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PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:46 am 

Joined: Wed May 23, 2001 10:18 am
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<blockquote id="quote"><font size="3" face="book antiqua" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Sellick Davies</i>
<br />Thank goodness there were no spads or spuds whatever they are called.[:D]

Kolonel Sellick Davies,
III Bataillon Nassau-Usingen,
2nd Bde,

<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Hehe - its chads! I used to call it chaff!

Spuds are potatoes (dont I know it!) and Spads are aircraft!

Neat Spad model site:

Oberst Wilhelm Peters
2nd Kuirassiers, Reserve Korps, Austrian Army
[url=""]Officer Battle Dossier[/url]

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 5:12 am 

Unless the rules state otherwise whoever has the most votes wins, plain and simple.

Jeez its only a hobby.[:(]

I would recommend that a more detailed policy of elections should be created just to avoid all this silliness. or....

We could just have a club with no cabinet, no president, no points awarded, no structed armies. People could play whomever they liked, and set themselves up with whatever 'command' they wanted to, and others could be just people if they wanted to, and others could track their own wins and losses if they wanted to, and maybe everyone could say let's play a tournament, or I made a medal for so-n-so because he loses so well, or wins so much, but all of it would be volunatary, non-binding and just for extra flavor and fun.

The club has taken on a life of its own. Too much time in admin and organiztion issues spent here. Too many "you have to belong to this army" or "have that password to talk to only your army here", etc, etc.

Just strip the club back to a basic FORUM where we all belong equally, and agree to use our real names in our sign-on name or in our signature block, and to be polite. Anything else is merely voluntary work done by some one only because he wants to.

Just like a neighborhood wargame club many miniature/boardgame people are familiar with.

More game time for those encumbered with administration. No need to feel like you 'have to get such and such done.' Just play the games, and enjoy, and know that any effort above that is only because you really want to do it, and its all voluntary, no-binding on anyone.

No need to 'resign' or 'lose rank if you comeback', just play when you can, let your opponents know if REAL LIFE is taking you away for awhile. Just enjoy.

I recommend this for all the HPS game centered clubs.

As wargamers tend to do, we've taken a good idea (have a central location to meet others who like to PLAY these GAMES and talk), and over-complicated it in the 'search for realism, add flavor, the fun of compitition, earning something for winning/playing', and have created monsters that steal our enjoyment instead of enhance it.

(btw can't we just do something for enjoyment must we EARN something in everything we do? Has our society stressed productivity that much that if we do anything that we don't EARN something it has no value?)

Colonel Al Amos
1er Dragoons

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 5:37 am 
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Just to update people I have had three responces from Cabinet Members, all in favour of "First Past the Post. This is in line with my earlier recollections.

Field Marshal Sir "Lucky" Jim (K.G.)
Divisie Nederlandsche Kavallerie, 1st. Corps
Allied/Dutch Army
"And let my sword not sleep in my hand"

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:28 am 

Joined: Wed May 23, 2001 10:18 am
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<blockquote id="quote"><font size="3" face="book antiqua" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Al Amos</i>
<br />Guys!

Unless the rules state otherwise whoever has the most votes wins, plain and simple.

Jeez its only a hobby.[:(]

I would recommend that a more detailed policy of elections should be created just to avoid all this silliness. or....

We could just have a club with no cabinet, no president, no points awarded, no structed armies. People could play whomever they liked, and set themselves up with whatever 'command' they wanted to, and others could be just people if they wanted to, and others could track their own wins and losses if they wanted to, and maybe everyone could say let's play a tournament, or I made a medal for so-n-so because he loses so well, or wins so much, but all of it would be volunatary, non-binding and just for extra flavor and fun.

The club has taken on a life of its own. Too much time in admin and organiztion issues spent here. Too many "you have to belong to this army" or "have that password to talk to only your army here", etc, etc.

Just strip the club back to a basic FORUM where we all belong equally, and agree to use our real names in our sign-on name or in our signature block, and to be polite. Anything else is merely voluntary work done by some one only because he wants to.

Just like a neighborhood wargame club many miniature/boardgame people are familiar with.

