American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Destory Bridges ?
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Author:  HankSmith [ Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Destory Bridges ?

I don't even drink.....You see, the history they teach in all the federal schools has been rewritten to reflect an evil Government plot.....after the war, they bought off all the southern politicins (killed those they could not buy) and undid with politics, what we won on the battlefield. Surely you have heard of the "Lee/Stone Papers" which document the Southern Victory at Gettysburg on the night of July 3-4, 1863....and the follow up Southern victories which included the taking of Wahington, and Lincoln's flight to attempt to leave the Country. He had a few loyal followers led by Grant (Who was actually violating his parole after surrendering to Pemberton down near Vicksburg), escorting him.....As I said, they tried burning that bridge to escape, but we caught up to them, and Grant Surrendered for the 2nd time. Linclon was of course caught trying to flee dressed as a woman.....His beard gave him away.....Some of the boys thought he had nice legs though (before they figured it out).......Awyway, the damn politicals, took our hard erned independence and sold it all away.....What a shame. Npw we have to allow our children to be taught the ridiculous "Yankee" version of history in school!!!!!!

Author:  HankSmith [ Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Destory Bridges ?

I think we on the Southern Side of the club should start campaigning to get the "Lee/Stone" Version of history taught in public schools!!!! LOL

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