American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Last Courier Shot Dead!
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Author:  eireb [ Thu Oct 20, 2005 5:35 am ]
Post subject:  Last Courier Shot Dead!

Hi Y'all!

To all my Contacts in the Club - Friends, Opponents, Army & Division Commanders, Corps Officers, Tourney Competitors and Associates . . . . and anyone else that knows Me or cares . . . [:D]

Please Note that as of Today . . . I can neither receive nor Send E-Mail. My e-mail server has sat down and gone into a Sulk and as is the way these Modern times - any phone number I call for assistance, gets me onto a computerised voice that tells me I'm inna Q.

I have Internet OK - so any Urgent messages could be posted here - other than that, please bear with Me - I'll get it fixed or move Companies or summit!

Thanks Chaps,


Colonel Patrick G.M.Carroll,
II Corps,
Army of Georgia.
"Spartan Southrons"

" When My Country takes it's rightful place, amongst the Nations of the World, then and only then, let My Epitaph be written. "

Author:  dmallory [ Thu Oct 20, 2005 9:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Col. Carroll,

Dad-blasted technology! I hate it when the telegraph office shuts down like that.

Well, as long as you can't do any game turns or anything else productive, you don't want to just waste time so why don't you just by your CoA a drink [:D] ?

Your humble servant,
Gen 'Dee Dubya' Mallory

David W. Mallory
ACW - General, Chief of the Armies, Confederate States of America & Cabinet Member
CCC - Sergeant, Georgia Volunteers, Southern Regional Deaprtment, Colonial American Army

Author:  eireb [ Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:53 am ]
Post subject: 

An Update Chaps! [:D]

I still have Internet and intermittent e-mail. I write mails by the batch and have attached some turns to some. I try mail 'em and They refuse to go. Then I try later and half a dozen go out, but 3 remain for some inexplicable reason. [?]

I finally got to talk to someone that could loosely be described as "Human" at my ISP and She informed Me that "Upgrading work" was being carried out on the Server.

They hope to be completely finished in about a week's time. So in the meantime - Ye <i>might</i> git a mail - Ye may not . . . depends which direction the wind's blowin' and whut Ah had fer Brekkie! [;)]

Then again - even the intermittent service I have might sit down for good, until the Work is finished. Then None of Yiz 'll git nuttin'! [}:)]

Excitin' times ahead methinks!!!! [:D]


Colonel Patrick G.M.Carroll,
II Corps,
Army of Georgia.
"Spartan Southrons"

" When My Country takes it's rightful place, amongst the Nations of the World, then and only then, let My Epitaph be written. "

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