American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

campaign gettysburg brandy station bug
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Author:  larenzorbrown [ Mon Jun 06, 2005 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  campaign gettysburg brandy station bug

my name is larenzo r. brown csa vmi cadet.i have an email friend who has experienced some potential bugs in campaign geetysburg one of which is in a campaign i was in with him. if anyone knows info about this situation please email me back to let me know.

in the full 1863 campaign in the very first battle which is brandy station on about the 8th turn or so his opponent who was playing the union had his forces taken over by the ai and would not return it to the human player. the human player did nothing to change the settings.
in the 2nd situation i was playing the csa. my opponent was playing the union again at brandy station in the full 1863 campaign. on the 32nd turn the union player reported that a few not all of his units would not move at all or would only move about 1/3 of their movement points even though the full movement points were listed as being available to the unit.this continued for a few turns and we quit the game with my opponent giving me a termination bid that i accepted so i do not know how long it would have lasted. needless to say my friend and i hesitate now to even start a campaign since this has happened 2 times out of 2 campaigns in the very first battle.
thanks larenzo r. brown

Larenzo R. Brown
CSA Cadet
duty is mine.
consequences are God's.

Author:  PAW1860 [ Mon Jun 13, 2005 3:56 pm ]
Post subject: 


These kind of bugs you would need to report to HPS directly. We are concerned with bugs in games we produce as addons. See the ACWCO website.

Not with original game stuff.


<font color="gold"><b>Lt. Col. </b></font id="gold">Paul Wakeman, <font color="limegreen">Sharpshooter</font id="limegreen">
<font color="beige">3rd</font id="beige"> '<font color="red">Jayhawk</font id="red">' <font color="beige">Brigade
1st Light Inf. Div.</font id="beige">
<b>XIX Corps, AoS,<font color="gold"> USA</font id="gold"></b>



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