American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

2nd HACW - Reports
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Author:  Harold Lajoie [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 7:04 am ]
Post subject:  2nd HACW - Reports

The 2nd Historical American Civil War tournament started May 1st 2007 to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the ACWGC.

<font color="orange">To participate, you can choose an open scenario at the 2nd HACW Registration topic in the Opponent Finder section of the Tavern.</font id="orange">

With the addition of the new titles from HPS (Vicksburg, Atlanta and Chickamauga), we will fight the war with 114 historical scenarios !!!
If new titles are released, they may be added to the list if the time table is respected as the scenarios are opened in a chronological order.

You can take a look at the rules and scenarios at the 2nd HACW site:

<font color="orange">You can post your battles reports, comments or questions here, in this topic.</font id="orange">

Good luck to all the participants and have fun ! [:p][B)][xx(][:0]

Col. Harold Lajoie 2/I/AoM, CSA.

Author:  HomerS [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 7:30 am ]
Post subject: 

Harold, officers like you are what make this club so great. Thanks for all your efforts with this. The first tourney was awesome and I can't wait for the second one.[:)]

Lieutenant General Don Golen

Western Theater Commander, Union!
Assistant Commandant Union War College

Author:  warbison [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 7:41 am ]
Post subject: 

<font face="Book Antiqua"><font size="4"><font color="orange">Colonel Lajoie! <salute>

<font color="beige">Opps! I should have started out by saying wha hooo! </font id="beige">Amen to what General Golen just said! You started the 1st HACW Tournament when you were only a Fld Lt! What a great addition to the Club you have been! It just goes to show that any member at anytime can have a huge impact on the enjoyment of our gaming Club! May you have continued success as the rest of us enjoy the fruits of your labor!

<font color="beige">Harold, thank you for the kind words but olde Neil Edwards gave me a pretty good lickin the first go around! What do you say Major General Edwards, save a place for me at Pea Ridge?</font id="beige">

What I don't understand today is the lack of participation from the good members of this Club? Hey ya'll don't anybody want to compete for their sides honor? Not to mention some great looking Ribbon and Medals!


</font id="orange"></font id="size4"></font id="Book Antiqua">

<font color="orange"><font size="4">Nick Kunz
<font color="white">General
Chief of the Armies
Confederate States of America</font id="white">
</font id="orange"></font id="size4">

Author:  Harold Lajoie [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 6:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

The handicap for the Union is temporarily set at -218 points.
This is the margin of the Union victory in the first tournament.

It means that the Federals must do better this time to claim the victory.

When the battle at Chickamauga will be over (1st HACW), the handicap will be modified to cover this scenario.
(Believe it or not, they didn't know about the cease-fire and are still firing at each other in a remote wooden area of Georgia).

For more details on the handicap and the scoring system:

Col. Harold Lajoie 2/I/AoM, CSA.

Author:  HomerS [ Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:25 am ]
Post subject: 

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="3" face="book antiqua" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Harold Lajoie</i>
<br />The handicap for the Union is temporarily set at -218 points.
This is the margin of the Union victory in the first tournament.

It means that the Federals must do better this time to claim the victory.

When the battle at Chickamauga will be over (1st HACW), the handicap will be modified to cover this scenario.
(Believe it or not, they didn't know about the cease-fire and are still firing at each other in a remote wooden area of Georgia).

For more details on the handicap and the scoring system:

Col. Harold Lajoie 2/I/AoM, CSA.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

does it make sense to handicap when you will be adding a bunch of scenarios that weren't played in the first tournament?[?]

Lieutenant General Don Golen

Western Theater Commander, Union!
Assistant Commandant Union War College

Author:  Harold Lajoie [ Fri Apr 20, 2007 5:12 am ]
Post subject: 

General Golen,
the system is not perfect but it will help to balance the tournament. For example, if we have a totally unbalanced scenario that will give 12 points to one side everytime, this result will be counterbalanced by handicaping the favored side by 12 points.
The present handicap is covering 76 of the 108 scenarios (70%).
There is no way to cover the new scenarios and the few uncompleted ones. We must play them first and gradually, the handicap will become a more precise tool.

Here is a copy of the text about the handicap:

"The Handicap

Many scenarios are unbalanced but they still represent an interesting challenge. Obtaining a minor defeat in a desperate battle could make a difference for the outcome of the war. Those scenarios are as good to learn the Civil War History as the more balanced ones and they deserve to be played.

To compensate for unbalanced scenarios that may favored one side, starting with the 2nd Historical American Civil War Tournament, an handicap will be applied to the side who have the better average points from preceeding HACW tournaments. Although not perfect, this handicap will hopefully contribuate to balance the tournament. The winning side will be forced to do better than the average score of earlier tournaments to claim the final victory.

Handicap Calculation
The handicap is calculated by averaging the unmodified final scores of preceeding HACW tournaments.

Example: 1st HACW result: USA 1740 pts, CSA 1500 pts >>> Union win by 240 points
For the 2nd HACW the Union will receive an handicap of -240 points.
2nd HACW results: USA 1650 pts -240 pts (handicap) = 1410 pts , CSA 1590 pts >>> CSA win by 180 pts. But the unmodified final score is 60 pts for the USA.
For the 3rd HACW the Union will receive an handicap of -150 points. (240+60) /2 = 150.

