American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

What would happen if...
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Author:  Blake [ Sun Sep 19, 2010 5:40 am ]
Post subject:  What would happen if...

Because its slow around this place lately I will throw a "What if..." question out there and see if I cant get a little talking going on.

Lets say Lee, Grant, Sherman, Jackson, Forrest, and Thomas all were brought through time and joined our Club - just go with me here....

Which would do the best given the format, capability, knowledge and design of these games?

Could Lee outmaneuver us all? Would Grant be a powerhouse? Would Forrest be so daring and unexpected? Would Thomas be able to keep his men from routing? Could Jackson overcome such long-odds again? Would Sherman be able to slug his way past us?

Or, would they be on a level field with the rest of us?

Author:  Ernie Sands [ Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What would happen if...

Level playing field. Pushing our pixelated men around, under the peculiarities of game engine, is not like a leader being able to motivate and push real armies to go beyond their abilities. Jackson did not just direct his troops, he lead them; he pushed them and himself to do their best.

In the games, we can not do that.

Author:  Blake [ Sun Sep 19, 2010 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What would happen if...

Leadership would be taken out as an effective tool, correct. Something tells me Grant would be the finest officer out of the bunch in these games. His ability to focus his energies and attacks would probably wear our poor southern army down in most scenarios. Lee's bold moves wouldn't pay off as much as the Union player would know exactly how many men, cannon, and supplies he had.

Author:  HankSmith [ Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What would happen if...


Obviously you have not been paying attention. General Lee was brought through time and is playing the games. His alias here in the club is Kennon Whitehead. Oh yeah, and he is still whipping the Yanks at virtually every meeting.....

Author:  Jim Pfluecke [ Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What would happen if...

I actually think Lee would excel. In many games I have played, the morale of the player matters. There are a few opponents whom I play that I almost always beat. This has made them feel timid and think a brigade on their flank is a corps. Conversely, Bob Hughes has gotten in my head. He is very methodical and if I am outnumbered I tend to make rash attacks because I know that once he brings his numbers to bear, it will be tough going. Lee bullied everyone he fought until Meade. That would work well against a lot of us here.

Jim P.

Author:  Blake [ Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What would happen if...

Good points. But How much could Lee "bully" one of us at Antietam, Chancellorsville, or Second Manassas if we know his numbers and position at the start of the scenario.

Perhaps in Blind Scenarios he would do very well.

The more I think about it the more I think Forrest might actually excel in the game. His bold movements and swift surprise attacks could really unnerve an opponent. But in a large battle that might not be enough.

Author:  KWhitehead [ Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What would happen if...

They would be all totally baffled by the keyboard. Forest would just shoot the screen. :lol:

Seriously, there is no telling how they personally would do since most were leaders of men. In a simulation game Halleck might end of the best. However if you think in terms of eachs approach to war being instilled into a good gamer there would be quite a differences in their styles of play.

When I play the Union side in scenarios like Gettysburg I tend to use more of a Grant approach. I know I have the men and arms to grind the Rebels down so I do. No slippery tactics needed.

When playing the Rebels you have to make up for their smaller numbers and take advantage of the morale advantage. A Jackson/Lee style works best.

A Thomas style works in games like Chickamauga for the Union side but would be a loser in the reverse. Only a few scenarios reward a defensive approach except for one side like Antietam for the Rebels.

Forest was a raider so its hard to say how his style would work on Army level games.

One thing that is interesting to watch is how people's play style changes when they take on a blind scenario like those in Fight the War. Once you take away that 200 foot General knowledge it is surprising how some change from aggressive generals to passive or even hide in the bushes generals.

Author:  HankSmith [ Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What would happen if...

"Fight The War" scenarios definatly bring out the real personalities of the General.....And that is what I have been trying to accomplish....Putting the Player in a more realistic situation, and that takes FOW....Its easy to fight when you know what your enemy has....Much tougher when you don't.....

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