American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Passwords on Campaign Games
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Author:  gkrenek [ Thu Jul 03, 2008 8:40 am ]
Post subject:  Passwords on Campaign Games

I am sure this has been covered before, but why are individual battles within campaign games not password protected? I am in a multiplayer campaign game where I returned the move to our opponents but forgot to advance the turn. When the game was opened by the other side, they got to see our troop placement. I have had similar inadvertent problems in the past. I would not think that password protecting these individual battles within a campaign would be difficult to do - but then I have been surprised how difficult it is to program things that I thought should have been simple - and vice versa.

BG Gary Krenek
3rd Division Commanding
III Corps


Author:  wjbraddock [ Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hmm. Used to be a program around called PBEM helper by Harri Pesonen (or close to that, lol). It would check the files, zip 'em and send 'em automatically after you set it up. Your opponent must be using it also.

Lt Gen Bill Braddock, 1/3/III ANV

Author:  tciampa [ Tue Jul 08, 2008 3:46 am ]
Post subject: 

This issue is bothersome only if players are not honorable. There are often circumstances where one player zips the wrong file...meaning not the cpf (or not a "complete" cpf i.e. when playing in phases and not ending all phases) and then zipping up. The upshot is the opponent might get a fleeting and inadvertent glance at the other guy's map and concommitantly, any units on the map in the view displayed before he notices the error and can click exit. Usually no serious harm is done, unless of course the opposing player examines that turn. There are other circumstances when an opposing player can open "a file" and just see the other guy's turn...playing campaigns, in my opinion is a real test of faith and mutual respect for each other.

I have to think that those who will resort to winning by other than honorable means are the rare exception and not the rule. However, notwithstanding having read all the posts over the years on this topic both back when I was member at the begining of the club (when by the way, I think I was a victim of this very glitch) and after I returned; I still think that a greater effort to improve security ought to be considered. We all have certainly been loyal customers of HPS and have spent thousands, collectively, on their games. I may well be suggesting an unreasonable fix, and know nothing about programing, but on the surface it would appear that some programming "gimmick" that at least made it more difficult to purposely view the other guy's map would be an improvement. I would further guess that some players refuse to play campaigns because of this possibility though I would not do that. After you have played the set-piece historical battles a few times, it is the campaigns that hold the most interest, tension and excitement. I just "block" the notion that my opponent is spying on me.

There are a couple of things that perplex me in a world that saw a man on the moon, now 40 years ago! We can't seem to make a toilet that can be depended upon to not run, and especially if you have a well and have just left the house in a hurry; AND these games can't be programmed to add security to the campaign function.

Not trying to start a magilla over this but this is a flaw that should really be corrected. I would be more sympathetic if the "campaign" function of the games had been a "player" tinkering add-on to the games, but it is a hyping and selling poinit of HPS games and as such all would be better served by fixing my uninformed opinion, that is.


Major General
Tom Ciampa
Commanding Officer, AoC,
XIV Corps, Cumberland Sabres
Games: TS/BG: AN, BR, CH, GB, SH - HPS: AT, CTH, GB, OZK, SH, VK

Author:  laubster22 [ Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:49 am ]
Post subject: 

It would be nice to take away any doubt on the integrity/honor involved. I'd love to see it added.

General Jeff Laub
Union Chief of the Army
ACWGC Cabinet Member

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