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 Post subject: le ' Ussari
PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 5:30 pm 
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The winter 1805, was the beginning of the Grand Armee movement to the south we were moving parallel but south of 1st Army corps, ahead of both of us were the Cavalry divisions of General Kellermann and General LaCoste's, they were about to cross the neutral territory of Prussia, this would not be the first time for my company to cross into Prussia.
Last month I had to send out two separate parties to secure food and horses for my command I also had to send Madame Lorrie Ann Manns along with Madame Vernell and Madame Joann to Mainz, to do a special job for our Armee Commander. I also had to transfer money from Paris to Frankfort, which was the money I used to buy top quality mounts and contacts. Madame Lorrie was now moving the Austrian gold that we had with us not a large amount but just enough to invest.
The money was money we had in a Paris Bank. I had to inform Mon matelots that the money we were using came from one of the bag of gold that I and Joc brought with us from Italy. And if one bag of this Austrian gold could do this much in four years just think what a five bags could do.
The Mesdames Lorrie, Joann and Vernell became our eyes and ears in Germany. They could go places we could not they could influence people that we couldn't they were paid well for their services, plus it would be better to be a courtier then a laundress. They became the much welcome guest of a German Baron by the name of Rittenhouse who was estrange and he was beside himself with these much sought after lovely company. After all he loved these most charming femme's and there womanly manner (which gave him a chance to try on their dresses and other things). He not only loves their company but the company of the young dashing garcons that flocked around them, that gave him the chance to start up his own romances.
Now that there are clouds of war on the horizon, there will be more opportunities to meet new and interesting people, because there are always the inquisitive, following these sought of things. The Mesdames were part of his large entourage, of hairdressers, musicians and all kinds of entertainers. They were heading northeast towards Frankfurt away from us, I sent with them one of the new Vilite to be their valet and to carry messages between them and us.
We were now well aware of what was also going on between the two Corps thanks to Chef Pierre who seems to pick up all the latest gossip from his association with other Chef's de cuisine. And we were made aware that our enemies in the 1st Corps who were now assign to the 6th Corps, they would not be a bother to ma noblees, and they were far to the south of us near Karlsruhe. We would have no trouble out of them considering how far we were from one another. I was also told that one of my old commanders a Capitaine Theophile from my days as a scout early in these wars was now in the 5th Chasseurs. That is one of the regiments in the same brigade as my old ami and mentor Madame Capitaine Jasmine de 4th Hussars. I thought that I would go to her command site, talk to her and tell her what I though about this semblables (idiot).
That also meant a trip to see my ami Lieutenant de Genie Jean Gerard down at the Corps de Genie also no doubt I would hope to find him at his studies and not at his skills. This was a easy task, once I got, to the Corps de Genie camp, I was told by one of the guards a sappier that was on duty where his quarters were. I told Monsieur Jean, that I needed directions to General Kellermann's headquarters to see a ami of mind, he told me that they were located southeast of 1st Corps and that his General has been very interested in their movements also and since they were moving so close to Prussian Territory he wanted me to find out how far they have gone into Prussian territory. His commander asked me if I could find out what their plans were also if I might he would be mindful of what I did for him.
I found them after some time and it was also lengthy journey, their camp was located near the Prussian town of Ansbach! Once I got near their out post I was met by the usual guards I told them that I was to report to a Capitaine in the 4th Hussars to give an important message from General de Corps. Once again I put on my Dragoon uniform dress as a dispatch courier, this was something that I learned from Monsieur Renee never leave camp with out it. I knew quite well how to fool these sentries after two years riding up and down the Rhine River carrying dispatches, I was pretty well know as the Moor Postman.
Pardon moi, I have an important massages from General Bernadotte for Capitaine Jasmine, this superbly dress sentries most be one of the 5th Hussars once we reach the location of the 4th. I asked for directions to Will Continue From my Novel The New Adventures of Marbot

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 Post subject: Re: le ' Ussari
PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 11:48 pm 
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Imagethe company commander’s tent. Once I entered the tent there were some officer’s playing cards I yell out is there a Capitaine Jasmine among you instantly, she turn around laughing and ran and hugged me.

You remembered ma voice, after all these years,” oui” she said but of course Monsieur how I could forget the least likely of ma students. She said that in front of her troopers she went on to introduce me to her command. Messieurs let me introduce to you one of my former eleve (trainees) from my Republican days Monsieur Sini! I then went on to bow to the superbly dress company of gentleman. I then laugh, she went on to say also to me don't be worried she told me they all want to get in my pants too, they know that I sit to piss, how have you been you old mouton chien! She next introduce me to her Capitaine second class Rick Jacques, he was truly a beau Hussar if their ever was one, a dashing fellow and also a true dandy, she said. Bon jour mon ami” he said” allez-vous (how are you) bon mon ami I reply back. It's nice to meet a beau saber, how long have you been in the service, I asked him. He said that he joined in 03 as a Sus Lieutenant then rose though the ranks fast. If it wasn't for your uncle, Capitaine Jasmine was saying he would not be a Capitaine, she then said that his uncle is a General Malvin Franks a very tempting man she said a real temptation to me she replied next. I then took a comparison look at myself and the Hussars, here I was in a worn green woolen uniform and a brass helmet and setting across from me in their bold colors here were de' premiere de' cheval de' Hussars .

