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PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2024 8:26 pm 
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Award for Général Gregor Morgan

Gentlemen of the Napoleonic Wargame Club,
it is my pleasure to announce that Général Gregor Morgan, corps commander of the 1er Corps d'Armée, is awarded with the Légion d'honneur 1 for having passed 200 Administrative Points. These Administrative Points were mainly gained by his service as division commander of the 3ème Division of the 4ème Corps d'Armée and as corps commander of the 1er Corps d'Armée.

Général Gregor Morgan stands as example for contribution by entering the path of taking command positions within the Grande Armée, first in command of a division and then in command of a corps. In both positions he fulfilled his duties to the letter.

As recognition of his contribution, not only to the French side but also the Napoleonic Wargame Club, this award is well deserved.

The French Empire and the Napoleonic Wargame Club thanks him for his services and looks forward to his continuing contributions!

Vive la Révolution! Vive la France!! Vive l'Empereur!!!

Général Christian Hecht
Commandant en Chef de la Grande Armée
Comte et Chevalier de l'Empire


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2024 2:27 am 

Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2005 4:46 pm
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Vive la France bureaucratique! :mrgreen:

I raise my virtual glass to Général Gregor Morgan, the administrative virtuoso of the 1er Corps d'Armée, who has also carved out a legendary reputation on the field of glory, earning esteem amongst the allied officers and continuing the fine heritage of the Scottish contribution to the French service. Alas, he finds himself fighting for the wrong cause—the Corsican oppressor.

The illustrious Emperor Alexander I authorized me to convey a message: should the general find his current payroll unsatisfactory, Emperor Alexander can extend an offer to join his countryman Barclai de Tolly in the service of the Russian Empire, with all the necessary paperwork ready to assign him to a position of a cossacs rigiment commander.

Otherwise, I eagerly await the day our paths cross in the chaos of battle.

General-Mayor Alexey Tartyshev
Kiev Grenadiers Regiment (Grenadier Drum)
2nd Grenadier Division
8th Infantry Corps
2nd Western Army

(I don't play with Rout limiting ON)

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 7:44 am 
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General-Mayor Alexey Tartyshev,

I thank you for your generous comments. Allow me to reciprocate, please raise your virtual glass and join me in a toast to Tzar Alexander I and his redoubtable Imperial Army. A tough encounter can always be expected when facing the Russians.

I have no doubt that the Tzar would be generous to any French officer transferring to Russian service and would welcome the heightened initiative and quality that would bring to the Imperial Army. I think it extremely unlikely to happen though as we are not at all fond of your winters, they would be the death of us.

Personally, I am honoured to think that the Tzar would entrust me with command of a Cossack Regiment however, how much paperwork could that possibly generate? No Sir, I must remain in post at the heart of the 1er Corps, where there is never enough paper at hand to fulfil my role. Besides, my forebears were strong supporters of the "Auld Alliance" and my intention is to follow in their footsteps.

I am very pleased indeed for my countryman. Many Scots over the years have travelled to far off places and made something of themselves. A descendent of Aberdeenshire's Barclays of Tollie is one such Scot. I wish your Barclay de Tolly good fortune in any civilian occupation he choses to adopt.

Vive l'Empereur!


Général Gregor Morgan
Duc de Montebello et Comte de Gironde
Commandant du
1er Corps d'Armée

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 12:16 pm 

Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2005 4:46 pm
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Ah, General Morgan,

Your reply warmed my heart like a sip of fine Scotch on a cold Highland evening.

However, I must confess a feeling of disappointment in your decision to decline the allure of the Cossack life. Picture it: a kilted Highlander leading a charge of Cossacks—a spectacular sight that would undoubtedly make the flamboyant King of Naples, Joachim Murat, green with envy! A Highlander leading a charge of Cossacks would have been a breathtaking sight, a tale to be told in every tavern from Edinburgh to St. Petersburg.

I value your commitment to the "auld alliance," and I can almost hear the bagpipes playing in approval. However, as you remain in the heart of the 1er Corps, amidst the relentless paperwork, I can't help but imagine the disapproval of your forebears, witnessing a dashing Highlander surrounded by a sea of documents. They might have preferred you leading the Cossacks than dealing with the French paperwork. Therefore, accepting Tsar's generous offer is the only honourable way out of this situation!

To make it even more convincing, you also get to command the magnificent Russian unicorns which make LGA officers so jealous as they regularly find themselves on the receiving end of these magnificent pieces :frenchlol:

Warm regards

General-Mayor Alexey Tartyshev
Kiev Grenadiers Regiment (Grenadier Drum)
2nd Grenadier Division
8th Infantry Corps
2nd Western Army

(I don't play with Rout limiting ON)

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:11 pm 
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My dear General-Mayor Tartyshev,

I am sorry to disappoint you, my friend. The picture you paint would undoubtedly have been spectacular, possibly even a subject for the eminent Jacques-Louis David to capture, however, it must remain solely in your imagination. You see, no true Highlander could possibly submit to sitting astride a Cossack pony at rest, let alone at the charge. There are certain difficulties with a saddle that modesty prevents me from alluding to.

