American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Siege of Lexington scenario series - scenarios 04 to 06
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Author:  Christian Hecht [ Sun Jun 07, 2020 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Siege of Lexington scenario series - scenarios 04 to 06

Siege of Lexington: The Ring Closes, Sept 18,1861 (Hist) Weather rules(04 Lexington_Sept 18_H_W.SCN)
Siege of Lexington: Sturgis Arrives, Sept 19, 1861 (Hist) Weather rules(05 Lexington_Sept 19_H_W.SCN)
Lexington: Battle of Hemp Bales, Sept 20, 1861 (Hist) Weather rules(06 Lexington_Sept 20_H_W.SCN)

I played the versions "04 Lexington_Sept 18_H_W.SCN", "05 Lexington_Sept 19_H_W.SCN" and "06 Lexington_Sept 20_H_W.SCN", these are just like the original scenarios but with weather lines added to the PDT.

Points of interest:
- Just like Carthage these scenarios could benefit from shorter turns and in this case even from a reworked map on a smaller scale. The besieged area is extremely small and any rout of a Union unit lets the unit usually end outside of the besieges area. Besides this the Confederates can't do much but trying to storm the besieged area head on, with a smaller scale on units & map it could be a more interesting game, a prime example for this are the company scenarios of Waterloo that are set around the 3 heavy contested farms.
- Something to simulate the famous Hemp Bales would be welcome, maybe a house rule in combination with some dummy units to simulate the hemp bales would be worth a try. The union player could be force to only fire on the hemp bales while the confederate can hide more than X men behind such a dummy unit and advance close to finally do some damage to the Union troops.

- As even on the last day the Confederates will likely not succeed, something to simulate the hemp bales that where used on the 20th seems necessary.

Weather version specific:
- Day turns should start at the 6:20 turn, and night turns should start at the 20:00 turn. That may make one consider extending the 2nd & 3rd scenario as the current end is at the time Dusk starts.
(Based on UTC-5, TZ: America/Chicago DST CDT)

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