American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

HPS Shiloh problems
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Author:  JerryD [ Fri Sep 24, 2010 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  HPS Shiloh problems

Good Morning All:

I have a technical question that I hope one of you fine gentlemen can help me with. I picked up a copy of HPS Campaign Shiloh a while back and have just loaded it onto my new Windows 7 computer. This is my first HPS “Campaign” game and I know next to nothing about this series. The game seems to work just fine in all aspects except one. I can not get Direct Play Host/Caller to work. I set up the game and when my worthy adversary attempts to connect in (over the internet from many miles away) he gets the Direct Play Error “Error establishing system as caller”.
I thought that it was something to do with my computer, router, gateway, ISP but have checked all of these and it all seems to be set up correctly.
My computer firewall has given permission for the game to link in (cpi.exe is open for both public and privet), I have a static IP address for the computer I am using on the network. My home network router has the gaming port open (HPS support told me to use 47624) and I have checked that the port is open using PFPortChecker and (both say the port is open). My ISP support tells me that the gateway (modem) is open and that they are not blocking the port 47624. I can't seem to find anything else that could be causing the problem.
I am at my wits end (not a long walk for me). Can anyone help?

Author:  KWhitehead [ Sat Sep 25, 2010 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HPS Shiloh problems

Afraid I am not going to be any help on this one but if you do ever get it to work please post what you did and every setting you can think of that you made in all the places made. I tried to host for Scourge of War on my Win7 system and got the same result. Everything but the app says things are set up correctly.

The only way I have ever gotten hosting to work is on a computer directly connected to the ISP, make a direct connection from your computer's LAN board to the Cable modem with no firewalls in place. Then your computer has the external IP assigned to it. But with the internet the way it is today I wouldn't consider any game worth running this way unless you have a old spare computer to do it with.

Author:  JerryD [ Sun Sep 26, 2010 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HPS Shiloh problems

I have found the answer to my problem. It was more of just stumbling around in the dark until I tripped over the answer than any blinding flash of enlightenment on my part. From my first post you saw that I was following the instructions, as I understood them, for opening a port in my router, setting my IP address to a static setting, and setting my firewall(s) to allow the game to accept connections from the internet. I was using the command “cmd ipconfig” to get my IP address. This returned my IPv4 address as and my Gateway address as I tested my connections using PFPortChecker and PFPortChecker showed an open port (47624) every time and showed an open port only part of the time. My friend on the internet could not connect to my computer at anytime. After 4 days of work on this, asking people all over the network, talking with my IPS technical people, and banging my head against the wall, I was ready to give up. Last night I was trying again to open the ports and clean the firewalls when I saw that was telling me that me that the IP address it was attempting using to check for an open port was This address, as I understood, is the address of my IPS server. Out of sheer desperation I had my friend use that address to attempt to connect with the game. It worked with no problems.

The solution then, at least for me, is to use (open port check tool) and use the IP address that is listed as “Your IP:” and not the IP address that is returned by the cmd command in windows.

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