More game time for those encumbered with administration. No need to feel like you 'have to get such and such done.' Just play the games, and enjoy, and know that any effort above that is only because you really want to do it, and its all voluntary, no-binding on anyone.

No need to 'resign' or 'lose rank if you comeback', just play when you can, let your opponents know if REAL LIFE is taking you away for awhile. Just enjoy.

I recommend this for all the HPS game centered clubs.

As wargamers tend to do, we've taken a good idea (have a central location to meet others who like to PLAY these GAMES and talk), and over-complicated it in the 'search for realism, add flavor, the fun of compitition, earning something for winning/playing', and have created monsters that steal our enjoyment instead of enhance it.

(btw can't we just do something for enjoyment must we EARN something in everything we do? Has our society stressed productivity that much that if we do anything that we don't EARN something it has no value?)

Colonel Al Amos
1er Dragoons
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Al - Bravo to the spirit of your post.Points often lose their meaning in these clubs. Ladder clubs are just one chase after another for the top rung. This club is drifting just a tad towards who is top dog at times. Luckily we have had guys that keep it in check.

I remember when we got our opponents from the Talonsoft forum. That is how I found out about these clubs.

I also say bravo to those that painstakingly put webpages up for the club. These give us a colorful perspective on the period.

This debate on points will never end me thinks. But no debate on the real goal of the club - promote the play of Napoleonic GAMES whether made by HPS, Talonsoft, Matrix, Doubleshot Design, whatever.

In this we all agree - we are a game club and its game play that we are most interested in.

As has been seen in other clubs - if we dont widen our game inventory eventually we will end up with less members and less new recruits.

The key is to strike a balance - some folks like the points and ranks. Others like the top officer listings. And some folks couldn't give a rip about whether they get points or who is Master of Europe. They just want to play games and enjoy a good battle.

There is nothing wrong with the admin as long as it doesnt become the main act. When it does then the club loses its interest to many I believe. Thus the focus needs to be kept on gameplay as much as possible.

Oberst Wilhelm Peters
2nd Kuirassiers, Reserve Korps, Austrian Army
[url=""]Officer Battle Dossier[/url]

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:53 am 
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This club has worked fine and continues to do so more than other clubs at this service.

I feel that there is no need for a President. The two Cabinet spots can be filled by one French and one Allied and then the two CiC's. Can't they manage the job?? Then when the CiC spots are up it moves down a chain of command from various posts based on the structure of each armies. So:

French CiC-
Aides et al

Allied CoA-(In no particular order just an example)
Anglo CoA
Prussian CoA
Russian CoA
Austrian CoA
Aides et al in order of CoA listing etc.

I don't think we need a president. Things that need to get done can be discussed by the CiC's and two secretaries.

Let's face it the bulk of stuff is army centric and done at the army level with the exception of Geert. So I really feel we will be just fine without a President at all.

[url=""]<b>General der Infanterie Scott Ludwig</b>[/url]

3. Infanterie-Brigade and Aide-du-Camp
I. Armee Korps
Heer am Niederrhein
[url=""]Preußische Armee[/url]

[url=""]Preußische Armee Garde-Brigade[/url]


Prinz von Saxe-Weimar
(Prince of Saxe-Weimar)

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:55 am 

Joined: Tue May 22, 2001 10:30 pm
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If I may, here is an old <i>grognard</i>'s perspective on the election:

1) The NWC Club Rules don't address "Presidential Elections" for the simple reason that this is the <font color="red"><b>first</b></font id="red"> such election ever held. [:D]

2) About two years after the NWC was founded several members groused about the "dictatorial" nature of the club and lobbied for holding formal elections for all Cabinet posts, including the Presidency. After a brief flurry of activity, the idea was quietly dropped when Steve and the then sitting Cabinet members were the only ones who volunteered to run for office[:o)].

3) Given the outpouring of interest in the election (71 votes out of an eligible pool of 300+), I daresay that little has changed in the intervening years.[B)]

4) All of the candidates are eminently worthy of leading the NWC and I see little point to prolonging the process by staging a 2nd round. "First past the post", as Jim put it, is the simplest and quickest way to resolve the issue.[^]



<i>Maréchal</i> M. Francisco Palomo
<i>Comte de Marseille
Duc d'Abrantes</i>

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 7:10 am 

Joined: Sat Oct 06, 2001 2:48 am
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I understood 51% for the winner so I am surprise to see that we found a winner before reaching this number.

