensue.

Until we meet again!

<b>Général de Division Michael Cox</b>
<font size="4"><i>Principe <font size="1">della </font id="size1">Toscana</i></font id="size4">
Comte de Moselle
<i><font size="4">Armée du Rhin</font id="size4">
<font size="2">2e battallion, 1er Regiment de Chasseurs a Pied, Inf. de l'V. Gde.</i></font id="size2">

Author:  Barrett, of the Vth [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:42 am ]
Post subject: 

<font color="pink">Merde. You remain, Muddy, the "one that got away". Perhaps I shall hunt you down upon your estate in Wales some day, with a bottle of Burgundy in one hand, and an olive branch in t'other. Adieu. </font id="pink">

General Barrett,
Duc de Ligny, Comte de Brienne,
Commander, VI (Bavarian) Corps, Army of the Rhine,
la 1er Compagnie d'Artillerie de la Vieille Garde

Author:  Tony Malone [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

SALUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not stay away long, and do not become a stranger! [;)]

Maréchal Tony R.Malone, Comte d'Auvergne et Duc de Vauchamps: Division d'Infanterie de la Moyenne Garde; CDR III Corps Armee Du Nord
"The Guard may die, But it never surrenders".


Author:  slepsta [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 4:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

FM Jones,

We have never met on the field of battle, but I owe you a special thanks for getting me involved in this club with the purchase of your old BG games. Do come back soon!

Sous-Lt. Brad Slepetz
L'Armee du Nord

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