American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Rocky Face Ridge Report
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Author:  krmiller_usa [ Fri Aug 03, 2007 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Rocky Face Ridge Report

6 AM May 8, 1864.

In planning my advance I am faced with the option of keeping the AoC and the AoO together or splitting them with one on either side of the ridge. I have elected to take the risk of sending Thomas’s AoC to the eastern side of Rocky Face Ridge. Although leaving me open to defeat in detail I felt it might catch my opponent off guard.

The battle opens at 6 AM in Medium Rain with Cox’s division AoO arriving first along the road on the western side of the ridge and heads south with orders to move to Mill Creek Gap. Within the hour Howard’s Corps of Thomas’ AoC begins arriving on the eastern road their orders being to move thru Waring with Dalton as their first objective. As my forces continue to arrive they move south down the road, the lone cavalry unit leading the AoO. Looking over the victory conditions I feel I will need the 300 vp for Dalton and the 200 for Buzzard Roost to manage a victory.

At 8 AM the weather has improved to a light rain. The advance elements of the AoO are approaching Mill Creek Gap with no sign of the rebels, the lone cavalry regiment having passed by Buzzard Roost and reported no sign of the rebels, it then continues east hoping to meet up with the AoC.
However Newton's division of Howard’s corps has run into rebel infantry from at least two brigades a mile south of Waring. One group is on the Waring-Dalton Road while the other is on Newton's left flank. I didn’t expect to run into them this far north. I start deploying Newton’s division to feel out the rebs while Wood’s division moves up in support.

By 10 AM the rain has let up to just a mist. On the western face of the ridge the rebels arrived from the south up the Mill Creek Road, attacking the middle of the AoO column while another brigade arriving at Buzzard Roost after the cavalry passed thru turns back the head of the column. Schofield’s men fight back, but they are in a tough spot and I start pulling them back before they get cut off.
Meanwhile on the eastern face the first reb assault has been stopped and I have Howard formed in line of battle with Newton holding the center on both sides of the Dalton-Waring Road and Woods extending the line left past the woods east of the Clay Road looking for the rebel flank. Stanley’s division is ordered to the right, my intention being to send him over Hamilton Mountain and into the woods to the south to find out how far the rebs extend in that direction. Johnson’s division of Palmer’s corps is ordered to move into reserve behind Newton. I’m trying to determine the rebel strength before commiting any more forces to the fight.

Noon and Schofield’s small force is in full retreat trying to get out of the trap without suffering too heavy loss. The AoO has suffered a serious setback with many units routing but they have rallied and start to reform around their artillery which is taking a toll on the rebel infantry slowing it’s advance. Still I contemplate having Schofield fall back further and send all but one of his supply wagons back up the road. I’m also worried the rebs may be moving around my right flank and send a small unit back for a look.
On the east side of the ridge having determined the rebel force does not appear to be as large as Thomas’s I have begun a counterattack on the flanks. Stanley has crossed Hamilton Mountain and begun clearing the woods to the south. Committing Johnson’s division between Newton and Woods allowing Woods to shift further to the right in an attempt to turn the rebel flank. Having committed one brigade of Davis's division in support of Woods I send the other two to the right to support Stanley. The final reinforcement on this flank, Gen Baird’s division has reached the field and is ordered to move into reserve in the center replacing Davis.
Although I have lost a few objectives on the western side of the ridge my boys have done well and find themselves having nearly achieved a draw at this point.

2 PM and the sky is again becoming overcast, with the large amounts of smoke from the battle visbility is down to less than a thousand yards. On the eastern face my attack has progressed well. The attacks on both flanks have forced the rebels to start falling back and I order the center forward to join in the attack. As Newton’s men finish clearing the woods and come into the open I send Baird forward on his right to speed the attack. Stanley is approaching the Western & Atlanta RR turning the rebel left while Woods has broken his right.
On the western side the AoO sees the rebels pulling back except for several reb regiments that are discovered behind the right flank near Tunnel Hill. My worries about a rebel flanking move were well founded. I send part of Judah’s division, most of which had routed and was closest and several batteries to push this rebel force back while the rest of the AoO scouts forward cautiously. I now have a minor victory and hope to turn it into a major one.

4 PM and the sky's begin clearing again. Judah’s two brigades have cleared the rebs from Tunnel Hill and begin to pursue them. The rest of Schofield’s AoO has begun a cautious advance as I have seen no sign of the rebs for over an hour now on that flank.
On the eastern face Stanley's brigades run into rebels near Buzzard Roost, they are probably the ones who attacked the AoO earlier and now are trying to rejoin the main army. Woods division reinforced by King's brigade continue pressing the rebel right flank while Davis' other two brigades are now chasing his left. The yanks now have a major victory and the rebs are in full retreat. It looks as if I may be able to trap a part of his army in front of Dalton.

6 PM and the weather remains clear but damp with reduced visibility. On the eastern side of the ridge the rebel artillery has deployed in Dalton supported by infantry and they have produced some moderate union casualties disrupting many of my regiments and slowed the union advance. As my own artillery moves up to fight the rebel guns I move my officers to rally and reorganize the infantry and prepare one last effort to cut off the rebel army.
Meanwhile Schofield’s AoO is back on the advance all sign of the rebels on their side of the ridge having disappeared.

7 PM
The battle comes to a close before I can take Dalton. Although I failed to cut off any large elements of the reb army I did manage to destroy several regiments and the rebs have suffered a major defeat with 23,000 rebs lost to 15,000 yanks.

The campaign continues, next stop Resaca.

Gen. Ken Miller


Army of the Shenandoah

Author:  laubster22 [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 4:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Great report, General. I'm in the middle of this same battle, albeit with different choices on my part - I kept the armies together...

General Jeff Laub
Union Chief of the Army
ACWGC Cabinet Member

Author:  Pat Thompson [ Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Great report General...

See my notes at the quartermasters depot...
These are ongoing games so I don't want to give too much away...

Lt Col Thompson

Author:  zinkyusa [ Tue Aug 07, 2007 9:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Great report Ken.[:D]

Lt. Gen. Ed Blackburn
"Forward Bucktails"

Author:  Hwkhuntswalking [ Tue Aug 07, 2007 12:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

General Miller Suh! <salute>

Kenneth, Gentlemen, I am that Vanquished Reb.

Most Excellent Report!

I sounded more formidable than I certainly felt &, while I enjoyed "scripted success" on the Left initially,

my advance upon the Right was not equally bless'd.

I ran for my life to save what I did, trying to concentrate as close to Dalton as I might but I got hammered & mauled.

It was a thing of Ghastly Beauty, relentless, remorseless, unyielding pressure applied most skillfully.

Most fun I've had getting whupped in some time, General & the Honor continues....

Merci, Bonne Chance & En Garde!

<center><font size="3"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color="black">Major General Tom Phillips, CSA</font id="black">
<font color="red">The Brus</font id="red"></font id="Comic Sans MS">
<font color="yellow"><font face="Times New Roman">Banshee</font id="Times New Roman">
<font face="Century Gothic">Army of Alabama
</font id="Century Gothic">
</font id="yellow">
</font id="size3"> </center>

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