American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Gator Alley and Resolute Division
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Author:  Blake [ Mon May 16, 2011 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Gator Alley and Resolute Division


Since taking over 3rd Division of II Corps, the Resolute Division, Brig. Gen. Mark Davis has managed to form it into a powerful division that has won the last two Outstanding Division Awards. The only other division so honored has been Gator Alley. Perhaps the power has shifted from I Corps to II Corps in this Army? Gator Alley seems to have met its match with the rise of the Resolute Division! :mrgreen:

Author:  TMiller [ Tue May 17, 2011 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gator Alley Downfall?

BG Davis

I knew I was placed in the right disrespect to the other Divisions and their Commanders but the facts speak for themselves.......

Tab is on the Palmetto Rangers

<SALUTE> and Toast to the "Resoluters" and BG Davis


In fact I am throwing the Gaunlet down.....any Division Grey or that dang awful blue think they can clean our latrines
come a calling because we are your Huckleberry.........

LtGen Tim Miller

Author:  Neal Hebert [ Thu May 19, 2011 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gator Alley Downfall?

General Strickler <salute>

Suh, my compliments! A nice little ploy to develop some rivalry between our divisions. My congratulations to the 3rd Division, II Corps!

I can appreciate General Miller's desire to find someone to clean latrines, however we're currently too busy fighting the Army of the Shenandoah to be concerned with huckleberries. Call us when they engage an entire Yankee army.

Highest regards,

Author:  Blake [ Fri May 20, 2011 5:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gator Alley Downfall?

You better beat that Army of the Shenandoah or come home on your shields I know that!

Author:  Neal Hebert [ Fri May 20, 2011 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gator Alley Downfall?

Suh, we did quite well just fielding four teams with six officers. As for the victories, we're working on it :twisted:

Author:  Blake [ Sat May 21, 2011 3:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gator Alley Downfall?

I have sent you reinforcements so I expect victories! :D

Author:  GCDavey [ Sat May 21, 2011 4:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gator Alley Downfall?

Suh <Salute>

It sure is a honour Suh to serve in the Resolute Division and of course
under the command Brig Gen Davis.

I can understand the Gator Alleys reluctance to take on the Resolute Division,
why Suh they have built up such a tremendous reputation and have risen (deservedly)
to such heights that it would be a long way for them to fall Suh. :wink:

Author:  Neal Hebert [ Sat May 21, 2011 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gator Alley Downfall?

Suh, I appreciate the newly commissioned lieutenants however they haven't finished unpacking their bags yet. I will shoehorn them into the Gator Challenge battles as possible for the experience, however their real contributions will come in future battles.

As for the "victories" you demand, our command seems to have a very short memory. The two "pure" Gator Alley MP battles completed so far (Gator Pike and Gator Woods) were both major victories. As for the "Gator Challenge" MP battles against the AotS, they are progressing in a satisfactory manner for the most part.

Gator Oats is now on turn 33 of 200 with our forces currently about 250 points on the plus side of a draw. General Ned Simms is making an excellent contest of the battle, however, and we are adjusting to meet the threat. :roll: Casualties thus far have been heavy. The Yanks have suffered roughly 10,850 infantry and 1,800 cavalry casualties and lost 25 guns. For our part we have roughly 8,350 infantry and 2050 cavalry casulties and lost 42 guns. It's only 2:40pm, so the day one totals will be a great deal higher.

Gator Bloom has completed 19 of 200 turns with our forces currently 852 points on the plus side of a draw. Casualties are light so far compared to Gator Oats. The Yanks have suffered roughly 1,200 infantry and 875 cavalry casualties, with our losses at roughly 800 infantry and 15 cavalry.

Gator Klebbe has completed 18 1/2 of 200 turns with our forces currently 36 points on the plus side of a draw. This battle is unfolding very slowly with the Yanks suffering roughly 50 cavalry casualties and our forces suffering roughly 10 infantry casualties.

Gator Scrap is the one Gator Challenge battle I am not involved in, and as of the last report our forces commanded by Brigadier General Tom Moore held a minor victory.

Author:  Neal Hebert [ Sat May 21, 2011 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gator Alley Downfall?

Lt Col Davey <salute>

Suh, my compliments! I hold each of my comrades of the CSA in the highest regards for choosing to fight with inferior numbers, supply and artillery. Enjoy your recognition and fight Yankees.

Your claim we are reluctant to fight holds no water as we have fought whatever Yankee team we have convinced to take the field, mostly to their regret. We challenged for any division of the Army of the Tennessee to play us in an MP battle with only one brigade commander showing interest. The Army of the Shenandoah jumped up with four teams, and we met every one of their challenges from within the division. Perhaps that should be considered when handing out "Outstanding Division" awards. How many MP battles is your division fighting at the moment with teams completely from within?

I'll now quote on of our brigade commanders upon hearing about this thread: "Gator Alley Downfall? thread. There should be ten question marks after that". Find a Yankee division to fight, you don't want us in the field.

Author:  Neal Hebert [ Sat May 21, 2011 5:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gator Alley Downfall?

General Strickler <salute>

Suh, an update to the "Gator Challenge" battles being fought against the AotS. "Gator Scrap", commanded by Brigadier General Tom Moore, is currently 903 points on the positive side of a major victory with about 15 turns left at HPS Corinth.

Looks like a victory is headed your way, courtesy of some fine Gator officers.

Author:  Blake [ Sun May 22, 2011 3:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gator Alley Downfall?


I am most pleased with the positive news from the Gator Alley battles! I am proud of your division which continues to prove it is the finest in the CSA! There is no "downfall" for sure. Maybe the Resolute Division is simply 'resolutely' catching up to your division in terms of performance, spirit, and enthusiasm. A great goal for any division! This Army continues to prove we have the finest officers and spirit in the CSA!


Author:  GCDavey [ Mon May 23, 2011 5:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gator Alley and Resolute Division

Maj Gen Hebert

Suh <Salute>

It was said in gest a little bit of banter if you like, no disrespect was meant to you or
your Division. Perhaps I should have put more winky faces at the end?

Author:  TMiller [ Mon May 23, 2011 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gator Alley and Resolute Division

COL Davey

Don't fret over BG Herbert and his "2d" Division.....
you have to uinderstand BG Herbert and Gen Strickler are kind of touchy ....feely......Officers
just give them alittle love and they will be alright....I think they may have been around the thin skin yanks
alittle too much.....

Plus you have accomplished your mission to a successful end
you got their goat :)

anyway I buy them two rounds each and they will have forgotten where they are at let alone what current affairs are...

LtGen Tim Miller
Chief Instigator

Author:  Neal Hebert [ Mon May 23, 2011 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gator Alley and Resolute Division

General Miller <salute>

Suh, my compliments! You are correct about our having been around the thin skin Yanks; we've been kicking their butts in MP battles for over a year now. Our complaint with the thread was the original title suggesting we were in decline, which we notice has been changed.

Gator Alley salutes the "Resolute Division" and the recognition they have recieved. Do not mistake rising toward the level of Gator Alley as meaning you are there. You are only moving in the right direction.

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