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 Post subject: Founding Fathers
PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:10 am 
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I see the ACWGC was founded in 1997 but who were the original members and how many were there? Are they still around?

MG Drex Ringbloom,
Cdr, 2nd Div "Corcoran's Legion", VIII Corps
Army of the Shenandoah

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:52 pm 
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Good question General, I am also keen to find out.[:)][:)]

Brig Gen Cam McOmish
Commander Western Theater
Confederate States of America

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 3:30 am 
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The Club Newsletters posted at the ACWGC HQ site provide some names for you as they go back almost to the beginning of the club. Of course, the founder of the club, Pierre Desruisseaux, is prominent and another name that has come back around for more punishment is Roger Hulinsky. You'll probably recognize a few of the names but most of the original members have been caught, tried, and hung.

Lt Gen Ned Simms
Blood 'n Guts hisself, a land lovin' pirate. Show me some arty tubes and we'll charge 'em.
VMI Class of '00

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 3:55 am 

That is a very good question!

I was in and around the Club in it's infancy. As I recall, there were actually two Clubs... one for the Yanks and one for the Rebs and then they decided to get together. I joined the Union Army [:0] about 3 months after this merger occured. (Even worse, though many of you won't believe it... I was one of the earlist Union CoA's.)

Randy Brooks was my Divison Cmdr at the time and an excellent Officer. He did a whole lot for the Union camp and the Club at that time.

On the Confederate side there was some crazy fellow... a Denny "Shoeless" Richards or something like that. He was an absolute nut case. (Sort of like me, right?) [;)] He was ripping us Yanks on the boards something horrible. I thought the Civil War was going to start all over again! It was threatening to rip apart our newly formed Club.

But thank goodness... Pierre Desruisseaux gained control of the Confederate Camp and gave this "Shoeless" fellow the boot. The ACWGC Club as it exists today was saved by him. Thank you, Pierre!

I could tell you endless stories about the "Glory Days" of the Club. When I returned to the Club this past February... I found it to be a mere glimmer of what it was in the past. I don't mean that as an insult to anyone but simply as an observation. The gaming world has changed a whole lot since the Club started in 1997. I started playing these games on a 486 computer with a 40 Meg hard drive! (Talk about ancient technology!) We just had dial up connections then and there was none of the online gaming available then that we have today. In many ways that has drawn away a lot of folks from the Club that were highly active in the past. I certainly enjoy online gaming but for me there has always been something special about the culture of the ACWGC.

Of course, the improvements in technology have had positive benefits too! Ask Mark Nelms, he knows. I used to stay up for hours and hours a night manually generating Game ID's and logging End Games and hand calculating the OBD points for the Battles and posting them to papers, charts and eventually spreadsheets. What we have automated for us today through the DoR (Dept of Records) is awesome! We didn't have it in place when I left the Club in 2003.

Now I suppose your all wondering how I ended up in the Rebel Camp? Some will say it's because the Union Camp didn't want me anymore! LOL! There might be a whole lot of truth in that! [:p] But in reality, it was I had developed such good friends in the Confederate Camp that I wanted to be on their side. I suppose this is normal as you always develop great friendships with the fellows who you game with... especially your opponents.

So in 1999, I retired from the Union Army and enlisted under the name of Jeff Davis at VMI. I thought someone would catch on to my obvious deception but I played the role so well no one guessed (though some may have suspected) who Jeff Davis really was. But I couldn't keep the secret in the bag forever and finally admitted my treachery. So here I am in the Rebel Army... they don't want me here and they sure as heck don't want me back in the Union Army! I'm lucky this isn't a three sided war or I might get booted to the next Army. [;)]

Well enough jaw jacking from me. I think you should get Pierre to tell his story. He was much more intimate with things on the Reb side and held a much higher command role than I did in those early years.

General Roger Hulinsky
Cmdg, AotM
Confederate States of America

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 4:13 am 
I would have preferred that it had remained 2 separate clubs.....Though I have some Yank friends, it just seems more appropriate.....But I guess thats the Reb in me.....I just hate Yankees having any influence over me at all.....