4th Hussars 1805
They showed me around the camp and I was truly impress by the homme's bearing an especially with Monsieur Jacques company of Beau sabers they call them selves Lapider la bande de ville (stone city band). One of the Regimental Commanders was also a Beau saber, Charles Jacquinot, he was going to take his Regiment to glory and back! I stayed with them for about a week and I really didn't want to leave, but I had to go back to report to not only my commander but the Chef de Genie also about there were about of this cheval! Later this year after the Battle of Austerlitz I was told the story of how the Tri colored Hussar's rode to Glory.

History fact;
The outbreak of war against Austria saw Colonel Charles Jacquinot; regiment the 5th Chasseurs de' Cheval joined Bernadotte's 1st Corps of the Grande Armee. Serving with General Kellermann's 3rd light Cavalry Division he and his regiment were always at the fore during General Bernadotte's march to the Danube. Heading across Germany by the most direct route possible, his troops entered the Prussian enclave of Ansbachon October 3, 1805 nearly causing war with Prussia.
The 4th Hussars were led by Colonel Andre Burthe; Created in 1776 as the Hussars de Saxe, and name as the 4th Regiment de Hussars in 1791. Upon its emigration 1792, the 5th regiment of Hussars which had been created in 1793 as the Colonel-General regiment de Hussars and numbered as the 5th Regiment of Hussars in 1791 took their place and became the 4th Regiment de Hussars by Decree of the 4th of June 1793.

Capitaine Jasmine and the Lapider la bande de ville were always out front of the Division, also with them was the 5th Chasseurs, there was no faster movement on an enemy’s front then this wild mob. The stone city band, not only were they loud but they were true daredevils, always dueling with each other and also with whoever had the misfortune to cross their path. As the locals found out the hard way, no maiden or Mesdames were safe from their alluring ways! For a troop of only twenty-five they were hell bound in leather. During the march to the Danube that started on 17 September 1805, they were soon involved in a controversy that nearly precipitated war with Prussia, Capitaine Rick lead these garcons into Prussian lands and didn't reply to the recall that was played by the regimental Trumpeters. Capitaine Jasmine couldn't recall this wild bunch; it was to late the 5th Chasseurs followed and their Colonel also. Capitaine Jasmine reported it to Colonel Burthe who in turn reported it to his Commander General Picard. General Picard reported it to General Kellermann who reported it to Marechal Bernadotte who just ignored it and the whole Corps followed along with my Corps also. The deed was done only twenty-five troops pulling forty thousand others along behind them, dashing across Germany into Prussia not even stopping till they reach Munich amidst pealing bells and great rejoicing from the publics. It is said that they played their music for the local town’s folks, to win them over to our side but this is hearsay and not actual fact. But the troop was a big hit, where ever they went people would come out to hear and see them parade though their towns and villages, in their bright and tight red, white and blue uniforms with their fur busby's and gold trimming what a sight for these dull Germans.
The Prussian sent small patrols to keep a watch on this traveling troop of soldat entertainers, but behind them was the most famous light horseman in France at that time. General Bernadotte didn't stop them from entering Prussia but encourage them. Colonel Jacquinot went on to be an aid to General Duroc, who led the Grenadier Division for the wounded General Oudinot during the battle.
Capitaine Rick Jacques, he would always sing of his amoir for the Mesdames, how they were such a joy and such a prize, their eyes and their lips were ever in his songs and the praise for amour and the Mesdames. He said that he would love them and leave them, and that he wanted to love them all over, he was always saying to the Mademoiselle's give it to me baby do it nice an slow! Secouer, Secouer! He would yell this phase out at the passing milkmaids.
He was not a Don Juan but a homme (man)! There is one thing that stays in my mind that the Capitaine said while I was there to visit Capitaine Jasmine, which was; there is always pain before pleasure, the pain of losing ami and the others to this war. The stone city band was pain, learning that they died like they lived was the pleasure.

