American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Parade Field - 1st Quarter, 2014
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Author:  Neal Hebert [ Fri Jan 03, 2014 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Parade Field - 1st Quarter, 2014

Commanders, call your units to attention!

Gentlemen, welcome to our first awards ceremony for the new year where officers will be recognized for gallantry, determination and excellence during the month of December, 2013.

General Jim Garner, post! It is an honor to recognize 4th Brigade, 1st Division, II Corps, as the outstanding brigade (1st Award) for December with two major victories and one draw. In addition, you are also awarded the Gallantry Citation (1st Award) for having completed a total of 60 victorious turns. Your actions on the field of battle reflect great credit on you, the Army of the Mississippi, and the Confederate States Army. Congratulations!



Colonel Michael Chandler, post! Suh, it is an honor to present you with the Purple Heart (2nd Award) for staying the course in the face of a determined opponent, holding out for 104 turns in a losing effort. Your determination to continue fighting reflects great credit upon you, the Army of the Mississippi, and the Confederate States Army. Congratulations, suh!


Gentlemen, this concludes the ceremony. I invite everyone to retire to the officers' mess for drinks and to congratulate the award recipients.

Commanders, dismiss your units!

Author:  Neal Hebert [ Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Parade Field - 1st Quarter, 2014

Commanders, call your units to attention!

Gentlemen, I am honored to recognize 2nd Division, I Corps, as the Outstanding Division for the 4th Quarter of 2013. This is their second consecutive award, having been recognized for their excellence during the 3rd Quarter of 2013. The following officers are recognized for their contributions:

Lieutenant General Tom Phillips commanded 2nd Division until his recent transfer to a corps command in the Army of Alabama. His contribution to the division prior to the transfer included being mustered, completing a battle, and completing a maneuver.

Major General Michael Mihalik commands 2nd Brigade, contributing a muster, completing a battle, and being a Gallantry Citation recipient.

Major General Jim Pfluecke commands 3rd Brigade, contributing a muster, and completing a battle.

Field Lieutenant Mark Rogers commands 4th Brigade, contributing a muster, completing a battle, and being an Outstanding Brigade recipient.

Lieutenant Colonel Dagan Chambers commands 5th Brigade, contributing a muster, and completing a battle.

Major General Donald Vandergriff commanded 6th Brigade until his recent transfer to command of 1st Division, I Corps. His contributions were being mustered, completing a battle, as well as being an Outstanding Brigade and Gallantry Citation recipient.


Gentlemen, well done!

Commanders, dismiss your units!

Author:  jmedeiros [ Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Parade Field - 1st Quarter, 2014

A hearty congratulations to all who have been recognized!

Lt. Gen. Joe Medeiros
I Corps

Author:  Tony Beyersdorf [ Sat Jan 04, 2014 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Parade Field - 1st Quarter, 2014

Congrats to these fine officers!

Author:  TReneau [ Sat Jan 04, 2014 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Parade Field - 1st Quarter, 2014

Hearty Congratulations to all these fine officers! Special shout-out to General Garner from the Gator Alley Division! Very proud of your service sir!

Author:  Hulinsky [ Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Parade Field - 1st Quarter, 2014


Congratulations on your well deserved awards! <salute>

I've just posted them to your Officer Dossiers! It's no wonder some of you are so successful in battle. With all that hardware dangling from your uniforms... it's nearly impossible for a minnie ball to find it's mark! :wink:

Great job!

Author:  Neal Hebert [ Sat Feb 01, 2014 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Parade Field - 1st Quarter, 2014

Commanders, call your units to attention!

It is my honor to acknowledge superior performance during the month of January, 2014, with the decorated officers displaying combat prowess, tenacity, and overall excellence.

Major General David Peek is awarded the Outstanding Brigade for his efforts in command of I Corps in a MP contest. General Peek led the main attack against an isolated Yankee corps while the rest of the army held blocking positions on the flanks to prevent reinforcement. This attack saw Wadsworth's entire division eliminated, with the remainder of the Yankee I Corps and a supporting division of XII Corps suffering significant casualties. Well done, suh!


Lieutenant Joe Medeiors is awarded the Gallantry Citation for his 160 victorious turns in what was a defeat of epic proportions inflicted on Brigadier General Zafer Ejder of the Army of the Tennessee. I know the field well, and it is a difficult endeavor for the CSA due to the difficulty in moving laterally. General Medeiros made it look easy and receives his second award. Well done, suh!


Major Tony Barrett is presented the Purple Heart in recognition of his fighting spirit and desire to fight it out to the last. Major Barrett accumulated a total of 86 turns over two battles in losing efforts while displaying tenacity and a die-hard attitude in being recognized for his first award. Well done, suh! Keep plugging away at them Yanks and they will begin to crumble.


Commanders, this concludes the ceremony. You may dismiss your commands and assemble in the picnic area where a pig picking has been put together. Drinks will be available as well.

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