BG Hank Smith
Army of Georgia
Smith's Corp Commanding

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 7:25 am 
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With the two separate sides, it is really two separate "clubs". I'm glad Roger came back because it is important to have continuity with the past and to keep traditions alive. Is Pierre still around? BTW I can't picture Hulinsky in blue.

MG Drex Ringbloom,
Cdr, 2nd Div "Corcoran's Legion", VIII Corps
Army of the Shenandoah

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 7:27 am 
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Roger has summarized the early setup quite accurately. Thank you Roger for remembering. Me and Denny spent many phone calls and emails setting up the CSA side of the club rules. We organized the CSA as such and found that the Union side were not being organized. To be fair we were moving at a fast rate and the Union side did not have a chance to do so(sounds historical). We decided to make the setup and rules encompass both sides as we needed opponents [:)][:)]to make this work. It was decided to form the ACWGC and ask the Union side to join. They did so and this created the ACWGC with 2 sides. Basic premises were to provide points for both the winner and loser (to get away from the ladder clubs), provide for member contributions and interactions by setting up a military format that would engage a lot of people within a military structure, and allow members to create their own web pages and forums. This was a selfish reason, I just did not want to have to do all this stuff myself. [:)] By decentralizing I thought it would allow for a continuity if one or more 'founders' left.

I am still around after 12 years+ and am currently involved in maintaining the club main page and other web pages as well as the administrator in this forum MDT. I am not gaming as much but do so on an occasion.

There is a great history of the early years, as Roger mentioned, by going to the Newsletter. I tried to convey the spirit of the club at the time. They are a little disjointed but you can gleam a little of the who and what.

<b>The very first one is below.</b>
Brings back a lot of memories.

June 28, 1997

From CSA / USA Headquarters:

To: all Commissioned officers

Please review new club promotion system in CSA / USA Officer Ranks, Positions and Duties, Promotion system.

Star & Banner
Early Morning Edition Washington March 4, 1861

Lincoln Is Inaugurated
President Issues Grave Warning
Southern Secessionists

Senator Stephen A. Douglas attends chilly overcast morning ceremonies Pledge of Non-Interference with Southern Slavery! Sharpshooters posted at Capitol to guard against assassination by Southern Sympathizers

In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. The government will not assail you. You can have no conflict, without being yourselves the aggressors. You have no oath registered in Heaven to destroy the government, while I shall have the most solemn one to 'preserve, protect, and defend' it.

-- Abraham Lincoln

Charleston --

Major Anderson has declared his position at Sumter to be "nearly hopeless". Southerners sink several old hulks in harbor's main channel to thwart Federal efforts to relieve the all but starving garrison now down to ever dwindling rations.

Urgent "woe-filled" letter arrived early this morning urgently requesting 20,000 more federal troops to come to the defense of the isolated and all but forsaken fort in the harbor. If aid in the form of food and men did not arrive soon, Anderson's letter requested that his garrison be permitted to evacuate the claustrophobic confines of the damp, flea infested walled prison. Opposition by William Seward to support determined relief efforts came as a bitter disappointment to the president this wee, who had heretofore appointed him as a "fence mending gesture to the radical Eastern Republicans", and who, at least on the surface, seems more hawkishly determined to set policy towards the secessionists than the president, himself.

The long white haired secessionist, professional agitator, and powder keg charged crusader, Edmund Ruffin, 67, arrived yesterday to inspect the seven 10 inch mortars and two 42 pounders at nearby Fort Johnson.

"As old as I am, I have come here to join you in [th'] lead!"

Ruffin doubtless was aware that the dapper French brigadier from Louisiana, Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard, was currently in town conducting militia training of some 6000 cocked, ready and fervor bitten rebels who heretofore more loosely resembled a trained if slightly intemperate mob.

One Loyal Unionist was reported foolishly chiding,

"South Carolina is too small for a republic and too big for a lunatic asylum!"

Richmond --

The CSA Cabinet today authorized power to the president to disapprove of any bills presented in the US Congress that did not otherwise insure the "sovereign and independent character" of each state in the union.

