American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

HPS Weapon Types (in PDT file)
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Author:  PAW1860 [ Tue Oct 04, 2005 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  HPS Weapon Types (in PDT file)

Anyone have a listing of all the weapons in HPS games PDT file?


<font color="gold"><b>Col. </b></font id="gold">Paul Wakeman, <font color="limegreen">Sharpshooter</font id="limegreen">
Kansas Dragoons
<font color="beige">2nd Cavalry Division </font id="beige">
<b>XIX Corps, AoS,<font color="gold"> USA</font id="gold"></b>



Author:  krmiller_usa [ Tue Oct 04, 2005 5:12 pm ]
Post subject: 


Here you are.

Letter Weapon
A Repeating Rifle
a 42 lb. Rifle
B Breech loader
b 12lb Mtn How.
C Carbine
c 7" Brooke Rifle
D 32 lb. Smoothbore
d 13" Mortar
E 32 lb. Rifle
e 24lb Coehorn Mortar
F 10 in. Columbiad
f 18 lb. Rifle
G 24 Lb. Siege Gun
g 8 in. Howitzer
H 12 lb. Howitzer
h 6 lb. Wiard
I 42lb Smooth Bore
i 12 lb. Wiard
J 24 lb. Howitzer
j 6 lb. James Rifle
K 6 lb. Rifle
k Mixed Arms
L 6 lb. Smoothbore
l Multiple Arms
M Musket
m 8" Columbiad
N 12 lb. Napoleon
n 24lb Rifle
O Blakely Rifle
o 24lb Smooth Bore
P Pistol
p 8" Dahlgren
Q 12 lb. James Rifle
q 3.67" Sawyer
R Rifle Musket
r 4.5" Rifle
S Shotgun
s 6" Howitzer
T 3 in. Rifle
t 3" Naval Rifle
U 20 lb. Parrot Rifle
u 14lb James Rifle
V 30 lb. Parrot Rifle
v 10" Mortar
W Whitworth Rifle
w 2.25" Mountain Rifle
X 10 lb. Parrot Rifle
x 200lb Parrot
Y 100lb Parrot
y 6.5" Rifle
Z 9" Dahlgren

Lt.Gen.Ken Miller
Veteran's Divsion


Author:  PAW1860 [ Tue Oct 11, 2005 11:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Ken.

Is there anyway to add new ones like the Enfield Rifle for (Reb) Sharpshooters?


<font color="gold"><b>Col. </b></font id="gold">Paul Wakeman, <font color="limegreen">Sharpshooter</font id="limegreen">
Kansas Dragoons
<font color="beige">2nd Cavalry Division </font id="beige">
<b>XIX Corps, AoS,<font color="gold"> USA</font id="gold"></b>



Author:  eireb [ Tue Oct 11, 2005 12:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi Paul!

Would it not be a Whitfield Rifle for a Reb Sharpshooter?

Not that I am expurt in de subjekt . . but, I allus thawht that wuz the weppin of chise in de CSA for "Sharpies"?


Colonel Patrick G.M.Carroll,
II Corps,
Army of Georgia.
"Spartan Southrons"

" When My Country takes it's rightful place, amongst the Nations of the World, then and only then, let My Epitaph be written. "

Author:  krmiller_usa [ Tue Oct 11, 2005 5:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

I believe the weapon types are hard coded into the main program. The PDT uses a letter and each letter is translated as a weapon name somewhere in the program to be displayed in the unit box and the parameter data screen of the help files.

You could assign values to a weapon you wanted in the pdt but you can't change the weapon name that is displayed as far as I know. Since there was no z weapon I added a z weapon to the pdt file, gave it values and then modified an oob file so a unit had a z assigned. I then created a scenario with a unit having a z weapon and when I looked at the parameter data file it showed the values I entered for the weapon but the name was z weapon so I presume that comes from somewhere in the .exe file and would not be changable. I then created a .scn file and opened it with the game, the z weapon had the ranges I made for it although I have no wa of knowing if it used the correct fire values it did seem to work.

So I guess you could make your own values for a z weapon but it would not have a name attached to it. Don't know if you could use anything other than a letter for a weapon although I did try using double letters such as aa but that file produced an error when I tried to use it so I guess it has to be a single character. I also tried using some of the other characters such as [ , ? and < but they all produced errors so it looks like the z is the only spare.

Lt.Gen.Ken Miller
Veteran's Divsion


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