Keep this to yourself, but it is rumoured that the good Maréchal has used the experience gained in a past life to smuggle some tartan plaid across the Channel and is intent on providing his entourage with exceptionally colourful pelisses and breeches.

I have attempted to have the bagpipes introduced into all the Regimental Bands of the 1er Corps, however, the musicians themselves have vetoed the idea. I cannot think why they would be against it.

On the contrary Sir, my forebears would be overjoyed that I have raised myself to such a level as to be entrusted with such vital work. Though my parents could neither read nor write, they understood the necessity of an education, if one was to progress in this life. Consequently they used a few pennies from the meagre income garnered from our croft / illicit still to send me to be schooled in the social arts. The result of their actions sees me assigned to my current command. I feel that the virtuous thing to do is to honour the memory of their sacrifice and forward thinking.

I would concur that the Russian Artillery is indeed a powerful weapon. The mere sight of a battery of 12 Unicorns deploy has caused many an unsightly stain. It is however, all very well having powerful artillery, it is another matter in knowing how to use it effectively. The Emperor's "Beautiful Daughters" are a match for your guns.

Take care my friend.


Général Gregor Morgan
Duc de Montebello et Comte de Gironde
Commandant du
1er Corps d'Armée

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 12:17 pm 

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In such case, the Cossacks eagerly await an opportunity to encounter General Morgan in less favourable circumstances while operating on the supply line of the 1er Corps d'Armée, aiming to seize control of the corps' baggage train and acquire some of the smuggled tartan.

It is flattering to observe such literary among French officers, demonstrating not only remarkable skills on the battlefield but also in the art of correspondence.

I must bid farewell for now and head to the field. Rumors suggest that the French have recovered from their recent defeats and are regrouping for another attempt at my grande battery packed with heavy unicorns. Another try....

General-Mayor Alexey Tartyshev
Kiev Grenadiers Regiment (Grenadier Drum)
2nd Grenadier Division
8th Infantry Corps
2nd Western Army

(I don't play with Rout limiting ON)

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 3:40 pm 
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Adieu General-Mayor Tartyshev, jusqu’ à la prochaine fois.

N’oubliez pas de ne pas vous tenir devant votre batterie pendant qu’elle tire. Comme vous pouvez brûler votre chapeau.


Général Gregor Morgan
Duc de Montebello et Comte de Gironde
Commandant du
1er Corps d'Armée

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 3:37 am 

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A Cossack officer walks into the tavern with his boots covered in mud. Many of the French officers within the tavern recognize these boots, as they have often found themselves on the receiving end of these boots. The officer strides into the middle of the tavern and raises his voice to make an important announcement.

He appears to be adjutant of the 2nd army Cossacks commander and the Cossacks' spokesperson.

He gets the attention of the yet sober visitors of Rhine Tavern, declares that he has an important announcement from the army HQ that a mighty Cossack force has conducted an operation on the supply lines of the French 1er Corps.


"Ladies and Gentlemen,
We got it!
The Scottish whisky cask now rests securely in our possession!

Tonight, one of the Cossacks Regiments launched a targeted operation against the compound where intelligence indicated the precious liquid was stored. Instead of using the front door like a regular person, the Cossacks blasted through the wall using direct fire from one of the brigade's unicorns.

They breached the wall and took custody of the whisky cask. With resolute determination, they seized the compound, causing the enemy guards to scatter like scared chickens. There was little shooting involved as the enemy retired with little opposition embarrassing the esprit de corps and the leadership of the 1er Corps. However, this doesn't mark the end of our efforts. We will continue our operations to acquire the Scottish tartan as well.

One of the Italian freelance painters, whose family suffers at the hands of the Corsican oppressor back in Italy, has graciously offered his services to immortalize this brilliant feat in a oil painting, which you can see below.

We give thanks to the men who carried out this strategic operation. While recognition may elude General Alexey Tartyshev, such is often the fate of unseen heroes, nonetheless, I am confident that this daring exploit will echo through the corridors of taverns across Europe and the New World alike.

May the coalition arms be forever blessed!”


General-Mayor Alexey Tartyshev
Kiev Grenadiers Regiment (Grenadier Drum)
2nd Grenadier Division
8th Infantry Corps
2nd Western Army

(I don't play with Rout limiting ON)

Last edited by Alexey Tartyshev on Wed Mar 13, 2024 11:09 am, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 6:56 am 
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"Yes mon Général"!

