American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Interested in Yanks for TS battle
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Author:  BMG [ Thu Aug 17, 2006 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Interested in Yanks for TS battle

I have BGG, BGBR, BGS and awaiting my delivery of BGC soon. Not yet assigned but be the first on your block to battle me!

Fld Lt Bryan Gentry Eastern Theater TBA

Author:  Chrispa [ Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

G'day Mate,
I'd be happy to play a BGG scenario with you.
I'm generally able to play several turns per week, especially as it's mid winter at the moment here.
Either contact me direct to discuss which scenario you'd like or just shoot off the first turn of 13a to me with extreme fog of war and all optional rules ticked.
I may not win, but I'll loose in a loud, spectacular and amusing way.
Chris Papalia.
1st Lt.
1/1 XXV Corps,
Army of the James.

Author:  BMG [ Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Whoa, you want to do the whole shebang Chrispa? Maybe if we could rustle up a few other players we could do it as corps commanders maybe. But at the rate of a few turns a week we'd be playing for up to 3-4 months on the same battle LOL. I'd love to get 3 a side to play it if possible, it'd be much fun I think, and get more people involved. Maybe some of the newest graduates here in a battle royale...any takers?

Fld. Lt. Bryan Gentry CSA (unattached)

Author:  RTHodge [ Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Multiplayer huh? Count me in.

Author:  eireb [ Mon Aug 21, 2006 1:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi Bryan!

Just a friendly li'll thought for Ye to consider along the way . . . one Reb to another. [;)]

Multi-Player Games are great Fun and a marvellous way to make Friends within the Club. [8D]

However Bryan, be Ye warned . . . . generally speaking . . . the more Players involved . . . the slower the Battle! [B)]

A 45 - 50 Turn Battle can easily stretch to 3 months and beyond - Man to Man. Take an example that You find that You and Your opponent can only play 1 Turn per 2 Days . . . and then one of Ye gets the 'Flu and is outta action for a week. Just as Ye get back into the swing of the Game . . . the other gets called away from home for a few days on business . . . and then there's a kid's birthday . . . and it goes on . . . etc. [:p]

Now multiply that by 6 (You've mentioned 3 men per side . . . ) [xx(]

As I said Bryan . . . just a li'll somethin' to bear in mind! [:)]


Patrick G.M.Carroll,
Major General.
Carroll's Corps,(II)
"Spartan Southrons"
Army of Georgia.
C.S.A.Cabinet Secretary

" When My Country takes it's rightful place, amongst the Nations of the World, then and only then, let My Epitaph be written. "

Author:  Chrispa [ Tue Aug 22, 2006 4:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Pat's hit the nail on the head.
The other big problem of course is that we are all in different time zones, so realisticly the shortest turnaround time is overnight.
I sometimes get a few more turns in on a wet weekend, but you can't count on that.

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