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 Post subject: Advantage Slider
PostPosted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 12:51 pm 
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Joined: Sun Jan 14, 2024 8:38 pm
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Does anyone know how the slider work?

I have been Playing the default optional rules minus Artillery capture and it seems like the Union has a much harder time of it.
I really like playing this way as IMO it delivers the most accurate experience......however it does seem to favor the rebs.

Also, if you are playing a less experienced player what fun is it for either player if it's just a march to Major victory level each time.

I'm hoping that it introduces a Delta to die rolls but not sure. If so it would be a great play balance tool

Captain R.T Coyne
7th Brigade 4th Division" Coyne's Cavalry Rangers"
1st Corp Army of Northern Virginia

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 Post subject: Re: Advantage Slider
PostPosted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 2:53 pm 
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The slider provides a bonus to the selected side in fire combat and in meleeing bridges. Each notch on the slider gives that side a 10% bonus (which is quite significant). Given the significance of the bonus the slider should not be moved unless you have a clear agreement from your opponent to do so.

You do not say who you are playing and I'm assuming it's the AI. If so, and were you to be playing as the Union you would probably find that the Confederacy would "have a much harder time of it". Reason: the AI is not too bright. I'd give the AI a 20% bonus but you should still give the AI a walloping as the poor thing is easily confused by simple tactics that do not involve direct assaults on Objective Hexes. Move the slider beyond 20% and it becomes more nonsensical in terms of fire casualties.

Different scenarios will benefit certain sides for obvious reasons. Not many battles were between equal forces on ground that did not favour one side or the other. That's where the skill of the real-life commanders came into play, the strategic movement of their force to ensure that they could concentrate their force at the right place at the right time. A prime example would be Chancellorsville, a battle that does not translate well to wargaming. In the WDS Chancellorsville scenario (026C) the Union has a massive advantage and should win every time. That is because it is very difficult to replicate the surprise and effect of Jackson's flank attack. Still, if your Union opponent is the AI you should not have too much trouble. Simply ignore the Objective Hexes and concentrate on destroying the Union Army. You should not have too much trouble in outflanking them, isolating their units and the AI will often leave artillery pieces unprotected in the rear that you can scoop up for easy VPs.

"Also, if you are playing a less experienced player what fun is it for either player if it's just a march to Major victory level each time."

I've won plenty of battles, but I've lost quite a few as well. I can assure you that I have learnt a lot more from battles I've lost than battles I've won. I will often concede the game before its end once it is obvious that I have no real chance of lessening his victory level. [There's no point in flogging a dead horse.]
I try to identify what I did wrong (or that my opponent did exceptionally well) and try to avoid the same mistakes and replicate his skillful actions. That doesn't always work but I do try.

In those games I've won I do get pleasure out of plans that have worked well and enjoy seeing them succeed. That enjoyment is enhanced when the victory has been against a better player and I was simply 'better on the day'.

Paul Swanson
First Division
First Corps
Army of Northern Virginia

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 Post subject: Re: Advantage Slider
PostPosted: Wed Aug 07, 2024 1:30 pm 
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We have been Playing Default rules and it seems that the union tends to rout way more than the south

Captain R.T Coyne
7th Brigade 4th Division" Coyne's Cavalry Rangers"
1st Corp Army of Northern Virginia

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 Post subject: Re: Advantage Slider
PostPosted: Wed Aug 07, 2024 3:55 pm 
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Them Yankees sure do like to run.
"Give them the cold steel, boys!" (Lewis Armistead)
[Note: routed units have their defending strength divided by four. Don't tell the Union Members, LOL.]

Seriously though, it could be, and probably is, due to a range of things.

You say you are using 'default rules' and I assume this means that you have Rout Limiting checked. Although I would prefer, in the interests of realism, to have it unchecked, no-one else seems to want that and I have only ever played one game with that Optional Rule unchecked.

Once the possibility of that rule is eliminated it must be other things. Units rout because they have failed their Morale Check. Often the Union has more men but lower quality units although I have played scenarios where exactly the opposite is the case.
Look up the Manual and you'll see there are a lot of factors that modify the probability of a unit passing/failing its morale check. Presumably, as less of your units are routing, you are maximising the positive factors and minimising the negative ones. Your Union opponent is not doing as well in that regard and if his units are of lower quality that is having a greater affect. Plus, having more units will make will mean more units (in raw numbers) are routing. However, as a percentage of the force it is not necessarily so. [E.g. If the USA has 40 units and 8 rout then that is 20% of his units. If the CSA has 20 units and only four rout then that is still 20% of the units.]

There are tactical methods than can be used to increase the likelihood of an enemy unit routing but I'm not going to divulge that here. No, definitely not.
The Confederacy should win more battles and the Yankees should run. That is, to me, the natural order of things. [Although there is always the unexpected, isn't there?]

Paul Swanson
First Division
First Corps
Army of Northern Virginia

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 Post subject: Re: Advantage Slider
PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2024 11:47 am 
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No actually when you select the rules WE select default. Most of the time we deselect the Artillery Capture, however.
So Rout limit is off.