If scenarios are removed from the Tournament, the points attribuated to them in preceeding tournaments will not be considered for the calculation of the handicap.
If new historical scenarios become available, many will be added to the Tournament. The handicap calculation will not take account of these additions. When these new scenarios will be played at least one time, the handicap system will cover them. "

Col. Harold Lajoie 2/I/AoM, CSA.

Author:  dmallory [ Fri Apr 20, 2007 6:47 am ]
Post subject: 

Col. Lajoie,

I missed out on the first HACW tournament, but I hope there is a place for me in the second. I only have the HPS games on my new machine, however. If I remember correctly, an officer just volunteers for each match as it comes available and is awarded the chance to fight that battle on a first-come, first-served basis. If that's so, I can select only those battles being fought on the HPS engine?

Your humble servant,
Gen 'Dee Dubya' Mallory

David W. Mallory
ACW - General, 3/2/I/AotM (Club President & Cabinet Member)
CCC - Lieutenant, Georgia Volunteers, Southern Regional Department, Colonial American Army

Author:  Harold Lajoie [ Fri Apr 20, 2007 5:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

[quote]<i>Originally posted by dmallory</i>
<br />Col. Lajoie,

I missed out on the first HACW tournament, but I hope there is a place for me in the second. I only have the HPS games on my new machine, however. If I remember correctly, an officer just volunteers for each match as it comes available and is awarded the chance to fight that battle on a first-come, first-served basis. If that's so, I can select only those battles being fought on the HPS engine?

Your humble servant,
Gen 'Dee Dubya' Mallory [end of quote]

General Mallory,
it's exact. The scenarios will be opened in a chronological order. The first player to sign on each side will fight that battle. You can choose the scenario that fits you, in your case, any HPS scenario installed on your computer. Battleground serie owners can also participate and there are many "custom" scenarios from the ACWCO (battleground mods) and ACWCGDC (Corinth 1.01 mods).

By the way, thank you to all the designers from these two sites. You can be sure that any historical scenario that you will create, particularly for actions not included in the BG or HPS titles, will be considered for the HACW tournaments.

There are two changes for this tournament; first you can only fight one battle at a time and, secondly, the larger battles will have a minimum rank required to take command. With the experience acquired in the management of the 1st HACW, I think that these new rules will help to solve some of the problems encountered.

It will be a great honor to see our Club President participate in the 2nd HACW. Thank you very much for your interest, Sir.

Col. Harold Lajoie 2/I/AoM, CSA.

Author:  Harold Lajoie [ Thu May 03, 2007 2:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

First Blood !

Union troops under the command of US Lt. Neal Carney are moving south.
CS Col. Edward Stewart is presently defending the crossing at Blackburn's Ford and is confident to repulse the invaders.

The scenarios of Big Bethel, Boonville, Carthage, 1st Bull Run and Wilson's Creek are presently open. You can register at the 2nd HACW-Registration topic in the Opponent Finder section.

Col. Harold Lajoie 2/I/AoM, CSA.

Author:  boilertech [ Thu May 03, 2007 3:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Them blow hard Yankees are all take but no action. I've signed up for the new toury since the last one was great. But so far no taker for this ole gray haired Reb general [:p] "Hey Big Man Let Me Hold A Dollar"

Brig. Gen. Gery Bastiani
II Corps, 3rd Div. Tarheel Division

"If there is a shell or bullet over there destined for us, it will find us" - General James Longstreet

Author:  Harold Lajoie [ Fri May 11, 2007 2:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

We have the first result for the tournament.

The small Union force at Carthage was crushed by the Confederate Missouri State Guard. Being outnumbered, the Federals surrendered after 40 minutes of fighting. Eight guns captured by the Rebels.

Major victory for the Confederates, 4 points.

Col. Harold Lajoie 2/I/AoM, CSA.

Author:  Harold Lajoie [ Fri May 18, 2007 6:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Fresh report from General John Corbin: major victory for the Rebels under the command of BG Noftz at Belmont (8 points). Hurray !!!

Col. Harold Lajoie 2/I/AoM, CSA.

Author:  Harold Lajoie [ Sat May 19, 2007 6:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Good start for the Rebels: Minor Victory for the South at Blackburn's Ford.
6 points for the CSA, 2 points for the USA.

Col. Harold Lajoie 2/I/AoM, CSA.

Author:  Harold Lajoie [ Fri May 25, 2007 5:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Campaign Chickamauga is on his way. Wonderful work from HPS.
I will add many historical scenarios to the list of the 2nd HACW as soon as possible.

Col. Harold Lajoie 2/I/AoM, CSA.

Author:  Harold Lajoie [ Sat Jun 09, 2007 10:05 am ]
Post subject: 

WOOUHHHH [:0] I just received my Chickamauga CD [:)]

Nine historical scenarios will be added to the tournament.

Three new versions: Perryville, Murfreesboro and Chickamauga.
Six new battles: Bridge Defense, Brown's Ferry, Wauhatchie Oct. 28,
Wauhatchie Oct. 29, Chattanooga and Ringgold Gap.

For more details, look at the Battlefields page. ... 2HACW.html

Col. Harold Lajoie 2/I/AoM, CSA.

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