American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Corinth 1.01 Maps
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Author:  krmiller_usa [ Fri Nov 19, 2004 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Corinth 1.01 Maps

I recently tried copying the new HPS Gettysburg maps to my Corinth 1.01 folder. I wanted to do a scenario with a custon OOB for my next MP game and since you can't do that in the game I was going to use the old 1.01 version of Corinth that I'm using in my current game since you can import maps and oobs to it.

Unfortunately it appears you cannot import the Gettysburg maps or any other game maps for that matter. Seems the homemade maps from the many mods out there and the originals work okay but trying to use an Ozark, Franklin or Gettysburg map results in an "error reading module" message and I end up with a blank map. I tried copying the folder again and placing the map folder from Gettysburg into the new one thinking it might have something to do with the problem but that didn't help. Was wondering if anyone has any idea why this occurs and if not where I could get the info to create a new map from scratch. Hate reinventing the wheel but since I can't use their maps I guess I'll have to make my own.

Lt.Gen.Ken Miller
Veteran's Divsion

Author:  PAW1860 [ Sun Nov 21, 2004 9:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

I love HPS games, but it is a pity that they have gone down the path of screwing the designers.

They honestly are not going to make all the Civil War Battles, so I do not see why they insist on shutting us out.

People would still buy their new games, even if we still had complete designer access.

If they are so tightfisted they could charge $10 for the designer rights.

I now have 10 titles, 11th on the way, what more do they want, I can only buy so many...

Happier customers means more business and word of mouth travels fast...

<font color="gold"><b>Lt. Col. </b></font id="gold">Paul Wakeman, <font color="limegreen">Sharpshooter</font id="limegreen">
<font color="beige">3rd</font id="beige"> '<font color="red">Jayhawk</font id="red">' <font color="beige">Brigade
1st Light Inf. Div.</font id="beige">
<b>XIX Corps, AoS,<font color="gold"> USA</font id="gold"></b>



Author:  pete [ Thu Dec 30, 2004 10:59 am ]
Post subject: 

I got this Mail from HPS

Sorry for the slow response, been busy with other things the last few days. :-)

Yes, the OOB's are locked for all of the Civil War games with the most recent patches. Sorry that will prevent you from buying them, but too many people were creating custom add-on's and it hampers our ability to make more games. Without selling our current games we can't make more...


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