"Check the asset"!

"One, two,, eight... eleven, twelve. All present and correct Sir".

"Thank you Major. Excellent, it appears that our little ruse de guerre out foxed those tiresome Cossacks in their "targeted" strike. What I would give to see their faces when they open up their prize cask, only to find the soiled undergarments and socks of Corporal Le Pétomane and his hard marching troop, floating about on the surface of last nights laundry water. I must remember to thank the good Corporal for his sacrifice.

You would think that these supposedly wily brigands would have recognised the signs of deception. Do they believe that any old "intelligence" that is handed to them on a plate is genuine. The sight of our brave Frenchmen "scattering like chickens", no resolute defence of the compound and only a token shot fired should all of pointed to the fact that this was a meticulously planned subterfuge. This episode has put a smile on the faces of every soldier and our Esprit de Corps could not be higher.

I admit that I was a little surprised by their use of a twelve gun battery of unicorns to blast a hole in the paper thin walled enclosure, however they are well known for their overbearing bluster.

Eye witnesses have remarked on the state of the Tavern's floor following the entrance of a rather outlandishly and futuristically dressed Cossack, I would like to think that any self respecting soldier of La Grande Armée would clean his boots before making an entrance. How do they manage to get their boots so dirty any way? Perhaps they should invest in bigger ponies".

That Cossack chief pictured looks like he is drinking Brandy, which is a poor substitute for whisky. Is he any relation to our good friend Professor Dumbledore?

I think that on this occasion the unseen but often heard hero that is the good General-Mayor Tartyshev will be rather pleased to have eluded recognition for the effectiveness of this night time raid.

Come Major, secure the asset and let's be on our way".

My warmest regards to you General-Mayor Tartyshev.

Bravo! Your literary skills bring a smile to my face.


Général Gregor Morgan
Duc de Montebello et Comte de Gironde
Commandant du
1er Corps d'Armée

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 8:57 am 

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General Morgan's keen eye for deception is truly remarkable.

Alas, Corporal Le Pétomane's sacrifice goes in vain.
The reports from the rank and file indicate that indeed the taste of the drink appeared to be somewhat... peculiar :shock:

However, minor nuisances such as a bit of salty taste within the drink would hardly faze a Cossack made of sterner stuff!
But worry not, Cossacks shall regroup and continue leading our triumphant operations, undeterred by minor setbacks


General-Mayor Alexey Tartyshev
Kiev Grenadiers Regiment (Grenadier Drum)
2nd Grenadier Division
8th Infantry Corps
2nd Western Army

(I don't play with Rout limiting ON)

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 2:10 pm 
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I would expect nothing less Général-Mayor.

Have an enjoyable weekend.



Général Gregor Morgan
Duc de Montebello et Comte de Gironde
Commandant du
1er Corps d'Armée

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2024 10:37 am 
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A Halt in the Village by Édouard Detaille

Général Gregor Morgan, Grand-duc de Montebello et Comte de Gironde


Congratulations on another fine honor for your great leadership to La Grande Armée and the Club! Well deserved for sure!

We in the Allied Coalition honor you with the playing of "Marche de la Garde consulaire" -

Drinks are on me and König Friedrich Wilhelm III. for the next seven days!!!! Cognac, whiskeys, some fine ales!!

Three cheers to the Grand-duc de Montebello et Comte de Gironde!! Huzzaah!! Huzzaah!! Huzzaah!!

PS - Will have to go back and read your exchange w/Alexey!

Generalfeldmarschall Scott Kronprinz "Vorwärts" Ludwig von Preußen
Kommandeur des Königlich-Preußischen Armee-Korps
Chief of Staff (CoS) of the Allied Coalition
Allied Coalition Webmaster & Club Website Support

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PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2024 1:46 pm 

Joined: Sun Dec 06, 2020 3:31 pm
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Congratulations General Morgan. I still remember the kicks in the ass you threw at me during my first battles. :lol:

Major Gian Luca Giorgi
Tirailleurs du Pô
3ème Brigade
3ème Division d'Infanterie
4ème Corps d'Armée
"The army will never forget that under Napoleon's eagles,
Worthy men of courage and intelligence were elevated to
the highest levels of society. Simple soldiers became
Marshals, princes, dukes and kings. The French soldier
Had become an equal citizen by right and glory."

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PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2024 4:07 pm 

Joined: Mon Oct 22, 2001 9:17 pm
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Congratulations General Morgan. I have enjoyed thoroughly your rivalry with our Russian Allies

Field Marshal Sir Michael Davies, 1st Earl of Glamorgan K.T.
23rd Regiment of Light Dragoons
3rd British Cavalry Brigade
Cavalry Corps

Dum vivimus vivamus

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