The Honorable Senator D. Shoeless Richard of Kentucky today declared that if elected for another 6 year term, he could keep his last campaign promise to provide for a new and most modernly equipped shoe production factory that would guarantee clogs for every hell bent rebel boy, sweet as molasses gray clad girl, and dutifully enlisted kepi hatted volunteer.

June 29, 1997 The following USA positions are available. U.S.A. THEATRE COMMANDERS One Position as a Union Theater Command (TC) U.S.A. CABINET MEMBERS WASHINGTON 2 Cabinet positions Any enterprising Union sympathizer can apply for the above positions. All are welcome

Announcement **First Bull Run Multi game Volunteers requested, 4 CSA, 4 USA**

The Southern 4 man team has been completed with volunteers. Union volunteers are immediately required.

May 30, 1861

Head Quarters, Virginia Forces,


Your soil has been invaded by your abolition foes, and we call upon you to rally at once, and drive them back. We want Volunteers to march immediately to Grafton and report for duty. Come One! Come ALL! and render the service due to your state and Country. Fly to arms, and succor your brave brothers who are now in the field.

The volunteers from the Counties of Pendleton, Highland, Bath, Allghany, Monroe, Mercer, and other Counties convenient to that point, will immediately organize and report at Monterey, in Highland County, where they will join the Companies from Valley, Marching to Grafton. The Volunteers, as soon as they report at the above points, will be furnished with arms, rations, &c.,&c,.

Action ! Action ! should be our rallying motto, and the sentiment of Virginia's inspired Orator, " Give me liberty or give me Death." animate every loyal son of the Old Dominion! Let us drive back the invading foot of a brutal and desperate foe, or leave a record to posterity that we died bravely defending our homes and firesides,-the honor of our wives and daughters,- and the sacred graves of our ancestors !

[Done by Authority.]

* M. G. HARMAN, Maj. Commd'g
at Staunton.

*J.M. HECK, Lt. Col., Va. Vol.
*R.E. COWAN, Maj. Va. Vol.
*Not members, historical figures I think

Announcement **First Bull Run Multi game Volunteers requested, 4 CSA, 4 USA**

Volunteers, please present yourself to: Pierre


April 10, 1861

The USA Cabinet in Richmond, VA -

1) Colonel Pierre Desruisseaux - GoA, CSA
2) Field Lt. Art Grey Rider Ozols, CSA
3) Field Lt. Shoeless Richard, CSA

The newly formed CSA Cabinet was approved, this day, April 11, 1861,
to chair two [civilian, i.e.., "Richmond"] representatives along with
the CSA General of the Army [military representative]

a) serve to approve promotions,
b) settle [game] issue questions,
c) MP [multi+play] rules interpretations,
d) permit forum for officer grievances.
c) serve counter weight to possible military "loose

Subject: Sale on Bull Run

Computer City is offering BGR for 29:99. Regular 39:99 with instant
10 bucks
off. Spread the word.

Saturday, June 07, 1997 9:09 AM
Subject: Re: FW: New CSA Panel Appointments!

I approve the appointment of Pierre Desruisseaux, General of the
Army for
our Confederacy

Lt. Art Grey Rider Ozols


That is excellent news. Our newly formed CSA Cabinet is now
complete. I just realized that Bill Wegenseller is away until the
9th. Given that our original Panel was designed to be filled by two
members and given your acceptance of honored position this day, the
appointment of Pierre Desruisseaux to become the Confederacy's
General of the Army (GoA) with privileged rank of colonel is now

CSA Cabinet
Colonel Pierre Desruisseaux, CSA
Field Lt. Shoeless, CSA
Lt. Art Grey Rider Ozols, CSA

Best Regards,

General Pierre D.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 7:46 am 
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Thanks for responding Pierre. In the beginning everyone knows each other and there is alot of esprit de corps. I see it in today's club although it is surely different from the early days. Did the club start with the BG games only? When did HPS games kick in?

