American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Damned Yankees!
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Author:  wjbraddock [ Tue Aug 01, 2006 3:56 am ]
Post subject:  Damned Yankees!

The fading sunlight enters the darkened tavern as the door slowly opens. The long patch of yellow-orange on the dirty floor frames the shadow of a man; a man whose form, washed out in the the brighter background light seems both exhausted and determined. A hush falls inside as the figure steps inside, keeping his back to the patrons as he softly closes the door.

"Damned Yankees!", escapes the newcomer's lips in a stage whisper, "My favorite horse! Hell, my ONLY horse! And one of ya Blue-bellied, city-folk recruits just haaaaaaaaaad ta shoot it!"

General Braddock turns to face the bar, a big grin splitting his unshaven face as he brushes the dust off his shoulders. "Whiskey!", he bellows. Laughing now, he heads towards the glass being filled on the counter. "For your edification, deer 'r the brown things with big sticks on their heads and a fluffy white tail, and ya generally find 'em without saddle and reins. And ya'll call us country boys stupid."

Well, long time no see folks! First the computer dies, then my stash of 'fun' money has to go to sending my boy to private kindergarten because the school district says "no exceptions" for being born two weeks past the entry deadline. Does it matter he tests higher than kids leaving this year's class? Hell, no! [:(!] So, three thousand plus dollars in tuition later, I finally got my replacement after not eating for many a month.

Shiloh, Ozark, Corinth, Gettysburg and Franklin will be loaded back on as the offers ta boot me back to Dixie start rolling in.

So, any takers? I mean, I've probably forgotten how to play by now... [:)]

Lt Gen Bill Braddock, 1/2/III ANV

Edit: Almost forgot. I have precious few of your email addresses, obviously.

Author:  dmallory [ Tue Aug 01, 2006 1:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

General Braddock,

Good to see you again, old man!

Gentlemen, General Braddock was in charge of VMI when I was an instructor at that fine institution, and it was he who gave me the nickname I now go by. He's been around a few of these maps, and once he gets things loaded some poor Yank is going to have his hands full with this one.

So, who'll be the first to feel the wrath of one of the South's finest?

While we wait for some Yank to take up your challenge, please allow me to buy you a drink, General. It's good to have you back.

Your humble servant,
Gen 'Dee Dubya' Mallory

David W. Mallory
ACW - General, Chief of the Armies, Confederate States of America & Cabinet Member
CCC - Ensign, Georgia Volunteers, Southern Regional Deaprtment, Colonial American Army

Author:  Tony malone [ Wed Aug 02, 2006 4:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Always good to see people return, and to the side of right [:D] Welcome back sir. SALUTE!

GEN. Tony Malone
Commander Army of Mississippi
"Do your duty in all things, You can never do more, You should never wish to do less".

Author:  boilertech [ Thu Aug 03, 2006 2:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

General Braddock Suh,

Welcome back, know what you mean about the cost of higher edumacaion. Got two youngun's and we home school them. Plus we don't get any tax backs for the any of the costs for tution, books, etc. Anyway welcome back to the right side


Col. Gery Bastiani
26th NC Inf. Regt.
II/2/4 AotM

"Let us pass over the river and rest under the shade of the trees" -Stonewall Jackson

Author:  caberdanier [ Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gen Braddock,

Welcome back Sir.

Col Bastiani,

As far as it being the "right" side, I suppose it could depend on which way he's facing. South might turn out to be his left....see what an education can learn you![:D]


Chuck Berdanier
Col, 2/1/IX, AoO
National Light Infantry

Author:  boilertech [ Fri Aug 04, 2006 1:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Col. Berdanier Suh,

Don't know how far north ya'll are of the M/D line, but while home schooling my two daughters during their time in the fifth grade, in their history books the War of Northern Aggression was mainly over States rights and not slavery. We use the Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Home School out of Front Royal, VA. The school is a very good one. Lot of folks down here in NC home school their children. So it's in black and white about the right side[:D].


Col. Gery Bastiani
26th NC Inf. Regt.
II/2/4 AotM

"Let us pass over the river and rest under the shade of the trees" -Stonewall Jackson

Author:  caberdanier [ Sat Aug 05, 2006 3:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Col Bastiani,

My apologies for a feeble attempt at humor, raising the issue as right vs. left as opposed to right vs. wrong. It was more of a sop to those among us who are directionally challenged.

While I agree that the war, regardless of how you title it, was fought by each side initially for different reasons, after President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclimation, for the North at least, the issue was slavery. In point of fact, however, slavery as an instition wasn't banned nationwide until several years after the war by constitutional ammendment.

For the south the war was fought on the basis of state control of all matters to the point were the government in Richmond had to ask the governers to release troops for federal use and often was refused by the state governments. After Missionary Ridge one of the captured southerners was asked why he was fighting and his answer was "because you are here". Jefferson Davis was quoted as saying that "We just want to be left alone".

Again sorry for any offense I may have caused.


Chuck Berdanier
Col, 2/1/IX, AoO
National Light Infantry

Author:  boilertech [ Sat Aug 05, 2006 1:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Col. Berdanier,

Don't worry wasn't offended, and took your reply as just poking fun at one another. As was my reply [:)]


Col. Gery Bastiani
26th NC Inf. Regt.
II/2/4 AotM

"Let us pass over the river and rest under the shade of the trees" -Stonewall Jackson

Author:  Gary McClellan [ Sat Aug 05, 2006 2:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Shocking that no fine Union Officer has risen to take up the guage of this rebel.

That said, I am willing to do so. Prarie Grove, either campaign or Stand alone battle, I am at your service sir.

Major General Gary McClellan
1st Division, XXIII Corps

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