American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

dealinf with fords
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Author:  Ernie Fantini [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  dealinf with fords

What is the effect on combat meleeing across A ford hexside also can A unit retreat across A ford hexside if losing A melee?

Author:  mihalik [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: dealinf with fords


As near as I can tell, a ford hexside is like a stream hexside, usually -10% I think. Combat modifiers can be found in the parameter data. And you can retreat back across a ford, just like a stream. That is for fords across creeks.

For fords across rivers, it seems units can only cross fords in column. I ran some tests on Chancellorsville's Kelly's Ford scenario. The cavalry could only cross mounted. When dismounted and forced to retreat onto a ford hex, it could neither move nor mount. When it tried to mount, the message on the bottom said formation change not allowed on a bridge. Sounds like a program flaw.

Interestingly, a morale B cavalry unit charging across the ford against a mounted class C cavalry unit showed no modifiers for either side, even though the charging unit should have gotten +20%( morale bonus and withhold fire bonus) and the defending unit was on higher terrain. Anyway, I had to postpone further tests because I have to do other things. Maybe someone else can make more sense out of it.

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