MG Drex Ringbloom,
Cdr, 2nd Div "Corcoran's Legion", VIII Corps
Army of the Shenandoah

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:13 am 
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It all started with Talonsoft and the Battleground games. The Talosnsoft forum was the initial spark that created the club. Not sure when HPS kicked in but it happened when Talonsoft was not continuing the BG games. We need to thank HPS and John Tiller for continuing the games as we know them today. Without new titles being published every few months this Club would not have survived IMHO. If you can afford it go and buy the HPS titles even if it is a historical subject that does not interest you as much. They are all pretty good. This will ensure the survival of the club more then anything else. This is my personal opinion. If you get Napoleonic or WWII games you can join clubs based on the ACWGC system. Same camaraderie and social interaction.

Best Regards,

General Pierre D.
1st Bde, 3rd Div,I Corps
Army of Georgia, CSA


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 9:28 am 

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Are there any sort of tables or graphs that tally the number of active members over time? I realize "active members" can be difficult to define, but how do the numbers today compare to the past?

Lt. Dylan McCartney
IV Brigade/ I Division
XIV Corps
Army of the Cumberland
Union Army

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:24 pm 
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I am amazed that since the beginning of the club a steady number of people have joined. The basic total membership has been steady. 20 to 30 new people join every month (~30 in October 2009) about equal for each side. Only a few stay but it is enough to sustain the club. When new titles come out there is an upswing due to the kindly references to our club.

Best Regards,

General Pierre D.
1st Bde, 3rd Div,I Corps
Army of Georgia, CSA


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 4:30 pm 

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<font face="Book Antiqua"><font size="4"><font color="pink">Gents,

When I became Commandant of VMI back in September of 2005 I was also given a copy of the Excel CSA Records which I have maintained since. This is a spread sheet listing almost all of the past and current members who have joined the CSA side of the Club. There are some missing members from the earlier days as each new CSA member is issued a CSA #. The current records lists the longest active members:
<font color="beige"><b>
Pierre D as CSAPD2, joined 7/97 next active members are
Art Ozols as CSAA8, joined 7/97
Tom DeHoff as CSATD11, joined 7/97
Mark Adams as CSAMA46, joined 7/97
Denis McBride as CSADM49, joined 7/97 and
Rich Hamilton as CSARH66, joined 3/98</b></font id="beige">

Just yesterday we graduated Fld Lt Roberto Massena (from Spain) with # CSARM1214. I guess I could safely say that more than 1,000 Rebs have pass through VMI and into the CSA side of the gaming Club.


</font id="pink"></font id="size4"></font id="Book Antiqua">

<font color="limegreen"><font size="4">Gen Nick Kunz
3/4/II Corps
Army of Georgia</font id="limegreen"><font color="orange">
Vicksburg Military Institute</font id="orange"></font id="size4">

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 5:43 pm 
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Thanks for starting this post and asking those questions. And a special thanks to Roger, Pierre and Nick for their great answers. Its all fascinating reading!

Maj. Gen. Jos. C. Meyer
Second Division, 14th Corps,
Army of the Cumberland


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:41 am 
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I think its important to recognize the older members, especially since many of them are still very active. Its essential to bring new members in but its the veterans that keep the club alive. I salute them all.

MG Drex Ringbloom,
Cdr, 2nd Div "Corcoran's Legion", VIII Corps
Army of the Shenandoah

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 10:56 am 

Joined: Wed May 23, 2001 5:41 am
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I suppose you can be a veteran without being a "founding father". I've been around for nearly nine years, which I suppose means I qualify as a veteran. However, when I arrived in early 2001 I very much felt like a newbie, and I suppose in the eyes of those who were there at the time I still am. Ken Miller (he is still very much around) was my corps commander. I was a 1st Lt., he was a Maj. General. Boy did I feel small!
On the other hand I think people who came years after me and were Lieutenants when I was already a full general might be considered veterans by people who joined recently.
Afterall what I suppose I'm saying is that, for an internet community that as a rule has a fast pace, we already have quite a history.

Gen. Walter, USA
<i>The Blue Blitz</i>
USA CoA-elect
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"... and keep moving on."

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