Captain R.T Coyne
7th Brigade 4th Division" Coyne's Cavalry Rangers"
1st Corp Army of Northern Virginia

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 Post subject: Re: Advantage Slider
PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2024 12:29 pm 
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One other point, I don't concern myself with the Vp totals, I play the game more as an extension of
my study of the Civil War. I consider myself an amateur Historian and am Fascinated by the 19th century,
IMO it's the century that made America What it once was. Before we decided remake the world.
The 18th century was the beginning of our, Nation But the 19th was when we became a nation.
The 20th Century is when we became embroiled in the world as a whole and were dragged into the very
thing we as America wanted to escape from. The 21st Century IMO is the decline of our nation due to corruption
of our Government,Social,and Education System.

Now back to how this game fits in. I go to the Battlefields to remember those who gave their lives Both sides in this great struggle.
What our countryman went thru in the military, the civilians, the enslaved and their rise out of bondage all of it

This Game system helps me to understand the Military tactics of the day. The odds and determination both sides fought.
In the end War is the worst of humanity and yet the humanity that comes out of it is a valuable lesson .

Captain R.T Coyne
7th Brigade 4th Division" Coyne's Cavalry Rangers"
1st Corp Army of Northern Virginia

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 Post subject: Re: Advantage Slider
PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2024 4:41 pm 
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Richard Coyne wrote:
No actually when you select the rules WE select default. Most of the time we deselect the Artillery Capture, however.
So Rout limit is off.

Ahhh, I see what you mean now. As you have 'Rout Limiting' deselected it is more critical to consider morale (and the factors in the games that effect the Morale Check). When that Optional Rule is deselected a failure to consider morale can be fatal. It will be fatal no matter which side you play. Once one unit routs there is an increased chance that others will do the same. In my opinion this is more realistic, routs were 'infectious'.

Although Artillery Capture was a real thing I do not believe it operates realistically in the games. That is a sad thing.

Richard Coyne wrote:
One other point, I don't concern myself with the Vp totals, I play the game more as an extension of
my study of the Civil War. I consider myself an amateur Historian and am Fascinated by the 19th century,
IMO it's the century that made America What it once was. Before we decided remake the world.
The 18th century was the beginning of our, Nation But the 19th was when we became a nation.
The 20th Century is when we became embroiled in the world as a whole and were dragged into the very
thing we as America wanted to escape from. The 21st Century IMO is the decline of our nation due to corruption
of our Government,Social,and Education System.

Now back to how this game fits in. I go to the Battlefields to remember those who gave their lives Both sides in this great struggle.
What our countryman went thru in the military, the civilians, the enslaved and their rise out of bondage all of it

This Game system helps me to understand the Military tactics of the day. The odds and determination both sides fought.
In the end War is the worst of humanity and yet the humanity that comes out of it is a valuable lesson .

"This Game system helps me to understand the Military tactics of the day."

Very good. That is what appeals to me too. The correct application of period tactics should generally result in a victory in the game. However, I do feel that the casualties from any scenario are far too high to be realistic. I can accept those figures only by regarding them as including 'those who have lost the will to fight' in addition to the standard casualty count being killed and wounded.

Paul Swanson
First Division
First Corps
Army of Northern Virginia

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 Post subject: Re: Advantage Slider
PostPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2024 9:24 pm 
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" However, I do feel that the casualties from any scenario are far too high to be realistic."

I think part of that is we fight our units way longer than real life,
Playing Campaign games or Long Battles forces to pace yourself
Also if you turn off faster recovery rates a Unit deep into Yellow is done for the day
I really try to keep Units that are in contact in the Green if at all possible

Captain R.T Coyne
7th Brigade 4th Division" Coyne's Cavalry Rangers"
1st Corp Army of Northern Virginia

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 Post subject: Re: Advantage Slider
PostPosted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 1:43 am 
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Richard Coyne wrote:
" However, I do feel that the casualties from any scenario are far too high to be realistic."

I think part of that is we fight our units way longer than real life,
Playing Campaign games or Long Battles forces to pace yourself
Also if you turn off faster recovery rates a Unit deep into Yellow is done for the day
I really try to keep Units that are in contact in the Green if at all possible

Yes, there are a few adjustments that can lessen overall casualties. Higher Fatigue Recovery Rates and Rout Limiting deselected; Partial Retreats selected. Also, like in most of Blake's MP games you could agree to Casualty Limits, once a side reached a pre-determined level of casualties the battle is over, the side that has reached their limit has lost.
The long battles can be better overall but in practice I've found that they rarely go the distance. One side or the other often has so many casualties after about 1-1.5 days the victor is obvious, and the loser concedes.

The main reason for the high casualties is that battles are stand-alone affairs. There's no need to preserve your force to fight again another day. I did participate in one custom campaign but the losses for one side were so heavy in the second battle it would have been pointless to proceed with the planned battles subsequent to that one.

Paul Swanson
First Division
First Corps
Army of Northern Virginia

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