American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

CSA CoA Election Coming Up!
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Author:  Joe Meyer [ Thu Oct 20, 2011 3:11 pm ]
Post subject:  CSA CoA Election Coming Up!

Well, I see that the Rebels are bestirring themselves from their usual inebriated slumbers to come outside blinking in the sunlight to read the election announcements just nailed upon their tavern doors! (See CSA CoA Announcement above!) THIS OUGHT TO BE INTERESTING!

We over on the USA side are always interested in these kinds of shindings, knowing that there'll probably be a lot of drinking and free liquor flowing about (more than usual) as things really start to click into gear. We might even be invited to some of it, although we'll have a sharp eye peeled out for that testy gator that always seems to be flopping around. If we thought we could get away with it, we might even try to cast a few votes ourselves! Actually that couldn't happen as I'm one of the Election Committee members who has to check the legitimacy of each nomination and vote. But I suppose I could be bribed!

But here's the deal. If the senior Reb officers actually elect someone that we like, we'll throw a gala crab feed for all of the Rebel officers at Willard's Hotel in Washington that very next Friday! That's right! We'll arrange transportation into the city for all of you and have some excellent, clean accomodations reserved for everyone! All the crab and corncake you can eat with all the fix'ins and drinks! Just think of it! You'll be able to eat and drink all you want! Jed Mosley's string quartet will be there, and we'll have stage presentations from Oscar Bellwright's Shakespearean Company! We may even have the girls from Miss Rhonda's over on Sixth Street come over to light your cigars afterwards! Course, you'll all have to check your swords and weapons at the lobby prior to the feed, but you'll get it all back after the war's over.

Think it over, boys! I know that thinking is a little tougher to do than reading for you, but take your time with it! It would be a nice break from the kind of drudgery you're experiencing now, and you'd have plenty of time afterwards to get caught up on all that writing you've been putting off!

What's that?!!! No, no...I said "writing," not "riding!" I know you already ride a lot! I was talking about that thing you do with a pencil or pen and some know, making those little marks all over the paper for the folks back home to read! What?!!! No, no...its not called drawing...Yes, I know that you draw a lot, too! Hey, wait a minute! Do you know what an E-L-E-C-T-I-O-N is?!!!

Author:  Neal Hebert [ Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CSA CoA Election Coming Up!

General Meyer <salute>

Suh, what a generous offer! Information from the Yankee papers report your liquor has already fallen into our hands, however:

Washington Times, 19 Oct 1861:

"President Lincoln's Spirits Hijacked"

"Presidential spokesman Yankee Doodle announced today that 23 wagons of fine spirits intended for use at a White House reception disappeared from the D.C. Dispensary early this morning, the apparant victim of a daring raid by guerillas loyal to the rebellious southern states. President Lincoln is reported to be very upset, advertising that anyone who has ever seen his wife would understand why the alcohol is an important part of his offical residence."

As for the unfortunate captured, perhaps we can come to some agreement on an exchange. In exchange for the prisoner we'll return the empties so the president can get his deposit back on the bottles.

Author:  cameronm [ Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CSA CoA Election Coming Up!

Great news General Hebert, the officer who lead this raid shall be promoted at least two grades if not more . :mrgreen:

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