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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:55 pm 

Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 9:52 am
Posts: 2489
Naw it ain't Cam, he's bathed for the month.....

It ain't Neal Hebert, that alligator hides Neal's smell....

It doesn't seem to be Stewart, he's been in fresh air lately....

Oh I see appears to be that General Meyer has left his britches out....


General Scott Ludwig


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:09 pm 

Joined: Tue May 22, 2001 8:05 pm
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Location: Panhandle of Texas
Naw, that must belong to one of those Nancy boys in the Army of the Mississippi who can't muster enough guys to take on the AoC. ;-)

General Mark Nelms
3/2/XX/AoC "Blackhawk Brigade"
Union Military Academy Instructor

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 7:45 am 
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No General Nelms - look at inside the waistband - definitely say "Property of Jos Meyer". We don't have anyone by that name.

General Stewart Stiles
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Army of Northern Virginia

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:14 pm 
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Oh, dear! This is quite distressing and somewhat embarassing! But I suppose that I ought to come clean with the whole issue, once and for all, for its has caused me no little anxiety from the very first. No doubt this will again make its way into the scandal sheets of the North, but wars have been fought and won in a number of ways other than upon the battlefield!

Some two years ago I recieved a confidential dispatch from a certain Confederate officer in high place, whom I cannot now name, but is noted for his proclivity in making obnoxious raids upon our Northern taverns. He advised me that I could easily reduce both the number and tone of his "raids" by regularly supplying him with Chicago Blue Light Ale, a particularly tasteful and rather virulent concoction brewed in very small amounts at the whim of the brewer. Whilst at first becoming very suspicious of such an offer, I was further induced to consideration of it by a letter coming from his wife, who had stumbled upon his hairbrain scheme when he had sent to her by drunken accident a copy of the message he had sent to me! Extremely desirous of effecting his eventual re-habilitation, but equally knowledgeable of the fact that only Chicago Blue Light Ale produced a very pleasing and amorous effect upon him for her, she appealed for my assistance, promising that his time on both the battlefield and in our forums would be more closely controlled!

The temptation to both reduce the outlandish visitations upon our forums and the prospect of depriving the Confederacy of the services of one of its most important officers for considerable lengths of time was too great to resist. Plans were immediately made by my staff in Washington as to how best procure the rather sporadic batches of the Chicago Blue Light Ale, and then how to confidentially and unobtrusively get them sent into the Confederacy.

A plan was finally devised wherein General Ernie Sands, Commander of the Union Western Theater, was charged with striking a contract with the brewer to buy up each and every batch of Blue Light as it was made and have it shipped east to Washington under dependable guard to be supplied by General Rusty Hodgkiss and Lt. Gen. Drex Ringbloom of the Army of the Shenandoah. This arrangement, however, was almost immediately met with dire warnings from the brewer that there would be serious repercussions from the commanders of the Union Armies of the Tennessee and Cumberland, who had already discovered the rather satisfying properties of the brew and had put claim on the first 100 bottles made from each batch! Faced with these unlooked for impediments, the two officers involved, Generals Peterjohn and Danner, were immediately summoned to my Headquarters and made to account for their highly irregular behaviors. Each was threatened with the forfeiture of their command unless they reduced their demands to 25 bottles each, which, of course, they were happy to accomodate given the reasons for my greater need.

The Washington staff then hit upon an almost foolproof way of getting the shipments properly delivered once they were in hand! A signal had to be arranged whereby the recipient would be notified that his Blue Light was ready for transfer. A remote area below Chaffin's Bluff on the James River, a place called Bottom Church (hex 57,283, HPSCP main map), was selected where the shipment would be landed each time from one of the Army's specially selected riverine gunboats, the Bonilla. The crew of this vessel was hand-picked by General Miller from members of the Army of the Potomac, a somewhat rowdy crowd who were told that they were involved in a secret plan to stock supplies for a coming second peninsula invasion. To make certain that the landing was not interfered with or shot upon, the highly placed Rebel officer whose disgraceful shenanigans precipitated all of this, guaranteed the boat's safety by stationing the brigade of Brigadier General L. O'Brien Branch in the area to prevent interference!

All that remained was to devise the actual signal by which all of this would be put in motion. By chance, it was noted that each Tuesday and Friday morning a group of very large women from the Bottom Church (so named evidently because of the strange requirement that its female parishioners must attain a 50-inch hip size before being baptized) would assemble along the river's bank to wash their sizeable wardrobes. It was a simple matter then for a Union operative to slip in during the early afternoon and add a extra pair of bloomers to those drying on the line. To distinguish the pair it was labeled as being of my personal property. Once discovered and taken from the line by a counterpart Rebel operative, word was then passed to Richmond, where arrangements would be made to receive the shipment as unobstrusively as possible that night and a crate of empty bottles from the previous shipment left in its place (a strict condition put upon the operation by the brewer who refused to pay the outrageous costs of new bottles), the bloomers tucked safely inside for the next deployment.

