Blake wrote:
To new videos on our YouTube Channel to check out if you are interested.
A 2-minute promo video talking about what the series is about is located here:
A "normal" episode has also been added. This episode features a segment I call "Just My Opinion" on the Battle of Shiloh game. Be sure to check it out! I am sure a few people will vehemently disagree with my opinion, but that's okay, I am still right Thanks to all for playing these games.
First and foremost, my compliments to all those who have both played and studied these battles of history.
For those of us who design these games, though the historicity of each OOB is researched and in many cases reviewed by others, not every opinion can be accommodated.
I actually hold the opposite opinion on how to rate a unit's quality. I would rather rate a unit on their performance during the battle than develop a complicated rating system, as some have attempted, that takes into consideration each unit's level of experience. With that said, I DO NOT deny that that is a factor.
I would like you to consider how many units would be rated D's and lower if we were to rate them strictly on experience, and yet performed far above that rating. I could go on and on with examples but would rather not open pandoras box too wide. Imagine 1st Bull Run/Manassas, should every unit be rated an F due to zero experience?
I would also say that, and as the video pointed out, some units could and probably should be tweaked. However, it will not be me. I am not sure if the OOBs can be player changed, WDS support can answer that, but if yes, go for it. To each their own.
Lastly, and this will be my final comment, the most important thing to "me" in my design concept is: Can either side win? My objective is to answer that in the affirmative.
Again, thanks to all of you in this club. I absolutely love your enthusiasm and dedication to history. Keep the debate going, for without it changes never happen.