American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Gettysburg rant
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Author:  J. Corbin [ Fri Aug 04, 2006 6:05 am ]
Post subject:  Gettysburg rant

Stumbled accross this in the NHL news group for my fav hockey team ... da/?hl=en#

There is a link to pics that are quite good

as to the rant ... Not sure what to make of it

Lieutenant General John Corbin
Commanding officer
Army of The James

Author:  HomerS [ Fri Aug 04, 2006 6:22 am ]
Post subject: 

I'll be there in 2 weeks. I'll let you know if the park is a disaster or not.

Major General Don Golen

1st Division/ V Corps/Army of the Potomac, Union!
Assistant Commandant Union War College

Author:  RE Daley [ Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:27 am ]
Post subject: 

We were there in what March? The Park is not in ruins or at least I didn't think so. I was told the Park is so over grown and the clearing will best indicate what it was like during the 1860's or better yet, the battle.....The clearing of trees was most noticeable near Devel's Den. Hey... two weekends to Gettysburg?

Colonel R.E.Daley
1st Corps of the ANV
3rd Calvary Divsion,
3rd Brigade
"We are the Midnight Riders"

Author:  dalelast [ Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:50 am ]
Post subject: 

I was there last October. The only thing I noted was the clearing of trees where the 6th Corps was (north of LRT) and replanting the trees in the Peach Orchard. I think the rant was way over the top and I can't imagine things being like the writer claims they are.

Brigadier General Dale Lastowicka
1st "Adirondack" Division
XXV Corps
Army of the James

Author:  Banshee [ Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gettysburg has always been reasonably kept in the same condition it was in 1863. Taking trees where they weren't is part of the process. Maybe they ought to stick to hockey.

Gen. J. Cuneo, CSA
Army of Alabama, Commanding
Image Image

"I have seen the faces of men, who had dared death so often, it lost its' terror." -J.S. Mosby

Author:  dalelast [ Fri Aug 04, 2006 2:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Another observation that I omitted earlier. They state that deer have been slaughtered during this process. I would think that a lot of animal rights folks would have been in an uproar over this, since it is National Park Service land. Since we have heard nothing about this it seems to me as though it is pure fabrication from a couple that have an axe to grind, for some reason.

P.S. for John Corbin. Canadiens fan? Thought you would be a Senators fan. Islanders fan here.

Brigadier General Dale Lastowicka
1st "Adirondack" Division
XXV Corps
Army of the James

Author:  Dirk Gross [ Fri Aug 04, 2006 3:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

In Central Ohio the deer have overrun the suburban metro parks to the point where they have brought in professional hunters to cull the herd. Maybe they're having similar problems there. Deer can cause lots of damage and even intimidate park guests.

Lt. General Dirk Gross
XIV Corps/AoC


Author:  Robert [ Fri Aug 04, 2006 3:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

<b><font color="beige">This guy is <i>just a tad bit </i>over the top...he posted this rant in 140 Google groups.
In the photo link he's even crying about the tower that was built in the 70's and torn down a few years ago as a terrible loss...that thing was an eyesore and should have never been built in the first place. The deal was a percentage of the profits were to go the park 30 years the tower's owner claimed he never made a profit.

I think it's great that the wooded areas are being restored to 1863 boundaries even if it means cutting down trees. Antietam has been doing the same thing, along with replanting several large areas that were wooded in 1862.
Also for several years now Gettysburg has been replacing fences with more historical styles.
I'm not crazy about the deal that was worked out for the new visitor center....reminds me too much of the tower deal....but I guess time will tell if works or not.

As far as the deer go....the park service is only trying to control the herd so it doesn't get out of hand, with no natural predators (except cars) white tail deer in east coast suburban areas reproduce like bunnies.</font id="beige"></b>

<center><font color="blue"><b>Maj.Gen. R.A.Weir</b></font id="blue">
<font color="yellow">THE CALVERT LINE</font id="yellow">
<b>First--III--AoA CSA</b></center>

Author:  laubster22 [ Mon Aug 14, 2006 4:39 am ]
Post subject: 

Yikes! Too much time on his hands...

General Jeff Laub
Union Chief of the Army
ACWGC Cabinet Member

Author:  KWhitehead [ Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:20 am ]
Post subject: 

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="3" face="book antiqua" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Bill Peters</i>
<br />Where there are deer there is beer, er, bears. Or big cats.

Food chain is the way to think.

Deer population gets so bad in Anchorage some years that they block up traffic.

Bill Peters
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Yep, we need to send some of their natural preditors, Texans in pickup trucks, up there clean up this problem. They will thin out that herd and the beer in no time. [:D]

BG. Kennon Whitehead
Chatham Grays
III Corps, AoM (CSA)

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