Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC)

Moaning Frogs fail to respond is Vaigra the answer
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Author:  Jim Hall [ Fri Nov 21, 2003 8:09 am ]
Post subject:  Moaning Frogs fail to respond is Vaigra the answer

Gentlemen Officers of the numerous Coalitions

Have you noticed how the moaning reptiles say they have no opposition to fight, perhaps it is because if it is not strictly on their terms they will not engage.[:D]

The game designers give them all the advantages Portuguese Legion rated the same as 95th Rifles[:0]

I have posted a Campaign Challenge with minimal response[:(]
Long in words short in action perhaps[:p]

Major Gen. Sir "Lucky" Jim (K.G.)
Commander of The Guards
Allied/Dutch Army
"And let my sword not sleep in my hand"

Author:  743 [ Fri Nov 21, 2003 8:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Maybe they are upset that you call them reptiles while they are batrachians ?
Send me a courier if you're not too frightened by a mad frog. (BGW and PTW only, sorry[:I])

General Brygady Baron J. Spinali, Comte de l'Isère
Dowodca 29. Brygady Lekkiej Kawalerii,AdR
Dowodca Brygady Nadwislanskej, Moyenne Garde

Author:  Tomasz [ Fri Nov 21, 2003 9:34 am ]
Post subject: 

Sir, with pleasure!

Full campaign sounds great. You'll find me at - if you dare [:D]

Marechal T. Nowacki
XVI Dywizja Piechoty
Comte de Liege
Duc de la Moskova
OG Chasseur a Cheval

Author:  Neville Worland [ Fri Nov 21, 2003 12:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have NRC and Wagram, if you can spare the time to teach a poor inexperienced Australian some lessons. And you can bring Jonny bloody Wilkenson too. For some reason, I can't send e-mails from this site, so would appreciate it if you would be so kind as to send a courier.

Lt Neville Worland
7ème Régiment de Dragons
Ier Corps de Réserve de Cavalerie
Army du Nord

Author:  Jim Hall [ Fri Nov 21, 2003 11:03 pm ]
Post subject: 


Thank you for your kind words and rapid response.

Colonel Corbin has won the race subject to us finalising a few minor technicalities.

I may have been referring to the snake like qualities of the French not their amphibian nature or their similarity to Rana temporaria but in truth I meant “frogâ€

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