American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

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Author:  tciampa [ Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AGEOD

In replying to the simple question of who owns the new games, I went on and about the AGEOD game itself..more than many might have liked to know. The AGEOD forum at their official site is certainly the pre-emminent forum to discuss it. However, if we want to discuss aspects of the game in our own club, is this the forum to do that? Or should we go to the opponent finder for other wargames?

Also people playing the AGEOD game should know that besides the AGEOD forum, there is an American Civil War Wikipedia topic for the AGEOD game. Supposedly between the AGEOD forum and the Wikipedia resource, any and all arcane rules and features are explained as well as strategy tips and tutorial.

<b>Also,</b> one small point concerning registering a game. In AGEOD there are really no single battles. All of the scenarios (because it is a strategic or maybe operational level game) are "campaigns" so this may or may not cause some confusion IF anyone plans to create awards and ribbons for them. I say this because my opponent in my baptism of fire game used the "Other/campaign" choice when registering our game. I just checked and noticed that Ernie HAS listed the individual scenarios (campaigns) so unless one is playing some downloaded custom design, they should be able to just select from Ernie's list. Not sure why my opponent picked the "campaing option."

Hope this is helpful

Major General
Tom Ciampa
Commanding Officer
1st Cav Division
XIV Corps, AoC
Games: TS/BG: AN, BR, CH, GB, SH - HPS: AT, CTH, GB, OZK, SH, VK

Author:  Ernie Sands [ Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:47 am ]
Post subject: 

This would be the correct forum to discuss the new games that we just added.

By discussing them, you might interest others to get the games.

<b><font color="gold">Ernie Sands
General, Commanding, Army of Ohio
ACWGC Cabinet Member
ACWGC Records Site Administrator
</b></font id="gold">

Author:  Hwkhuntswalking [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Major General
Tom Ciampa
Commanding Officer
1st Cav Division
XIV Corps, AoC

<center><font color="yellow">Hello OLD FRIEND!

I <b><u>miss</u></b> our Contact!!!!!

</font id="yellow"></center>

<center><font size="3"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color="black"><b>Major General Tom Phillips</b></font id="black">
<font color="red">The Brus Artillery Btn</font id="red"></font id="Comic Sans MS">
<font face="Times New Roman"><font color="yellow"> 4/3/III/AoG
</font id="yellow"> <b>Confederate States of America</b></font id="Times New Roman">
</font id="size3"></center>

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