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Gettysburg scenarios
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Author:  tony best [ Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gettysburg scenarios

I was in excellant position but my knowledge of the precise Reb positions was weak. During the night I scouted them out using a combination of Cavalry and skirmishers. Very time consuming but I was able to gradually discern the Reb lines in the dark. Baxter and Paul of the 1st Corp found a gap in the Reb lines. With Meridith and Cutler in support we surrounded and destroyed two regiments.

Alas at this point the game concluded due to a miscommunication on night protocal.

Author:  tony best [ Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gettysburg scenarios

I found the scenerio a delight!! :D All the uncertainly of arrival times seemed more realistic than the rather exact knowledge we usually have. The large map is mitigated by so many turns which in of themselves causes a bit of stress-its a LONG Battle.

Moving the huge Union Army such long distances is tiring but also gives an appreciation of how gigantic it actually is. I developed a sense of confidence(perhaps exagerated).With so many geographic options and the variable arrivals the Battle should take different directions each time its fought.

Well done!! :D :)

Author:  Drex [ Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gettysburg scenarios

Exc ellent AAR, Lt.Best. Night movement/attack must be addressed in long scenarios. Exactly what scenario are you playing? BTW. please amend your signature with your unit designation.:)

Author:  tony best [ Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gettysburg scenarios

This was General Milhaliks modified entry scenerio.

Author:  DBMcWaters [ Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gettysburg scenarios

mihalik wrote:

As it turned out, both games centered on control of Round Top, which, contrary to the impression I got from reading Gettysburg histories, has great observation and fields of fire in the game.

I'm not sure why those histories would say that Round Top had bad observation and fields of fire. If I recall correctly, Laws' men took Big Round Top on the first or second day's fighting. Upon reaching the top, Laws sent a message to his commander saying that if they could get a couple of artillery batteries up there, they would have a GREAT opportunity to rain hell down on the Union flank. In one of the biggest tactical blunders made during those three days, his commander 'agreed with the potential' but ordered Laws' men to abandon Big Round Top and seize Little Round Top. (I may have the Round Tops backwards).

Theoretically, it was the same benefit to taking the other Round Top, and also Culp's Hill -- the Rebs would have unleashed a firestorm on the Union flank that could have changed the course of the War.

Author:  KWhitehead [ Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gettysburg scenarios

A lot depends on the condition of the two hills at the time of the battle. If my memory serves from the last time I was up on Little Round Top it was clear only on the west facing and only had room for one battery in that direction. Great for harassing the Rebs but of limited use for targeting Cemetery Hill. I am not sure at what point the tree line would totally block any northward fire.

Big Round Top was another matter. To get guns up there would require hauling them by hand and probably having to cut a path all the way to the top. There were only minor trails around the base of the hill. Once there it was fully wooded. A lot depends on what this meant in 1863. My impression is that to use it as a firing position would require clearing undergrowth and trees so there would be an open field of fire. If they had days that could be done but probably wasn't reasonable in such a fluid battle.

Also there is the range to consider. From the Round Tops Union targets were over a mile away. Solid shot from over a mile is irritating but not life threatening. There was probably higher chance of one of your own men accidentally shooting you than a cannon on the Round Tops hitting you.

The Round Tops were more critical because they overlooked the Taneytown Road than as an artillery platform. If they were held Infantry could easily cut one of the critical roads used by the Union Army and threaten to turn the Union left flank and rear.

Author:  DBMcWaters [ Tue May 01, 2012 12:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gettysburg scenarios

I need to see if I can find the history I read that in, then, and see what exactly it said Laws was thinking. Maybe the Union line was closer to the Round Tops on Days 1/2? I can't remember. Thanks for clearing that up!

Author:  KWhitehead [ Wed May 02, 2012 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gettysburg scenarios

I do think if Longstreet had stopped acting like it was that time of the month and more like a General he would have had his Corps into position earlier and where Lee wanted it. That position was suppose to be closer to the Peach Orchard with its right in front of Little Round Top which was unoccupied at that time. The attack was suppose to be NNE up the Emmittsburg Road which would have rolled up the III and II Corps from the flank. In this situation the Round Tops wouldn't matter since they couldn't support or affect the attack. The lines would be past them assuming the attack lines didn't already start pass them. And there wouldn't have been any V Corps near by to save the day.

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