American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Replay error message
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Author:  MSeger [ Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:43 am ]
Post subject:  Replay error message

Once in a while when replaying the enemy's move, I get a replay error message. It reads "error reading from replay file".
I have different games going and it only happens against the same opponent, not everyone. Once the message appears, it ends my ability to see the enemy movement, but will let me continue my move. The other player does not get the same message when I return my move. It will happen a couple times during a scenario, but not every turn during the scenario.
Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.

Col. Seger
4/3/VIII, AoS

Author:  Ernie Sands [ Thu Oct 23, 2008 9:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Both players need to delete the and pbemail.yyy files. Also, make sure the game file is being zipped between players.

<b><font color="gold">Ernie Sands
General, Commanding, Army of Ohio
ACWGC Cabinet Member
ACWGC Records Site Administrator
</b></font id="gold">

Author:  MSeger [ Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the info. Although, I have no clue what ya'll are talking about.
We have been zipping the files.
How do I delete the files? I think I found them, but when I try to open them, it won't open and asks me what to use to open them. Please use basic/simple language, cause i'm computer challenged.

Col. Seger
4/3/VIII, AoS

Author:  wjbraddock [ Thu Oct 23, 2008 3:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

right click on the files and select delete from the menu, or just select the files and hit the delete key.

Lt Gen Bill Braddock, 1/3/III ANV

Author:  MSeger [ Wed Oct 29, 2008 4:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Files are being zipped. We both have the same version. We both deleted the files mentioned. It's still doing it and sometimes it kicks me completely out of the game. I have to play without seeing the rebs move and that gets tricky. I play other's on the same cd and never have had this problem.
Any other ideas?

Col. Seger
4/3/VIII, AoS

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