American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Commander Army of the Mississippi
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Author:  csaokie [ Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Commander Army of the Mississippi

Gen Willie Tisdale is pleased to announce the appointment of

Gen. Roger Hulinskly as the Commander of the Army of the Mississippi.

Respectfully, #65279; #65279; #65279;

Brigadier General Al Baker
Adjutant in Chief
Confederate States of America

Author:  nelmsm [ Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:45 am ]
Post subject: 

I hope you boys send an independent accountant to keep an eye on the funds! [8D]

General Mark Nelms
"Blackhawk Brigade"
Union Military Academy Instructor
Union Cabinet Secretary

Author:  RTHodge [ Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:56 am ]
Post subject: 

Ah congrats to General Hulinsky!

"General Sickles, this is in some respects higher ground than that to the rear, but there is still higher in front of you, and if you keep on advancing you will find constantly higher ground all the way to the mountains."
-Major General George Meade, Commanding the Army of the Potomac, July 2, 1863

Major General Rusty Hodgkiss


Author:  Neal Hebert [ Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:09 am ]
Post subject: 

General Hulinsky <salute>

Sir, my congratulations on your appointment! Nicodemus and I will be honored to serve under your command. Is the bar open yet?

Lt Col Neal Hebert
4/1/I AotM (Bayou Devils)
Quartermaster, VMI

Author:  Hulinsky [ Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Lt Colonel Hebert,

Yes, Sir! The bar is open but with the first Official Act of my Command... I am assigning you to task of watching the horses of the IV Cavalry Corps so they won't wander off while everyone else is drinking!

But don't worry... Nicodemus is free to drink his fill and eat any Yanks that happen to stumble upon the party!

Warmest Regards,

General Roger Hulinsky
Cmdg, AotH
Confederate States of America

Author:  NickT65 [ Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Congrats sir! I know the Yankee's are quaking in their boots with the announcement that you are taking over the proud Army of Mississippi.
Neal don't worry, you'll get first shift in watching the brave and loyal mounts of the IV Corps, but once Greg gets here we'll make him do it!

Lt. Col. Nick DeStefano
"Morgan's Kentucky Wolf-Pack Bde"

Author:  warbison [ Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

<font face="Book Antiqua"><font size="4"><font color="beige">General Hulinsky Suh! <salute>

Roger, congratulations on your new command assignment. All the best to the Boys from the great Army of the Mississippi![:D]

Respectfully,</font id="beige"></font id="size4"></font id="Book Antiqua">

<font color="limegreen"><font size="4">Gen Nick Kunz
3/4/II Corps
Army of Georgia</font id="limegreen"><font color="orange">
Vicksburg Military Institute</font id="orange"></font id="size4">

Author:  Robert [ Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

<font color="beige"><b>Gen. Hulinsky,

Congrats Roger, Give'um hell Suh!

<<font size="6">salute</font id="size6">></b></font id="beige">

<center> <font color="beige"><b>General R.A.'Bob'Weir
</b></font id="beige"><font color="green"><b><font size="4">CSA Eastern Theater Commander</b></font id="size4"></font id="green">
<b>ACWGC Cabinet Member</b> </center>

Author:  Neal Hebert [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 11:08 am ]
Post subject: 

General Hulinsky <salute>

Sir, I'd be careful on what Nicodemus is allowed to drink, and please don't allow him on the dance floor. His tail gets to flailing around and tripping people up. I'm also hoping that watching the horses doesn't include cleaning the stalls once they're gone.

Nick, how fast is Greg's horse?

Lt Col Neal Hebert
4/1/I AotM (Bayou Devils)
Quartermaster, VMI

Author:  krmiller_usa [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 1:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gen Hulinsky,

Well I guess both sides in this war are scraping the bottom of the barrel, first the CSA puts you in charge of the AotM and now the AoS has given me command of the 3/VIII.

What say we find ourselves a nice quiet corner and a bottle.

Gen. Ken Miller

Author:  draganfly [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 5:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gen. Hulinsky, congrats on you taking over the army......The AoA is here to give you all the support you need....

Gen. John Dragan AoA

Author:  RTHodge [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 6:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes! 3rd division VIII Corps has been entrusted to the the worthy hands of General Miller! I know one corps commander that's happy as a lark to see him back in command! Shucks...I'll buy you two that bottle!

"General Sickles, this is in some respects higher ground than that to the rear, but there is still higher in front of you, and if you keep on advancing you will find constantly higher ground all the way to the mountains."
-Major General George Meade, Commanding the Army of the Potomac, July 2, 1863

Major General Rusty Hodgkiss


Author:  Sepeia [ Sun Oct 04, 2009 3:21 am ]
Post subject: 

General Hulinsky,

Congratulations on your new position! The 3rd Division will send some of it's fine Yankee moonshine up for you to inspect!

I guess this means you'll be too busy now to lead us in snatching back our Colours from Corcoran's Legion?!

Maj. General P. Kenney
3rd Division
Cavalry Division
IV Corps
Army of the Mississippi, CSA

Author:  Hulinsky [ Sun Oct 04, 2009 6:59 am ]
Post subject: 

Major General Kenney,

Sir, I must say it still stings to see IV Corps precious colors riding around the Mason-Dixon Tavern on the saddle of some Yankee Officers! [B)]

But we shall definitely have to attempt to get it back. I am working on a devilish plan to do so... but we may have to wait a bit so that the paint in my new Army HQ's dries! [;)]

Warmest Regards,

General Roger Hulinsky
Cmdg, AotM
Confederate States of America

Author:  Hulinsky [ Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:16 am ]
Post subject: 

General Miller,

Yes, Sir... it does appear the cost of this war in human lives is quite high! [;)]

I thought when the dispatch rider came to my Headquarter's from General Tisdale... I was going to be removed from command and sent to the "Old Soldier's Home". You can imagine my surprise! [:0]

Yes, Sir... let me grab a bottle of the good stuff and a couple glasses and let's find ourselves a table. Looks like our retirement from those cold, wet and muddy battlefields has been delayed again!

Warmest Regards,

General Roger Hulinsky
Cmdg, AotM
Confederate States of America

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