American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Colorized Civil War Pictures
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Author:  KWhitehead [ Sat Oct 12, 2013 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Colorized Civil War Pictures

In case others have not seen these they are rather interesting. They have taken original CW pictures and colorized them.

Enjoy :D

Author:  Joe Meyer [ Sat Oct 12, 2013 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Colorized Civil War Pictures

This is literally fantastic stuff! The two artists involved are not yet even past their mid-20's and they are cranking out some unbelievable work. I also see that their work has generated some controversy in that some folks believe that what they are doing is not only near to plagiarisim, but also artistically destructive of the orignal sepis or black and white originals. But I simply don't agree, especially where the historical photos of the Civil War are involved. One is immediately transported back into time in a much more dynamic and familiar manner. Even if every single hue and shade has not been recreated from the real thing, these pictures raise our visual awareness of the time and age.

I was also somewhat surprised by the caption of Grant in the first reference as a "highly functional drunk!" I'm not so certain that particular description can be made of the man, although some the most uncharitable of the second-hand observations of the period (those made by Halleck) certainly raised the issue. But that is immaterial to the colorization of historical pictures.

Our own "Old Banshee" team of artists does a fairly remarkable degree of this same kind of work in a smaller scale within the unit graphic modifications for each of the HPS game packages! Amazing stuff!

Author:  K. Koch [ Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Colorized Civil War Pictures


I totally agree with your statements.

I have often wondered how could people live during these times, regardless of the events such a brutal civil war, but because everything is so gloomy and dirty looking. When looking at old photographs like these I may consciously know that they are black and white, but I think on a subconscious level the brain is having a hard time comprehending that these were real people living in a real world like the one I am living in, just in a different time period.

But when I see these photographs in color, the brain seems to "get it". It can more easily relate to these people that I have read so much about. they become more human to me. The world they live in becomes more like the one I live in. It has so much more of an impact on my mind.

Author:  Scott Ludwig [ Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Colorized Civil War Pictures

Very cool stuff! :)

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