Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC)

Kulm (Chlumec), Bohemia. August 29, 1813.
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Author:  Richard Bradshaw [ Sun Sep 01, 2013 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kulm (Chlumec), Bohemia. August 29, 1813.

Is there no stopping this French madman? I have been firing my best cannon balls, polished to a high gloss, and yet he still marches on. Perhaps I should glue notes that say "fixed" on them so they will be stopped in their tracks. Seems to work on my troops.

Author:  Cezary Pluskwa [ Tue Sep 03, 2013 2:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kulm (Chlumec), Bohemia. August 29, 1813.

... the battle expired ... smoke dissipated, the noise stopped ... on the walls of the fortress of Neisse hung around the white flag ... Capitulation! ... resound a loud hurray around ... Vive l'Empereur! Vive le Maréchal Vandamme! ...General urged his horse ... his sides was surrounded by a soldiers ... hats, caps flew into the air ... the fortress gate slowly opened up ... they wait for us ... enemy officers and soldiers ... they were Prussians! ... Russians?! ... no, Prussians!? ... Russians! ... noise returned, screams grew ... Russians! ... Russians!! ...

General Vandamme woke up! What? How? Where? This is not Silesia? No year of 1807? Fortresses Neisse, Glatz, Silberberg? Victory!? Glory!? Asked himself in shock.

Sire, the Russians are coming! Everywhere! Aides reported.
I see! Shouted self-possessed. He looked to the left, straight ahead, to the right. Quickly assessed the situation.

They will lure here! They will defend here! There will attack us! Successive couriers departed quickly to the commanders of the regiments.

The cannonade grow up! The hills greened from enemy uniforms!
Looked at your men! Blue battalions marched, step by step, sure steps!

Vive l'Empereur! Screamed with pep.

And we hit here, here! And here!! He pointed out hand. Nobles nodded.
En Avant, Messieurs!!! Replied to the soldiers.

It began!

Author:  MCJones1810 [ Tue Sep 03, 2013 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kulm (Chlumec), Bohemia. August 29, 1813.

1st Tenente Bradshaw, rather than spend all of that time polishing cannon balls, might I suggest that you polish one small, silver mirror instead? When the French rabble assault you en masse as is their practiced habit, simply toss the mirror in among them. They will literally kill each other in a desperate attempt to see their own reflection. When there remains only one French soldier alive, in my experience this is usually one of their Guardsmen, you simply take him prisoner, or shoot him on the spot, and reclaim the mirror for future use. :evil: :twisted: :mrgreen:

Author:  Richard Bradshaw [ Tue Sep 03, 2013 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kulm (Chlumec), Bohemia. August 29, 1813.

Madre Dios, Major General, your plan is diabolical! Perhaps I should throw 2 mirrors into the mix to disrupt their horses, for even they preen about, except for that ornery mule Senor Napoleon rode over the Alps. He seems content as the load is so light.

Author:  Cezary Pluskwa [ Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kulm (Chlumec), Bohemia. August 29, 1813.

Still raining. Raindrops bounced off from of tree crowns.

The battle apparently froze. Troops have constantly changed positions, cursing at staff officers.

Cholera! A Pole said. Polish officer, a colonel on the staff of General Vandamme. I get wet 1.5 hours!
Me too. The second officer nodded. Wiping the rain drops from the nose, face.
Russians as they went, so they stood ... shouted, developed to the lines, bayonets flashed ... stand, stare and soak in the mizzle. Said yet.

And very well. Said the commander in chief. Look, Messieurs!

Their cavalry, guard cavalry rode to the our ranks, get a few volleys, dozens have fallen. Applause for the General Division Philipphon. Counterattack, exactly by their infantry, on town Straden, failed! Artillery, an honor for you. Their some cavalry encircles us, trying to get the town Schanda. But chasseurs and lancers are watching for them.

Maybe looking for food? Yyy ... Take a prisoner! I wanted to say! Quickly corrected some officer.

Calm down, Messieurs! Retorted the general. If a soldier doesn't fight, it is hungry! Always! Thought. Collation awaits at Teplitz, perhaps in Priesten! Heard positive smiles. Messenger to General Philipphon! End this picnic! Get ready for attack!

When the tramp of horses fell silent, in dark mountains still rained.

Author:  Richard Bradshaw [ Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kulm (Chlumec), Bohemia. August 29, 1813.

Fearing what could be lurking in the dark woods, my men lined up for action but would not enter. My officers felt the French, who in this damp environment, were more frog like than usual and were planning on marching through the trees to attack us from the rear. (So very French of them). We noticed very few flies in the area despite our refusal to dig latrines. But with enough vodka in their bellies a few "brave" souls can always be found.

A unit of skirmishers boldly skirmished one additional hex into the feared woods and came face to face with the boogey man, Monseur Paris! Too late to dig a latrine now! Heaven knows what will befall those poor blokes in this next turn. There were hundreds of the frog legged troops in two columns. More are feared behind them. Hopefully the rain has dampened their powder and their spirits.

Author:  Richard Bradshaw [ Sun Sep 15, 2013 7:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kulm (Chlumec), Bohemia. August 29, 1813.

Their fear of the woods was justified. Hordes of the blue tide appeared before them. They were fixed in position before because of programers, now they were now fixed by fear. They went through my line like a hot Frenchman through a garlic buttered, soft cheese filled croissant. My stacks of 500 vs his stacks of 1400 was not going to work for me. It is over, I surrendered.

Author:  Cezary Pluskwa [ Sun Sep 15, 2013 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kulm (Chlumec), Bohemia. August 29, 1813.

At the HQ, although the rain was, buzzed like a beehive.
Messengers brought further reports, one by one, went away hurriedly salute.

Sire! Prisoners reported about the whole Russian Guards near the forest! Said about 10-12 battalions! 5000 soldiers! Maybe more! Said one runner.

Sacrébleu! There, where hits 1st Division! How do they know? Maréchal asked himself.
Walked upset about.

Sire! Cossacks, these, the steppe dogs intercepted our messages! Told the Polish officer.
Mon Dieu! Too late to appeal attack! Stared on the map.

Any news? From Napoleon? Where is Saint-Cyr? Asked the officers. Le Maréchal Marmont? Already can we see the columns coming from Pirna? Looked up from one to the other.

There was no answer.

Abruptly appeared a messenger on breathless horseback .
Sire, enemy cavalry on the horizon, in the south! New, fresh units! Reinforcement! Said with the hasty voice.

Nous sont perdu! ... A some French officer said quietly. Second staff officer scolded him.

Marshal Vandamme said bluntly: Messieurs, no matter! The French war machine started! It began! En Avant! To the saddles! Hurriedly goes out.

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, despite the rain, the thunder of cannons, the cries of the soldiers grew. Marshall did not know yet, but the soldiers of the 1st Division drove up a wedge in the Russian position, scooped 20 guns ...

Author:  Aloysius Kling Sr [ Sun Sep 15, 2013 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kulm (Chlumec), Bohemia. August 29, 1813.

Lieutenant Bradshaw, you can take solace in the fact you where battling one of the La Grande Armée's better battling Officers!

While I congratulate Lieutenant Colonel Pluskwa, I for one will not poke fun at you. I also lost a battle this week to one of the new officers in the Coalition.

Battle On...

Author:  Richard Bradshaw [ Sun Sep 15, 2013 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kulm (Chlumec), Bohemia. August 29, 1813.

And battle on I will!

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