American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

To all my opponents
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Author:  krmiller_usa [ Thu Apr 23, 2009 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  To all my opponents

The little redheaded girl needed a weekend away so in a little while we're headed off to Spring Muster with the Gettysburg Foundation. HQ will be the Eisenhower Inn just south of the battlefield. I have signed up for tours on Saturday on Ewell's approach march and some of the little known memorials on the battlefield, then the foundation banquet Saturday night and will be headed home early Sunday so we won't have much free time other than Friday evening. Hope to get some more pictures of the refurbished cyclorama as well as the tours. Will post pictures when I get the chance. I will be returning Sunday evening but probably won't do any turns until Monday after work.

Gen. Ken Miller

Author:  jbutley [ Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:58 am ]
Post subject: 

What are you doing stealing Charlie Brown's sweetheart Ken? For shame. Enjoy your weekend, look forward to seeing those pics.

Jerry Butley
AOS XIX Corps 3rd Div. 3rd Brigade

Author:  Hulinsky [ Thu Apr 23, 2009 12:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

General Miller,

Oh Yes!!! I've been waiting for this day to come!

Now I can invoke the little known clause about Yanks attending meetings in Gettysburg! I believe it was all part of R.E. Lee's unconditional surrender to U.S. Grant. It reads...

<i>"Should a Yank member of the ACWGC Club ever attend a function in Gettysburg, PA; his Confederate opponents are allowed to advance the Union players turns without any movements, firing or meleeing by the Union side until he should return to resume playing." </i>

Well shucks, General Lee and I are going to WIN another battle for the Confederacy! (And so should all your other Reb opponents if they know about this important detail!)

Have a great time, Ken! I know I will! [:p]

General Roger Hulinsky

Cmdg, Cavalry
IV Corps, AoM

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