American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Imperial Glory
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Author:  ALynn [ Sat Apr 09, 2005 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Imperial Glory

I know others have posted about this previously (that's how I first heard about it) but it has been a while, and there is a demo now, so I thought I would refresh everyone's memory...

Slightly off topic, though it is wargame related and some folks might not frequent the Napoleonic boards, but a new stratigic/tactical/naval simulation of the period 1789 to 1830 is soon to come out, called Imperial Glory. A demo is now available and I have been playing it today and must say that it is at least entertaining and immersive. The graphics are impressive - full 3D terrain environment, including birds flying around, sand storms, water movements, animals, etc. Uniforms are differentiated and detailed, too. Nice use of sounds.

The tactical ability of the AI might not be perfect, and the battles end up more like battles of attrition - melees are fights to the death, one side wins, the losing unit is eliminated, for instance - but they are still fun.

You can even tell infantry to occupy a building and they do - swarming in though the doors, then moments later they will appear in the windows, lining the roof, and barricaded in the doorways - they actually OCCUPY the building, not sit on it or around it, they interact with it. Very cool feature. Each unit also has its own abilities, though I figured this out on my own since the demo doesn't mention it. Line units, rifle units, light infantry - all have different fire ranges and melee qualities. Hussars, dragoons, and lancers each have different melee abilities. The artillery is also differentited.

If you are at all interested in the Napoleonic time period, check out the demo.

A fan site at:

Or the official site: ... l/main.htm

It is supposedly due out sometime in late April. Will supposedly include 51 unique battlefields from European fields, Russian ice and snow, Arabian deserts, cities, palaces, etc., naval battles, plus a full strategic engine featuring trade, research, technology, espionage, diplomacy, and just plain military takeovers. Sounds like it will be a combination of Civilization and Take Command 1861: Bull Run.

I can forsee many tired mornings at work after many sleepless nights at home if it plays as well as it sounds. [xx(]

Bvt. Major Alan Lynn
3rd Battery "Jacksonville Greys"
4th Div, II Corps, AoA
God bless <><

Author:  Dean Beecham [ Sun Apr 10, 2005 7:29 am ]
Post subject: 

I just down loaded it ,and done the install with the Dx 9 but i cannot get it to play the game.
Its a shame it looks Great.[:(]

Major Dean Beecham.
2nd Division
Artillery Brigade

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