American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Naval Superstitions
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Author:  Drex [ Sun Aug 05, 2012 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Naval Superstitions

Neal: this is getting out of hand. I was initially talking about cats but now this is degenerating. I will do my dealings with Gen. Strickler and it will be respectful, not spiteful. I have said all I need to say until the time comes to challenge the AotM. what I am doing is to put some pizzazz into this boring period we are in, not to create animosity between individuals. I consider your comments insulting and unbecoming an officer and a gentlemen.

Author:  Neal Hebert [ Sun Aug 05, 2012 6:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Naval Superstitions

General Ringbloom <salute>

Suh, my compliments!

I'm sorry you feel that way. I last replied directly to posts made by you, and in doing so I am insulting and unbecoming an officer and a gentleman?

"So you are refusing to fight? There are no caps on battles (and bravado) but evidently there is on courage and Sir, you have come up short." You expect no reply?

"But since when do you speak for the AotM? You are not even a CoS." You expect no reply?

You may have started with "cats", but you didn't shy away from attacking what was accomplished by Gator Alley while I was their commander. Yes, only a division stood to represent the army, but it was MY division and we represented the Army of the Mississippi in the finest fashion. I would call that a hell of an accomplishment by the officers assigned.

Take your case up with General Blake, and I will endure whatever comes down.

Author:  Blake [ Sun Aug 05, 2012 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Naval Superstitions

I think that we have all drank too much Jack Daniels and we need to sleep it off. All in good fun! :wink:

The biggest crime here is that Drex has had me puzzled by his statement about paratroopers earlier in this thread. Honestly, in every idle moment I had today it was spent thinking of Yankee paratroopers using a thousand hot air balloons to drop behind Confederate lines. I then began to ponder how many Yankees could fit in a hot air balloon. I concluded that, based on Jules Verne's novel The Mysterious Island, five Yankees could occupy each hot air balloon basket. Using a thousand ballons with five men in each Grant could have captured Richmond in a daring early morning airdrop of a veteran division. Although, given the risk involved undoubtedly a Colored Division would have been chosen for the task. My mind continued to wrap around the thought of thousands of black troops "dropping from the sky" on the unsuspecting populace of Richmond as they went to Church some Sunday morning. How has Hollywood not thought of this yet?

A good portion of my day wasted to such bizarre thoughts! :mrgreen:

Author:  Neal Hebert [ Sun Aug 05, 2012 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Naval Superstitions

General Blake <salute>

Suh, we reserve the right to countersue any complaint by the distinguished Yankee officer as to our character. With balloons or without.

Author:  TMiller [ Sun Aug 05, 2012 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Naval Superstitions


Let me add my two cents to this fracas :D
I am LTG Tim Miller and I am the CoS for the AotM....
Obviously I cant speak for the Yanks but I can speak for the AotM
we instruct our Officers to take inititative when in charge....MG Hebert did exactly that
without the CO or myself here....MG Hebert took charge and led.....the AotM fully supports
his actions

Now if I can quote from a poster......this sounds like sour grapes......

As I said before what make you laugh will make you cry....

I take it as a compliment you have to recruit/bribe our Southern Officers to come join your side in order to "TRY" to defeat us....

AotM waits patiently for the AotS when you are thru training....

Oh one last point..with all respect to Gen Strickler...he is no longer the Commander of the is the honorable General Jim Garner

Author:  Drex [ Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Naval Superstitions

Mr. Herbert was looking for an argument but I will not oblige him. If you go back and retrace this post you will see that he jumped from my innocuous comments about Cats and the confederacy to an immediate attack on our honor. I had no intention of impuning the dignity of the AotM but he just decides that he'll use this opportunity to act inappropriately. If you guys want to reinforce that type of behavior I can only wonder what happened to the Southern Gentlemen.

Author:  TMiller [ Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Naval Superstitions


If you intend to accuse one of my Officers of conduct unbecoming of a Gentleman then you may want to ensure your actions/words are beyond reproach.
I think we should drop this matter as of now and let the outcome be decided on the battlefield..... come this Autumn

I do wish you a good night and will hopefully see you on the field of honor

LTG Tim Miller

Author:  Blake [ Sun Aug 05, 2012 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Naval Superstitions

I definately do believe that Cat's are a jinx now! :shock:

The mere mention of the feline's has caused a stir. I hereby ban Cats from the MDT! And lock this post to avoid any further mischief from the little buggers. :idea:

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