I was told that they meet their end at the battle of Austerlitz on December 2,1805 General Kellermann light Cavalry Division was attached to the Cavalry reserve under Marechal Murat, the 4th was in General Picard's Brigade along with the 5th Chassurs, place north of the battle near the Bellowitz road.Image 5th Hussars NEXT WEEK

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 Post subject: Re: le ' Ussari
PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 7:22 pm 
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History fact;

The Great Cavalry clash; Austerlitz 1805 Dec 2

As part of the grand allied plan Prince Bagration (Russian Column Commander) held his position in the hills east of the 4th. His position was in the hills around Posoritz until it became clear that the battle was underway. Then he was to push forward, driving the French before him. General Liechtenstein's V column (the Austrian Cavalry Leader) was to occupy the large area between Bagration and the IV Column. Behind them was the Russian Imperial Guard under Grand Duke Constantine (the brother of the Emperor of Russia).
The confusion of the fog -shrouded Pratzen plateau at daybreak it ensured that Liechtenstein was late arriving at his appointed position between the village of Blasowitz and Krug. Due to the disruption caused by marching between elements of the III Column, Liechtenstein Cavalry arrived in two separate bodies. The Russian Cavalry of General Uvarov was the other, but Prince Bagration moved off early when they arrived. The allied line was for the Russians towards the village of Blasowitz and the Austrians protecting the left. Due to the late arrival of the Cavalry, Grand Duke Constantine sent the Guard forward to patch the hole made by their late arrival. He sent three infantry battalions the Imperial Guard Jager's (elite Light Infantry) and the Guard Fusiliers (elite line Infantry) plus the Semenovsky regiment (regular line infantry)
The French on the other hand were west of this under Marechal Jean Lannes, his V corps delay committing there selves also then moved east on the Brunn-Olmutz road, Lannes positioned General Suchet's Division to the left or north of the road and his other Division under General Caffarelli to the right or south of the road. He also sent a detached Legere regiment to garrison the Santon hills were the Army Artillery was looking down on the rest of the valley.
Marechal Murat the overall commander of the French left flank placed his two light Cavalry divisions on the flanks of the road and held his two heavy cavalry divisions in reserve.
General Kellermann had mixed fortunes that day of Napoleon's greatest triumph. Detached from the 1st Corps to the Cavalry Reserve under Murat he was station on the French left or north of the allies supporting V Corps .At 7; 00 a.m. his regiments the 2nd and the 5th Hussars under Van Marisy and the 4th Hussars and the 5th Chasseurs under Picard they moved east to screen General Suchet's 34th and 40th line under General Beker and 64th and the 88th under General Valhubert, as they closed with that of Bagrations Russians.
As Kellermanns Division came forward they were in column of squadron’s one squadron behind the other. He was suddenly bombarded and his division disordered by a Russian battery unmasked by Cossacks (irregular Cavalry wild tribesman of the Steeps in Russia). Another Allied Cavalry unit then fell on his flank as he tried to change to line to meet the threat. The 4th Hussars beginning the next to last formation behind the other was able to charge out at this threat the 1st squadron which was Capitaine Jasmine charged the allied horseman and give the other's time to maneuver. The 5th Chasseurs turn tail and ran, behind the infantry of General Suchet's who witness the whole affair.
General Kellermanns moves were being observed by Grand Duke Constantine; being unwilling to wait for General Uvarov's Brigade to rally he ordered a charge by the Guard Uhlans (elite Lancers). Seeing this mass of Lancers coming at him General Kellermann orders the Division into the French infantry who were in squares, passing though the intervals between the squares he got his division safely though, leaving the Russian Guards Lancers to the infantry squares they were confronted by a rolling fire of close -range musketry by the French Infantry. By the time that they pulled away the Uhlans had suffered heavily and their commander was a prisoner.
Despite the setbacks, General Kellermann returned to the fight with his light Division, though the same intervals that he had just pass into. Leading the counter charge was the 4th Hussars with General Picard and General Kellermann at the front with Capitaine Rick’s stone city band at the head of the charge they caught the Uhlans as they were milling around the French squares. He routed ten of their squadrons, which was one of the finest regiments of the Russian Army.
Then a Russian dragoon regiment hit the 4th in the flank killing all of the stone city band and in the process General Kellermann was badly wounded and was carried from the field by a wounded Capitaine Jasmine. Four hundred of the light division was killed that morning. Le Lapider la bande de ville, died as they lived hard and fast, I can still hear their songs!
Capitaine Rick Jacques 1805; Le’ Lapider la band de Ville at the charge

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 Post subject: Re: le ' Ussari
PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 3:55 pm 

Joined: Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:23 am
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Great read Clifton
Thank you

Général de Division Einar Jon Masson

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 Post subject: Re: le ' Ussari
PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 4:03 pm 
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more to come all from my novel The New Adventures of Marbot written in 2004 Mesi

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 Post subject: Re: le ' Ussari
PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 11:32 am 

Joined: Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:23 am
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Indeed a great reading for me
Where is this book available from?

Général de Division Einar Jon Masson

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 Post subject: Re: le ' Ussari
PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 11:41 am 
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from me I will email you a copy e book.

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