American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Yank meets Reb at Gettysburg 05/06
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Author:  draganfly [ Wed Jan 04, 2006 9:09 am ]
Post subject:  Yank meets Reb at Gettysburg 05/06

I was resting at Marsa Robert's headquarters from my long journey over South Mountain when there was a knock at my door...Standing in the doorway was this rather tall stately looking lanky Lt. General from the AoC...We gave each other a hug, slapped backs and we both had a smile on our faces from ear to ear..I couldn't beleive that he came all the way from Mississippi to see me...( I personnal think it was his excuse to see the battlefield again).....He couldn't beleive that I drove from Ohio to see him.....We laughed and talked...I was nice of him to bring me some warm socks and seeds for next years planting....I gave him my renouned jellies and sauce...( Yes Gen. Laub..I will mail them to you).....we went to the Pub in Gettysburg square when we ate and met the real Hilda, Matilda and all the other barmaids ...The great plan was being set...The womwn folk who were with us decided that the next day they were going SHOPPING...The general and I just looked at each other and smiled with a grin from ear to ear......We hit he battlefield around nine and we didn't stop until lunch....Culp's hill, Spanglers spring...The rocks and hills which many a brave soldier fell on.....We discussed all aspect of the battlefield.....Without the leaves on the trees you can see the battlefield and the distance the boys had to travel....We walked the angle, the wall and just couldn't beleive that we were there...All the times I have been to Gettysburg I did not know that you can climb to the balcony of the Pennsylvania monument....A differet view of the last day....We toured the rest of the battlefield after lunch....This is the only time that we had a heated discussion about the battle....The 20th Maine was not on a big hill.The Maine monument to the bottom of the hill is not more than 30 paces not like in the movie where they right wheel down this long massive hill....The face of little round top is a massive hill...After eating and celebrating the new year we called it a night....We toured the first day on my last day before we traveled home......I was a sad goodbye.....what I told was that two people who talked to each other because of this club made an everlasting friendship...If you ever have a chance to meet someone do so...The experience will last a life time....Lt. General Dave Danner is one hell of a guy....Sometime this year I am going to Shiloh....Dave will be there and I hope to meet Maj. General Derald Riggs....I have been playing him for three years this Feburary non-stop...Just have to meet them and have a good time.......

Maj. Gen. John Dragan

Author:  dmallory [ Wed Jan 04, 2006 12:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

General Dragan,

Thanks for sharing, and congratulations on the terrific meeting.

Be sure and let us know when you plan to be at Shiloh. There may be others who would be interested and able to make the trip.

I seem to recall someone (General Simms, perhaps?) discussing some sort of informal gathering somewhere in Tennessee. Don't know the latest on that.

Your humble servant,
Gen 'Dee Dubya' Mallory

David W. Mallory
ACW - General, Chief of the Armies, Confederate States of America & Cabinet Member
CCC - Sergeant, Georgia Volunteers, Southern Regional Deaprtment, Colonial American Army

Author:  krmiller_usa [ Wed Jan 04, 2006 5:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gen Dragan,

The second level of the Pa monument was just opened last year after a major repair and refurbishing of the monument. Been going there for over 30 years myself and can't recall it being open prior to that. I got the chance to get up there last fall and it does present a fine view of that part of the field.

Gen. Ken Miller


Army of the Shenandoah

Author:  David Danner [ Thu Jan 05, 2006 2:02 pm ]
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Some things transcend small battles played with a computer. Such was my visit to Gettysburg and meeting my friend John Dragan and his wife Donna. My wife I flew into Baltimore after Donna and Jeanie worked out the details of this wonderful adventure. The last time I was at Gettysburg was July 1-2-3, 1963 and many things have changed with additions of new monuments. But it was the drama of meeting John that was so important. We stomped over almost every part of the entire battlefield and took wonderful pictures. On New Year’s Eve we all ate at the Cashtown Inn and everything was fantastic with our celebration. (Yep this is the very Inn that A.P. Hill stayed in and the one used in the movie Gettysburg.) John and Donna are very gracious and interesting people. John gave me the whole tour and we talked and laughed the whole time as we explored everything. Our meeting and friendship was not unlike the one Generals John Gordon and Frances Barlow had many years after the battle--respect all around. After we had said our good-bys John drove off, only to return for another handshake. We are planning another encounter at Shiloh and will want other to join us. Believe me gentlemen this was fun.

L Gen Dave Danner
Army XO, Adjutant, & XX Cops Commander AoC

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