American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Army of the Mississippi
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Author:  Hulinsky [ Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:17 am ]
Post subject: 

Oh my... you just never know what's going to pop up around here! LOL!

I haven't heard a Jerry Reed song in a long long time. Thanks for bringing it back, Al! I might have to run over to Rhapsody and buy that song for the AotM webpage! [;)]

General Roger Hulinsky
Cmdg, AotM
Confederate States of America

Author:  Hulinsky [ Fri Jan 01, 2010 1:13 pm ]
Post subject: 


Has anyone seen Lt General Mike Laabs? I've a promotion and a couple awards for some very worthy III Corps Officers. Lt General Laabs... there you are, Sir! Would you please wrangle up Sascha Marx & Harry Haines? Thanks, Sir! <salute>

<b><center>FRONT & CENTER</center></b>

<center><b>LT COLONEL SASCHA MARX</b></center>


Sascha... Congratulations on your promotion to Lt Colonel! I see that your meteoric rise through the ranks continues! [:)] Last month you were promoted twice and here you are being promoted again! Excellent work, Sir! <salute>


Sascha, I'd also like to present to you an AotM 1 Year Service Ribbon! You joined the AotM in January 2009 and here you are a Lt Colonel just one year later. Keep up the pace, Sir!

<b><center>FRONT & CENTER</center></b>

<center><b>Captain Harry Haines</b></center>


Sir, it is my pleasure to award you an AotM 1 Year Service Ribbon for your time served in the Army of the Mississippi. Does it really seem like you've been in the AotM a year now? Wow, the time flies! Congratulations and thank you for your service! <salute>

Warmest Regards,

General Roger Hulinsky
Cmdg, AotM
Confederate States of America

Author:  Neal Hebert [ Fri Jan 01, 2010 2:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gentlemen <salute>

Lt Col Marx, congratulations on your promotion to the rank of Lieutant Colonel and completing one year of service in the Army of the Mississippi! I look forward to receiving dispatches of your future accomplishments in the service of our worthy cause.

Captain Haines, my congratulations on your accomplishment sir! As Adjutant the the Commandant of the Vicksburg Military Institute, I would be remiss in my duties if I did not point out that you are still eligilble to participate in the Lieutenant's Cup competition. We would be honored to have you with us again.

My regards,

Col Neal Hebert
2nd Division, I Corps, AotM
Adjutant, VMI


Author:  TReneau [ Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:20 am ]
Post subject: 

General Hulinsky <salute>

My compliments sir on your recruiting poster. It is very eye catching. I would also like to take a moment to publicly thank Colonel Hebert, my Division Commander for his help in developing a suitable brigade flag for my command.


BG Tim Reneau
1st Brigade/2nd Div/1st Corps
Army of the Mississippi


Author:  cameronm [ Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:06 am ]
Post subject: 

General Reneau <salute>

Damn fine flag Suh, that will put the scare on those chaps in blue. Good effort Colonel Hebert

Major General Cam McOmish
Commander Western Theater
Confederate States of America

Author:  Hulinsky [ Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:25 am ]
Post subject: 

Brig. General Reneau,

I must say that I like the looks of your new Brigade Flag. It makes me thinking of marching 20 miles a day... up and down mountains with no shoes! (No wonder I'm a cavalryman at heart!) [;)]

Great job! <salute>

General Roger Hulinsky
Cmdg, AotM
Confederate States of America

Author:  Neal Hebert [ Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

General Reneau <salute>

It was my privelage to help, if even in a minor way. They are fine colors to be carried proudly by an honored officer in the Army of the Mississippi!

my regards,

Col Neal Hebert
2nd Division, I Corps, AotM
Adjutant, VMI


Author:  Hulinsky [ Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:17 am ]
Post subject: 


The following AotM Officer's have earned Battle Citations for Victories over Union opponents during the month of December.

