American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Why The Club Concept We Use Will Fail
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Author:  Olinsky [ Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why The Club Concept We Use Will Fail

Lt General Swan,

Why Sir... perhaps THAT is the problem! Maybe Lt General Ringbloom was afraid that I was going to stray into the path of wickedness that would eventually lead to my destruction! You know... by following the Rebel horde down their usual road of pretentious tomfoolery! Just the thought of the Army of Georgia as an elite (?) coterie of Yankee bashing cliques! LOL! No wonder Drex doesn't sleep well at night! :wink:

At the moment... the Army of the Cumberland is preparing to spank the Army of the Mississippi in a 20,000 Man Challenge. Here's the web page:

When we send those Mississippi boys home with tears in their eyes... we may have to turn our eyes on the "Elite" Army of Georgia! 8)

I am working up an MP game at the moment for the Officer's in my Division. I have two Confederate volunteers already... one is Major Giovanni Boffi... have you ever heard of him? He's from an elite Army I believe! If I come up short Officer's... I'll send a rider over. Then when we've sent them home... I'll come look you and those fine trash talking AoG boys up! :P

Author:  Drex [ Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why The Club Concept We Use Will Fail

The reason Lt.Gen. Ringbloom doesn't sleep well at night has nothing to do with the AoG and their dreams of Glory or Major Olinsky's possible inclination toward Southern perversion as it has to do with my age and my bladder. :)

Author:  KWhitehead [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why The Club Concept We Use Will Fail

Oh those fond days of youth when one could drink a six pack without visiting the restroom fourteen times. :oops:

Author:  Olinsky [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why The Club Concept We Use Will Fail

LOL! You guys have me worried about getting old! Better to die on the battlefield, eh? :shock:

Author:  nelmsm [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why The Club Concept We Use Will Fail

Olinsky wrote:
LOL! You guys have me worried about getting old! Better to die on the battlefield, eh? :shock:

Better switch sides then as it's mostly Confederates that do the dying. :wink:

Author:  DBMcWaters [ Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why The Club Concept We Use Will Fail

Why not, I'm fairly new, so I thought I would weigh in as well.

I think I vaguely remember either trying to join this club a few years back, or else a very similar one. At the time, I wound up losing interest and dropping away, mostly because the individual who had been assigned to get me through the training academy (if that ever happened to begin with) never finished...there might've been one or two turns, and then I never heard from him again. This time around, things were much better.

I agree wholeheartedly with the need for divisions and corps to stay in contact with each other. All those who have stated we all have real life issues are correct - I myself am balancing a wife, 2 young boys, a full-time job, graduate school, numerous 'extra' activities, and this group (and I'm just a brigade commander)...and I feel stretched to the max at times. But, I do hope that in the course of getting involved playing battles (I like seeing seas of blue fleeing for the safety of their Yankee homeland, but the smell of their soiled trousers isn't very pleasing ;) ), I can develop several good friendships with others who enjoy the wargaming aspect, and learn strategies and such for playing better (whether against others or the PC). And having a group of others who is interested in this time period of history isn't bad either.

And, it doesn't always have to be an email a day, or even constantly involved in a game. Just try to get to know those under your command. The friendships that click will stay around and (hopefully) grow stronger, and it won't matter if real life gets in the way of communicating at times. Those who are around strictly for the medals and points and whatnot will drop out when they reach their "goal", no matter how much contact there is, so don't sweat it.

Me personally, I like the idea of the medals and ribbons, if for no other reason than it lets you look back and see, "Hey, I really AM getting better at this", and it gives you goals to shoot for - am I just going to play games, or am I really going to strive to improve and beat my opponents?...I thought about joining another group that plays Memoir44 online via VASSAL, for the same reason (ribbons and medals), but it's run through DaysofWonder who produces the game to begin with, and they charge money for that one went out the window.

I've probably duplicated a lot of the thoughts that have already been mentioned, but so be it...


Author:  Ernie Sands [ Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why The Club Concept We Use Will Fail

Good post, for a REB. :mrgreen:

Actually you summed things up just fine.

Author:  DBMcWaters [ Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why The Club Concept We Use Will Fail

Well, General, they DO teach us to read and write @ know, we have to be able to draw up the papers for your generals to sign their X on when they're surrendering... :)

Author:  dukemat [ Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why The Club Concept We Use Will Fail

DBMcWaters wrote:
Well, General, they DO teach us to read and write @ know, we have to be able to draw up the papers for your generals to sign their X on when they're surrendering... :)


Author:  Blake [ Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why The Club Concept We Use Will Fail

DBMcWaters wrote:
Well, General, they DO teach us to read and write @ know, we have to be able to draw up the papers for your generals to sign their X on when they're surrendering... :)

Nice. Ernie will spend all day trying to think of a comeback for that one :mrgreen:

Author:  Ernie Sands [ Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why The Club Concept We Use Will Fail


This Reb does well!!!! :lol:

Author:  DBMcWaters [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why The Club Concept We Use Will Fail

This Reb does well!!!! :lol:

Why, thank you Suh! <salute> (I'll salute you even if you are one of those folks from up Nawth) :)

Author:  pierred [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why The Club Concept We Use Will Fail

I don't quite understand the subject of this post. The month of May of this year will be the 15th anniversary of the club. How many of you know of any other wargame clubs that have been around in their original form for longer? Fail is not part of the vocabulary of this club. I was told it would fail from day one. All it takes is a few determined fellow to make it happen. We have a few of these I think.

There are so many people contributing to the success of this club that I can see it lasting to the 25th and beyond. I just hope I can be around to see it.

Bill in his own way has contributed over the years to the success. It takes all kinds of people and personalities to motivate people, to make things happen and help thing move forward.

A toast to all those, and there are many, who have contributed to make it 15 years in May.

Author:  Ernie Sands [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why The Club Concept We Use Will Fail

pierred wrote:
I don't quite understand the subject of this post. The month of May of this year will be the 15th anniversary of the club. How many of you know of any other wargame clubs that have been around in their original form for longer? Fail is not part of the vocabulary of this club. I was told it would fail from day one. All it takes is a few determined fellow to make it happen. We have a few of these I think.

There are so many people contributing to the success of this club that I can see it lasting to the 25th and beyond. I just hope I can be around to see it.

Bill in his own way has contributed over the years to the success. It takes all kinds of people and personalities to motivate people, to make things happen and help thing move forward.

A toast to all those, and there are many, who have contributed to make it 15 years in May.

Hear, Hear!!!! :D

Author:  Redlegger [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why The Club Concept We Use Will Fail

As a relatively newcomer to the club, but an individual who has enjoyed its camaraderie I will raise a toast and ash my cigar to the members of the club, past, present, and future.

Job well done men of both sides of our dispute.
Job well done.

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