American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Confederate Memorial Day
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Author:  Blake [ Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Confederate Memorial Day

I get this image of Hank standing outside this teachers classroom and the teacher trying to escape out the window.

Author:  Jefferson H. Davis [ Thu Aug 09, 2012 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Confederate Memorial Day

She was from New Jersey, and even she freely admitted the answer was D......But she could not do anything about it because it was a state exam.....

Oh and in response to your statement that the South is dissappearing, while it is true to an extent, the main reason is simple......Too many of you Yankees are moving down here.....We have a problem with "Wetbacks" in Texas, but it is at the Red River mostly.....I wish the Texas Rangers would start deporting all the Yanks!!!!! I get sick of hearing, "Back up North, we do it this way..."I tell em in a hurry, "Well you are not up North,if you want to do it that way, go back.....Oh and I am one of the "locals""

Author:  Blake [ Thu Aug 09, 2012 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Confederate Memorial Day

I know one thing about living in the South compared to the North... prepare to be mad... Northerners drive one hell of a lot better than Southerners! I have driven alot in Chicago, DC, Baltimore, Philly and NYC even. And then I drive South to Nashville, Knoxville, Atlanta, Montgomery, Houston, Galveston (yes, Hank those two are in Texas) and Richmond and I feel like I am constantly having to dodge cars that seem to enjoy running stoplights and driving either 25 over the limit or 25 under the limit. The lines on the road are there for a reason people! And the stoplights aren't "suggestions." Also an eighth of an inch of snow does not warrant shutting down the interstate and declaring an emergency. For a region that loves NASCAR you'd think they could drive better!

Oh, I am going to get hate emails this time for sure. :shock:

(it's fun to needle Hank a little bit)

Author:  Jefferson H. Davis [ Fri Aug 10, 2012 7:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Confederate Memorial Day

The State Of Texas national Research Institute has done an extensive and completely unbiased study of the dire situation on our roadways. You are entiely corrct there is a big problem with all that you speak of. The Institute had only one reccomendation for solving the issue. That recomendation being the immediate deportation of all Yankees back to their home States. You see, what has happened, is the result of yet another evil YANKEE plot! Ya'll damn Yanks have sent all Ya'lls bad drivers down here on purpose to cause wrecks,and kill good Southern folks. All wrecks in the South are caused by Yankees, and good Southern folks are always the victims. So you see, it is not Southern drivers you are speaking of, it is Yankee carpetbagger drivers......The research institute determined very definatly that all Southern drivers are perfect.

Author:  Blake [ Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Confederate Memorial Day

How in the world did we get here from the topic we started from?? :mrgreen:

Author:  Jefferson H. Davis [ Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Confederate Memorial Day

It has been entirely caused by yet another evil,decietful YANKEE PLOT to divert us away from our righteous indignation at the Destruction of Confederate Memorial Day by agents f the Yankee government!!!!!! Every good Southern man knows that!!!!

I do have a question for you though....When you visited Houston and Galveston (Them's MY stompin grounds), did you show your passport at the Texas border? I doubt it....This damn Yankee adminstration won't enforce immigration laws.....

Author:  Drex [ Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Confederate Memorial Day

I wonder what's easier to cross; the Rio Grande or the border between California and Mexico? I haven't heard the term Wetback in many years. I think they tunnel nowadays or just walk across.

Author:  Blake [ Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Confederate Memorial Day

No passport needed when I entered Texas. People got the heck out of my way.

True Story from the Life of Blake... you can't make this up...

I am driving down to Texas with an old buddy from my youth group at Church back in the 90s. We had visited his family in southern Illinois along the way and we did some skeet shooting. I used to own a red Ford Ranger with a Confederate flag waving off of the back and we drove that down to Texas. So, as were passing through God-knows-where (we didnt take any highways) at about 6 AM on a Sunday and we passed a hand-painted sign in Oklahoma that read "Beware of Arrows."

I slammed on the brakes and threw it in reverse to make sure I read it right. Yep. So my buddy J.R. says (without hesitation) "I'm riding shotgun." He gets in the back of the truck with the shotguns we used the day before and we took off down the road again. Soon we began passing little towns with people going to Church that were mainly African-American communities. Did I forget to mention J.R. was actually black? Yeah. So here we come barreling down the road in a red pickup with a Confederate flag with a white guy driving and a black guy holding a shotgun standing in the bed of the truck.

Texas didnt know what hit it when we came to town :mrgreen:

Author:  Jefferson H. Davis [ Fri Aug 10, 2012 10:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Confederate Memorial Day

Damn Yankee spies!!!! That what you were....We'd have shot you had we known you weren't a good Southern man......

Author:  Blake [ Fri Aug 10, 2012 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Confederate Memorial Day

As if you could hit the side of a barn with a double-barrel full of buckshot, sir! I ain't met no Texican yet that could shoot half as accurately as he could spit tobacco juice!

Author:  Neal Hebert [ Fri Aug 10, 2012 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Confederate Memorial Day

General Blake <salute>

Suh, you could be blind and hit the side of a barn with a double-barrel shotgun.

You turning Yankee on us? We may have to launch an audit of your tab to ensure you're not depleting good Confederate gold by consistantly claiming you forgot your wallet.

Author:  Blake [ Fri Aug 10, 2012 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Confederate Memorial Day

Having served in the Army with Texicans I can assure you that no soldiers are more brave when looking down the barrels of enemy cannon! Of course after they are knocked down by those cannons my Florida boys rush in and carry the day! We may have the smallest population in the Confederacy in Florida but were not a foolish bunch. There are no soldiers we'd rather follow into a battle than Texicans. :mrgreen:

Me, squandor gold? Never. Diamonds, yes, but gold, never. Allow me to pour you a drink of water to prove I am not cheap!

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