<center><b>FRONT & CENTER</b></center>

<center><b>General Roger Hulinsky</b></center>


<center>A Major Victory in 09Oct16228 in 25 turns at HPS Chancellorsville versus an AoS Officer.</center>

<center><b>Lt Colonel Sascha Marx</b></center>

<center>Image Image Image</center>

<center>Lt Colonel Marx has three victories in December versus Union opponents. A Minor Victory in 09Nov16319 in 46 turns at HPS Gettysburg versus an AoT Officer. A Minor Victory in 09Nov16355 in 25 turns at HPS Franklin versus an AoS Officer. A Major Victory in 09Nov16372 in 49 turns at HPS Franklin versus an AoP Officer.</center>

<center><b>Colonel Robert Hardee</b></center>


<center>A Major Victory in 09Nov16309 in 47 turns at TS Bull Run versus an AoT Officer.</center>

<center><b>Major General Owen Evans</b></center>

<center>Image Image Image</center>

<center>Major General Evans has three victories versus Union opponents in December. A Major Victory in 09Jan15100 in 120 turns at HPS Gettysburg versus an AoS Officer. A Major Victory in 09Jul15880 in 85 turns at HPS Chancellorsville versus an AoS Officer. A Major Victory in 09Dec16402 in 9 turns at HPS Antietam versus an AoS Officer.</center>

<center><b>Major General Przemek Niedzielski</b></center>


<center>A Major Victory in 08Jan13359 in 82 turns at HPS Penninsula versus an AoC Officer.</center>

<center><b>Colonel Nick DeStefano</b></center>


<center>A Minor Victory in 09Aug16014 in 77 turns at TS Chickamauga versus an AoP Officer.</center>

Gentlemen, congratulations on your victories! It's always nice to be able to visibly see the success of the Army of the Mississippi. In December, we posted victories against every Army in the Union. Five against the AoS, 2 against the AoT, 2 against the AoP and 1 against the AoC. <u><b>It looks to me like we THUMPED our arch rival the AoS pretty good this month!</b></u> Why that's a total of 264 victorious turns against the AoS alone! I imagine we should be seeing the white flag of surrender from them momentarily! [;)]

Keep up the fight!

General Roger Hulinsky
Cmdg, AotM
Confederate States of America

Author:  Jon Hooper [ Fri Jan 08, 2010 11:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Well done gentlemen!!

MG Jon Hooper
1st Div, I Corps, AoM

Author:  cameronm [ Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well done Gents, doing the Western Command proud.

Major General Cam McOmish
Commander Western Theater
Confederate States of America

Author:  Neal Hebert [ Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gentlemen <salute>

My congratulations to each of the officers recognized. Major General Evans and Lieutenant Colonel Marx fared especially well, and I'm proud to see 2nd Division of I Corps represented by Colonel Hardee's major victory. A fine piece of fighting by all; well done!

My regards,

Col Neal Hebert
2nd Division, I Corps, AotM
Adjutant, VMI


Author:  Hulinsky [ Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:37 am ]
Post subject: 


The following Officer's have earned AotM Maneuver Citations for maneuver games within the Army of the Mississippi in the month of December.

<center><b>FRONT & CENTER</b></center>

<center><b>Fld Lt Roberto Massena</b></center>


<center>For 09Nov16351.</center>

<center><b>Major General Owen Evans</b></center>


<center>For 09Nov16351.</center>

<center><b>Major General John Lindley</b></center>


<center>For 09Dec16467 (a KotH Match).</center>

<center><b>Major General Bert Daniel</b></center>


<center>For 09Dec16467 (a KotH Match).</center>

<center><b>Captain Tom Wight</b></center>


<center>For 09Jun15714.</center>

Two of these maneuvers represent matches played in the KotH Tournament in which Round Four is nearing completion. <salute>

Congratulations, gentlemen!

General Roger Hulinsky
Cmdg, AotM
Confederate States of America

Author:  cameronm [ Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:28 am ]
Post subject: 


Well done - keep up the training, you all will soon be unleashed on the unsuspecting people in blue.[:)]

Major General Cam McOmish
Commander Western Theater
Confederate States of America

Author:  Pat Thompson [ Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:31 pm ]
Post subject: 


Are the Rebs getting citations for wearing shoes now too?

How about... um, starting a battle or maybe zipping a file?

Oh... how about for drawing a pretty picture??

Ah... nice job Roger, seriously... keep it going...

Major General Thompson
XIX Corps,

Author:  cameronm [ Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Do I detect a hint of medal envy[:p][:p]

Major General Cam McOmish
Commander Western Theater
Confederate States of America

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