American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Gen. Moose Homecoming
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Author:  laubster22 [ Thu Oct 25, 2007 7:05 am ]
Post subject: 

More chaos at Reb HQ - good by me![:D]

General Jeff Laub
Union Chief of the Army
ACWGC Cabinet Member

Author:  boilertech [ Thu Oct 25, 2007 7:41 am ]
Post subject: 

My General Moose's uniform is sure striking, and he cuts a fine figure in it. He'll just have to wear it for speical occancions, and wear his old ones for when he's out drinking and co-roasing around. That way if he gets some blood on his uniform from kickin' some yankee butt it won't mess up his new one. Hope your head feels better Col. Larry, take a drink of V-8 mixed with some Texas Pete, one egg and 1 oz of Vodka [:D] this should pick ya'll up. Or maybe some strong hot coffee instead, Navy style. [:D]

Maj. Gen. Gery Bastiani
II Corps, 3rd Div. Tarheel Division

"If there is a shell or bullet over there destined for us, it will find us" - General James Longstreet

Author:  Ernie Sands [ Thu Oct 25, 2007 11:46 am ]
Post subject: 


<b><font color="gold">Ernie Sands
General, Commanding, Army of Ohio
ACWGC Cabinet member
</b></font id="gold">

Author:  TBrewster [ Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

General Moose looks almost as good as he did behind bars in Harpers Ferry.[:0][:D]

Lt. Col. T. Brewster
2nd Ohio Rifles
1st Division
II Corps

Author:  warbison [ Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

<font face="Book Antiqua"><font size="4"><font color="limegreen">Notso,

I know that perch, the Moose shelf of fame (been there, seen that!). I am not sure the Moose will ever be the same again. It looks to me as if the Lady Dana has tamed that over grown Reindeer? A better lookin Rebel Moose I have not encountered.


</font id="limegreen"></font id="size4"></font id="Book Antiqua">

<font color="limegreen"><font size="4">Nick Kunz
II Corps, Army of Georgia
Confederate States of America</font id="limegreen"></font id="size4">

Author:  zinkyusa [ Fri Oct 26, 2007 8:04 am ]
Post subject: 

Pray tell he doesn't eat this one.[:p]

Lt. Gen. Ed Blackburn
"Forward Bucktails"

Author:  Bonemash [ Sat Oct 27, 2007 5:26 am ]
Post subject: 

A fine figure of a Moose indeed...

Lady Dana has made a silk purse out of a pigs ear...[:D]. Well I never....

<center>Brigadier General Edward Stewart

2nd Brig, 3rd Div,
III Corps, ANV

Author:  Scott Ludwig [ Mon Oct 29, 2007 11:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Nice!! [:D]


<b>Lieutenant General Scott "The Mad Prussian" Ludwig</b>
Commanding Officer, Western Theater, CSA
"The Army Commissary" and "The Traveling Blowhard of Virginia"
Retired ANV Commander 2004-06

[url=""]Napoleonic Wargaming - INWC[/url]</center>

Author:  Michael Smith [ Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

The General looks right spiffy! [:)]

Maj. Gen. Mike Smith
Army of Georgia
[url=""]Miss Clarissa's Tavern

Author:  laubster22 [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:29 am ]
Post subject: 

Nice one, Bill![:D]

General Jeff Laub
Union Chief of the Army
ACWGC Cabinet Member

Author:  Jefferson H. Davis [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 6:38 am ]
Post subject: 

One of my boys recently found this correspondence for General Vannada from his wife. I have been unable to locate him with all the fighting and such....Could one of you gentlemen please forward this to him?

"My Dearest General,
I cannot tell you how hard things have been here at the old plantation (Vannada Station) over the last 16 long months since I have last happily laid my eyes upon you. I understand your absense in the defense of our country is my cross to bear, as you faithfully discharge your duty. It has been utterly meloncholy without you my love. Why the only time that things brightened at all was during the visit of your good friend General Moose. I know you would approve that I made him a new uniform since his was no longer presentable in polite company. It seemed the least I could do for such a faithful friend of the family.
I must tell you now, so that there will be no surprises when you return home, after finally convincing those people that they can never subjugate the free, honest, and faithful people of the South. There has been a major change at the homefront. It seems that a few nights ago a baby was abandoned on our front porch by some unknown person. We, of course, took the child in, and have been caring for him. I have grown attached to him almost as if he were my own, and find I cannot bear the thought of sending him to an orphanage. I have decided to raise him myself, as if he were my own child. There is nothing you can do my love to alter my mind in any way, as it is as fixed as yours is on the defense of our country. Please do not even attempt it. Do not give any thought whatsoever to the fact that he is the spitting image of General Moose, as I know for a fact that the general would never dally with any of the ladies in our area. Other than myself they are of much too low a societal station for such a fine, heroic, handsome, quick witted, pleasingly aggressive, and surely virile gentleman such as he. I, of course, am completely committed to you and only you, in every way.

Your completely and always faithful wife,
Lady Dana"

It looks kinda important......

BG Hank Smith
Army of Georgia
Smith's Texas Division
Smith's Corp

Author:  heydreck [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:57 pm ]
Post subject: 


finally we are getting things back to normal,,we are gald that the good general made it back home safe and sound,, lady dana sure was sad to see him go, but it was for the best. there was no need for all the thank you's the pleasure was all ours, besides we loved having the general around. the hq seems a little empty with the general and all the trees and water and shingles gone from the great room,,anyway its good to be back.

AOA ... 3437?20075

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