American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Strangest Place to see a Confederate Flag
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Author:  Blake [ Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Strangest Place to see a Confederate Flag

Whats the strangest place you ever saw a Confederate flag?

I know some of you servicemen are going to have the best examples. There are numerous examples of Confederate flags on US tanks, barracks, and with units serving overseas. I remember a few years back ESPN did Sportscenter for a week in Iraq and there was a giant Confederate flag back behind the ESPN booth.

Random question I know. Just curious.

Author:  imiller [ Fri Oct 19, 2012 4:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Strangest Place to see a Confederate Flag

LtC Nick Tougher of the British Territorial Army was seconded to the Miss NG (armored) for two week exercise in 1984 (when still an Officer Cadet in the North Irish Horse), and reported back to the mess that he was astonished to see CS flags on the radio antennae of tanks crewed by African Americans. The crews also had a high regard for a certain NB Forrest as a commander. I showed him the Miss State flag and the ANV flag and he insisted it was the ANV flag he had seen.

During the 1970s, there was a Battery Sgt Major in the Gloucestershire Volunteer Artillery (TA) who was proud of his Jewish heritage. He flew a large star of David flag from his land rover antenna.
When stopped in Germany by the Military Police, he assured them that it was a battle honour from WW1, and that the intertwined GVA initials on the vehicle doors stood for "Galilean fifth artillery". Such is the Brits respect for tradition - or a really good tall tale - that the redcaps let him go.


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