<font color="green"> <b>Général de Division David Guégan Comte de Toulon, Duc de Nimes</b>
Co 11eme division
III Corps, AdN
Co Division d'Infanterie de la Jeune Garde, Garde Impériale Image

Image</font id="green">

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 7:39 am 
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A very big <b><font size="6">thank you</font id="size6"></b>for all your help.

Field Marshal Sir "Lucky" Jim (K.G.)
Divisie Nederlandsche Kavallerie, 1st. Corps
Allied/Dutch Army
"And let my sword not sleep in my hand"

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:28 am 

Joined: Mon Nov 19, 2001 10:21 pm
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Location: France
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="3" face="book antiqua" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by paco</i>
<br />Mssrs.,

If I may, here is an old <i>grognard</i>'s perspective on the election:

1) The NWC Club Rules don't address "Presidential Elections" for the simple reason that this is the <font color="red"><b>first</b></font id="red"> such election ever held. [:D]

2) About two years after the NWC was founded several members groused about the "dictatorial" nature of the club and lobbied for holding formal elections for all Cabinet posts, including the Presidency. After a brief flurry of activity, the idea was quietly dropped when Steve and the then sitting Cabinet members were the only ones who volunteered to run for office[:o)].

3) Given the outpouring of interest in the election (71 votes out of an eligible pool of 300+), I daresay that little has changed in the intervening years.[B)]

4) All of the candidates are eminently worthy of leading the NWC and I see little point to prolonging the process by staging a 2nd round. "First past the post", as Jim put it, is the simplest and quickest way to resolve the issue.[^]



<i>Maréchal</i> M. Francisco Palomo
<i>Comte de Marseille
Duc d'Abrantes</i>
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

For the first time Paco and Jim, I disagree with you. I'm terribly sorry because I like all the work you do or you did do for our club.

You seem to consider that 71 votes out of an eligible pool of 300+ makes that election is a failure. I think it's a good score taking account that this is an August vote, of the real numbers of active officers and of some that wanted not to vote for one of the fine officers who run. And I hope that the new ¨President will maintain the principle of an election.

And you had here 4 candidates for the post. It's better than Paco pointed out some years ago. (Point 2 of Paco message)

More, when you fixed a rule (the famous 51%), I think you must respect this rule until the end.

Anyway, I realized that I express my view in a point that I really give a little importance. So I return to my work and to my games.

Sorry to have disturb you.It's my humble point of view.


General de division Lamezec
Comte de Davout
CO 2èmedivision de cavalerie légère

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:38 am 
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Joined: Wed Feb 20, 2002 4:18 am
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Just to put the record straight
1) 51% was NOT agreed by Cabinet it was MY mistake
2) I think 71 is GOOD I posted long and hard to try to encourage people to vote.
All comments greatfully received[8D]

Field Marshal Sir "Lucky" Jim (K.G.)
Divisie Nederlandsche Kavallerie, 1st. Corps
Allied/Dutch Army
"And let my sword not sleep in my hand"

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:58 am 

Joined: Mon Nov 19, 2001 10:21 pm
Posts: 573
Location: France
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="3" face="book antiqua" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by GC2A</i>
<br /><blockquote id="quote"><font size="3" face="book antiqua" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Jeka</i>
<br />Congratulations to Bill and Dierk!!! [:)] Well done [:D]
<u><b>So when we will have a second round?</b></u>

<b>GL Eugene Gulyaev


<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

That is THE question.

For the moment !!

Comte de Strasbourg
Duc de Ratisbonne

Maréchal de France

1er Rgt de Grenadiers à Cheval

1ère Brig./ 3ème Div° Cavalerie Légère
IIIeme Corps d'Armée
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

La question ne se pose plus. Elle est tranchée.

Yes, I answer to Guillaume in french because he is french [:D]


General de division Lamezec
Comte de Davout
CO 2èmedivision de cavalerie légère

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