American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Gen. Moose Got Married
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Author:  babb35 [ Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:17 am ]
Post subject: 

Boy this moose gets around allot[:o)]

Lt. Charles Babb
6th Brigade,3rd Division
Army of the Ohio

Author:  boilertech [ Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:24 am ]
Post subject: 

At least it was a Southern Moose. Not some Northern fluzzey [:)]

Maj. Gen. Gery Bastiani
II Corps, 3rd Div. Tarheel Division

"If there is a shell or bullet over there destined for us, it will find us" - General James Longstreet

Author:  Jefferson H. Davis [ Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Word has it that Lady Dana is in seclusion, and seems most irritable....I wonder what could be wrong with her????????

BG Hank Smith
Army of Georgia
Smith's Texas Division
Smith's Corp

Author:  zinkyusa [ Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:48 am ]
Post subject: 

sounds like it was a shotgun wedding..[:0]

Lt. Gen. Ed Blackburn
"Forward Bucktails"

Author:  babb35 [ Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:19 am ]
Post subject: 

I would not doubt that she used a club and drug him off. I have seen those southern women. They have those secret charms.[:p][:D]

Lt. Charles Babb
6th Brigade,3rd Division
Army of the Ohio

Author:  Jefferson H. Davis [ Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gentlemen Of The South,
It is once again time to rise in anger and throw off the Money Grubbing Yankees yoke. They have taken to insulting our feminine Southern Belles again. For our Mothers, for our Sisters, and especially for our Wives and Daughters, we must rise as one and smite them mightily (once again) before they (once again) attempt to violate and defile our Southern womanhood in the most evil and disgusting Yankee ways! We know from their history, that this is their way, as that is what a money grubbing Yankee does, and we know our mettle and that for which we stand. So stand, men of the South, and once again the the field, until the fow is finally vanquished to insult our women no more.

BG Hank Smith
Army of Georgia
Smith's Texas Division
Smith's Corp

Author:  Jefferson H. Davis [ Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Err, that was "to the Field" and "foe"....I was so angered that I lost my composure and could not type accurately! Gentlemen, we must suppress the miscreant Babb who insults our Southern Moose womenfolk, and place his body next to Generals Butler and Pope!

BG Hank Smith
Army of Georgia
Smith's Texas Division
Smith's Corp

Author:  Jefferson H. Davis [ Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

My anger is subsiding somewhat now that I have started.....oooops, eeeeeeerrrrrr, HEARD the rumor, that on at least 17 occasions Lt. Babb had attempted to court the now new Mrs Moose. The last 16 of those occasions he asked her to be his bride. He was always sure to tell her how much more attractive she was than Northern women, and it turns out that he has only taken to insulting Southern women after finding out that he was of little interest to them (And after being arrested for stalking Mrs Moose on 4 occasions). Oh the anger of a spurned suitor!!!!! Nevertheless, after due consideration, we should still kill him......

BG Hank Smith
Army of Georgia
Smith's Texas Division
Smith's Corp

Author:  heydreck [ Fri Jan 04, 2008 2:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am crushed,, after countless nights and long summer days, this is the
re-payment that you offer, how can one be so cruel, as for you mr. moose, I would suggest that you keep your hide up north or it shall be hanging north of my fireplace, as for mrs. moose, you my dear are nothing short of a fraud, a simple raindeer in moose clothing and a pair of plastic antlers to boot, probally got that baby form goodwill as well. so long moose and happy hunting.


AOA ... 3437?20075

Author:  babb35 [ Fri Jan 04, 2008 4:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Don't tell my wife I was chasen Mrs. Moose.[:(!] She'll get the meat clever out and have moose chops for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She is not the sharing kind.[B)] How do you know that baby moose isn't a yankee moose.[:0] He did come a bit early.[;)][:D]HEHE

Lt. Charles Babb
6th Brigade,3rd Division
Army of the Ohio

Author:  John Fogarty [ Fri Jan 04, 2008 4:55 pm ]
Post subject: 


Not to start any rumors, but I couldn't help but noticing that baby HJ doesn't look at all like the Gen'l. Shall I dare say it? a strong resemblence to Bullwinkle J Moose, from Frostbite Falls Minnesota, a moose with well-known Unionist tendencies?

Col. John Fogarty
2nd Brigade, 'Carlin's Cavaliers'
1st Division, XX Corps
Army of the Cumberland

Lt. John Fogarty
2nd Brigade "Carlin's Cavaliers"
First Division
XX Corps
Army of the Cumberland

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