American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Game options I would like to see
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Author:  Boyd [ Fri May 20, 2005 9:33 am ]
Post subject:  Game options I would like to see

I've been thinking lately of a few new game options I would like to see added to future HPS games. I'm talking more about enhancements, features, and options, as opposed to OOBs, the ammo situation etc. If that makes sense. Here are a few and maybe others have other ideas.

1. A Rotating Map. Instead of looking at the battlefield from a "north at the top perspective". Have the ability to rotate the map in 90 degree increments.

2. After the battle have the ability to scan the battlefield and see where the heaviest fighting occurred. Each hex could display a numerical figure for the total casualties that occurred in that hex. Currently a figure is displayed during the combat phase showing the number of casualties in each hex where combat occurred. The game engine would just have to keep a running total of those figures and at the end of the game add them up and display them. It sounds easy to me, but I know nothing about software programming.

3. We've talked about LOS in previous posts, but I'll bring it up again. It would be nice to have a weather feature and or battlefield smoke feature to limit LOS. Maybe have a max of 40 hexes LOS on clear days and 20 on rainy days and 5 hexes in heavy combat areas. These are just guesses, but would be a nice feature.

4. The old SSI Civil War games broke down casualties into wounded, killed, missing, and captured. It would add a nice historical flavor if the HPS games could do the same. Don't quote me on this but I think I read somewhere that of battle casualties only 17% were 'kills'. Meaning if an army suffered 20,000 casualties in a battle ony 3400 were actually killed on the battlefield. The rest were wounded, missing, or prisoners. Of course many of the wounded died later of their wounds. Anyway, breaking down the total casualties into killed, captured, wounded would be a nice touch.

5. I had a fifth one, but can't remember it...[:D]

Anyway, just some Friday afternoon meandering thoughts...any thoughts or more suggestions?

Lt. Col. Boyd Denner
"Alabama Brigade"
"God Bless the Alabamians" Gen. Robert E. Lee - The Wilderness 1864

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