The entire enterprise was not so slyly code named, "Blue Light Bloomers," or Federal Project BLB.

As I stated, the project ran fairly well for these past two years, the obnoxious raids reduced to those infrequent times when the batches were not as forthcoming as they might have been, but with overall good results elsewhere. I am informed that the Bottom Church had received generous donations from an unnamed benefactor in Richmond to have all of the chuch's seats and pews both enlarged and strengthened with very durable oak wood.

This whole business has now come to an unfortunate end, as the newest Rebel operative, a Prussian immigant from Mississippi, pilfered three bottles of the stuff, drank each of them in quick succession and was found by Branch's troops crazily chasing the washer women with the bloomers tied around his neck. Unable to produce his bonafides he was arrested and sent back the CSA Western Theater, where this type of behavior appears to be very commonplace, for disposition. The rest, of course, is history. Lieutenant General Ludwig thought he had stumbled upon another piece of usable propaganda to shore up the Southern war effort, an unseemly tactic occasionally used by other notable CSA officers from time to time to make up for their horrendous losses upon the field.

Once discovered these types of things tend to have a immediate loud impact upon the morality crowds of both North and South, but quickly recede in importance as the more serious issues of the war retake center stage. So, I suspect, it will be with this. I am informed that the crew of the Bonilla, who were also pilfering bottles, have deserted their boat and have been incarcerated at Fortress Monroe. They will be released in due time, after the headlines have dissipated and there is a return to normalcy.

General Jos. C. Meyer, ACWGC
Union Army Chief of Staff
Commander, Army of the Shenandoah
Commander, Army of the Tennessee
(2011-2014 UA CoA/GinC)


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:08 am 
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I can attest to the validity of the brief and concise explanation offered by Gen. Meyer..."Burp"

Gen. Drex Ringbloom,
AotS ,Commanding

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:20 pm 
Incredible! LOL!

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:32 pm 
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Well, not so incredible as you might think. Light Blue cannot be taken lightly, as Gen Drex can attest. :mrgreen:

General Ernie Sands
President ACWGC -Sept 2015- Dec 2020
7th Brigade, 1st Division, XVI Corps, AoT
ACWGC Records Site Admin

"If you do not know where you are going, any road will take you there."

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:42 pm 

Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2003 9:52 am
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I must say Joe that was an excellent piece of writing....I doubt I could be that good.... :D

General Scott Ludwig


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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 9:16 pm 
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I was just re reading this post when I noted with some alarm that those reading General Meyers reply could, with remote a possibility, assume that the General he was referring to was my good self. I have never, knowingly, in my cyber life and real life ever drunk any alcohol with the term light/lite on it’s label and I have never, knowingly, ever been to hex 57,283, HPSCP main map. Although I will admit to being at hex 58,284 on a number of occasions, on purely military matters. I will also admit going to a place called the Chicago Red Light bar, in Vicksburg; again it was on purely military matters.

General Cam McOmish

Brigade Commander
Alabama State Volunteers
Cleburne's Division
Hardee's Corps
Army of Tennessee

Confederate States of America

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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 12:32 pm 
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This is, of course, what happens when men in high positions, especially those with such voracious tastes in liquors, are implicated in dubious undertakings; they very expertly attempt to redefined the terms, cast doubt upon the sources and inject a measure of disingenuity. It is exactly what I did and what one would expect from the other side! (Although I cannot for the life of me understand what military business Cam had in the nearby, secluded forest hex 58,284, unless it was taking illicit photographs of the majestic matrons in their wet baptismal garments as they re-entered Bottom Church from the riverside ceremonies as an entertainment item for his next CSA Officers' Ball!)

Ah, well, as I said,...these things tend to dissipate fairly quickly as other events overtake them. I am lately informed by Mr. Pinkerton that the Chicago Blue Light Ale owner, after being notified that his contract with my office had been cancelled, quickly found another contractual buyer in one, Morris Tillman, Esq., who represents himself as a broker for religious apparel and accessories and apparently has some family connection to the Reverend Harrold Cockly, minister of the Bottom Church of Virginia! This would suggest that the operational scope of the pilfering may have gone far beyond what I had originally discovered and would tend to lend credence to the unsubstantiated reports of a expanded clothes drying facilities and additional new construction being undertaken at the church.

At the moment my office is trying to figure out how we might capitalized upon these developments, the ale traffic being easily controlled from our end! Indeed, there seems to be great deal of excitement generated at Bottom Church each time the newly-crewed Bonilla passes by to scout the fortifications at Chaffin's Bluff!

General Jos. C. Meyer, ACWGC
Union Army Chief of Staff
Commander, Army of the Shenandoah
Commander, Army of the Tennessee
(2011-2014 UA CoA/GinC)


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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 5:05 pm 
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I expect attendance at the Bottom Church services to increase significantly now!

Gen. Drex Ringbloom,
AotS ,Commanding

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